Anyone else notice how the Aurora, IL shooting got instantly memory holed? Here's a picture of the shooter...

Anyone else notice how the Aurora, IL shooting got instantly memory holed? Here's a picture of the shooter, which also has hardly gotten any publicity. I wonder why? He killed 5 people.

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Dog bites man is not a news story.

>only 5

It's just so typical and aggravating to see this so clearly swept under the rug, whereas if he had been white this would have been on a nonstop news cycle for the next two weeks with endless social media posts/articles about how guns need to be taken away from violent white men. I'm sick of the double standard

>if he had been white
Man bites dog, now that's a news story.

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Contrary to narrative. Memory holed.

The negro also wounded 5 cops. But it is still fairly typical nigger behavior near Chicago. Read to keep track of what niggers are up to in Chicago.

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Sick enough to pack a helicopter full of “journalists”?

what race were the 5 victims ?

I did hear about 1 victim being a white boy who was doing some sort of college internship, it was his first day on the job and he was killed.

I heard nothing about the other 4 victims. I presume they must be white also, if the media isn't talking about them and completely dropped this story.

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>Anyone else notice how the Los Angeles, CA synagogue shooting got instantly memory holed?

security guard called a transvestite "nazi" and shot him in the leg. nothing at all on any of the major networks

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As soon as I heard that it was a probably a black dude I knew it was going to be memory holed and sure enough that's what happened.

If he was white we'd still be hearing about it.

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one cow at charlottesville dies from being too fat, some kid gets blamed for it (who wasn't the driver) and apparently is being jailed for life, but the news coverage didn't stop.
but this nigger gets special treatment.
yes, it's jews, nothing but cutdick brain damaged jews looking to start fights between nigs and whites

4 whites, 1 spic. one other employee was wounded. race unk atm

How it happened did it happened in one place ?
>instantly memory holed
Only heard it here, never mentioned in French news I doubt AP reported on it.

I just looked it up because this hadn't crossed my mind, and of course you're right. Fuck the media and fuck journalists, absolute scum of the earth

Yes, he shot up the company he worked at after getting fired. Killed 5 employees and shot 5 police officers nonfatally

They really seemed geared up to blast this event all over MSM until it was a black guy.

> black
> handgun

To be fair there are so many mass shootings that only double digit ones get any extended coverage.

Its partly the blackness but perhaps has more to do with the fact it was an illegal gun in a "gun free zone"

>Russell Beyer
the kid he killed was his union advocate. nigger got fired awhile back and the kid got the nigger his job back. the kid went to bat for this piece of shit and got killed for his efforts.

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Was all over local news for literally just one day
t. chicagoland

my newspaper has been talking about him for two days as if he is a white trump supporter, front page articles in the Worcester MA Telegram and Gazette.

>pack a helicopter full of

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winner winner
chicken dinner

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this. fuck the kikes

bump for exposure

(((They))) only care about the shootings that they can exploit. It should be obvious by now.

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Jeez that guy has really bad posture.

Yeah this is why I only read them for local issues. Also hey there fellow Worcester County bro.

t. Leomínster

ALL liberals must die. They will always kill us. We should kill them first.

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Aurora user here, the flag was at full staff outside their building on Saturday!

What's odd to me about this is El Chapo was found guilty a few days before the shooting. As kids we knew that Aurora was a hub for the cartels!

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This is the company that owns the complex Henry Pratt is part of. We need to look into it!

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you know why, but the that's what ought to happen with any of this shit
the people who actually suffer the actions and what comes after should the limit of attention such things get - it's not anyone else's business and neither should it be, let alone literally millions of completely unrelated people's business

why did they fire him? what she shit at working or did he do nothing wrong.

wrong skin color not even CNN could get bright enough
that's why

He shot and killed mostly white men, too. Can't let that news get out.

Lets be honest. CNN would still report as white.

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Mass shootings in America need a certain body count to be notable or else happen in a school. They're so common that we just don't notice them otherwise.

>black shooter
>handgun and not “AR-15 style assault rifle”
>no dead kids
Don’t worry, these 5 deaths will be added to the mass shootings tally, but his race will be forgotten amongst the narrative that all mass shooters are white men, probably right wing.

illegal firearm
>but he was a great worker I swear

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>He killed 5 people.

5 people is monday in Murishootland. You gotta kill at least 20 to stay relevant for more than a week.

I can say the Canadian news didn't speak a peep about it, meanwhile anytime it was a white guy, it got significant coverage.

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Or if he was white. Nigger

you nazi tards will find anything to feel persecuted about

go cry over a cheerios ad faggot

Black shootings are easy to memory hole because they always target their workplace or just a public place in general. Cedric Larry Ford, Aaron Alexis, Omar Thorton, Colin Ferguson, John Felton Parish, David A. Burke, Henry Bello. When there's no children involved, people are less susceptible to the gun control agenda.