i start... trump will lose 2020 bigly. its all about "no trump" in the next election, thus i think every candidate pretty much has a good chance of winning. this is also literally the honeypot for newcomers
I say
kayla harris
i start... trump will lose 2020 bigly. its all about "no trump" in the next election, thus i think every candidate pretty much has a good chance of winning. this is also literally the honeypot for newcomers
I say
kayla harris
*Kamala Harris
Yea, Karmel Harris. The brown bolshevik will win.
Do you guys get paid for these shill threads or do you do it just for fun?
SheMonkey Kamala is going down for staging hoaxes. Jussie Smollett was her doing.
Ok faggot. What exactly is shilly in this thread? Either post your fucking prediction or go cry somewhere else.
Back to discord with you, tranny.
man you guys are really not sending your best
I think you're talking about yourself. So, you better should go.
Kamaliar Harlot....laughable at best.
Bernie is the only one who actually has a chance. Other than that it's looking like an easy win for Trump
Kill yourself tranny
>german flag
>anti trump
whatever you say schlomo
there's nothing the left can do, it wll be djt 2020
Repubs ran on “No Obama” in 2012, and it ended disasterously. They had no message than “I’m not Obama”. That’s all Democrats have said the last 2 years about Trump.
Also digits say Trump wins
>No u
You're going to have to do better than that. Anyone who ironically wants Trump to lose isn't being ironic at all. Thats the catch 22 of Jow Forums. The rabbit hole is so far down that you essentially have to put a wall of illogical shit between you and leftists in order to discern the faggots using logic to try and justify left leaning policies. Thats how you catch the kikes here.
It's unfortunate that I was not born earlier. I won't be eligible til 2028
дa тoвapищ, хopoший дepьмoвый пocт, y нac бyдeт кoзыpь из oфиca sson, a зaтeм пepeйдeм к cлeдyющeй чacти плaнa
From a 3rd person perspective you are the one looking retarded here.
He provided arguments, all you did is namecalling.
He is making a valid point and all you've done is make yourself look stupid.
>implying I want trump to lose while just stating facts
>doesn't realize that trump is a major kike faggot.
>completely dismisses that Trump even betrayed his own base.
Trump will not win this 2020, except if he pulls out something major that gives him the big win. As I told you. 2020 will be all about "No Trump" and that's why most people are more encouraged than ever to vote against him, which is why Dems will not even give a fuck who they will vote for.
You are comparing apples and oranges, dude. Obama was black, so he pretty much had major demcunt support even republicunts were totally overwhelmed by his rhetorical speeches.
This one here though, Trump, will be different.
Nice translator, faggot. And as it seems, you are one of those "trust the plan" Qfaggots, right?
I tell you something, buddy: Q is a big fucking ass LARP that has been fooling you now since 2017. I remember the big promises he made relating to the House ("Red Wave or Red Tsunami") and then Republicans lost the House and Q pulls out the "The Senate was the key all along" bs. And you ignored it and fell for it again.
There is no plan. If there really is a plan, Hillary, Obama, Bush, etc. would be in jail already, the pedos would be executed and hanged already. But none of this happened so far. What about FISA? Where is the supposed "big" drop that is going to bring down the house?
Omg u got 69 your prophecy of god emperor lord of kek and master of 4.5D back gammon will be fullfilled
Whatever u say Cletus, u meth smoking sister fucking moonshine drinkin trailer trash scum gun owner bible thumping retard
Obviously trumps going to win again:
>incumbent advantage
>knows how to energize crowds
>current crop of democratic candidates are too far left to appeal to the rust belt
>only three who could hypothetically beat trump are Castro, Gillibrand or Sherri’s Brown but they have to walk an extremely thin line between lefty socialist and blue collar working class candidate
>Sjws will slpit the party with sanders entering the race again
Although pic related seems to be the new Clinton in the sense that donors and AIPAC are lining up in her favor
*Sherrod Brown
Trump will win re-election
>Can't vote until 2028
So the earliest year you turn 18 is 2025, meaning you were born at least after 2007. Literally 12 years old max. ok.jpeg