Instant extermination for anyone with a neck tattoo right?

Instant extermination for anyone with a neck tattoo right?

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Tattoos in general, regardless of size or placement.

Pretty much



Inb4 butthurt tattoo fags say,

They get the knife

Moralfags fuck off.

The line is already there.

ITT: Sissies are afraid of pain and not enough will power to decide for something permanently.

You worry about neck tattoos while disarmament has begun?

Only 2 places acceptable on men (upper arm and ass)
No places on women

Good luck with welders and electricians, oh and truck drivers etc.
Tattoos are still symbols of American working class people.

No, slavery for those who are fit for it. For all tattoo wearers except people in the navy or yakuza

>My opinion matters man and like this is so important to me that instead of actually informing myself about the subject, i just stand there liking this and that cant be without anyone noticing because I LIKED IT. ITS IMPORTANT.
Then absolutely 100% of the time I know shitloads of things more than the fucking tatooed normie about wathever shitty tatoo they have. Its like girls "I FUCKING LOVE THE MOON I HAVE IT IN MY NECK"
>Oh yeah? Whats the name of the biggest crater?
*angry silence*
They just play pretend.


got a problem with tats?

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Its a sign of cattle everywhere

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fpbp, tattoos are degenerate

>Tattoos in general, regardless of size or placement.
checked and /thread

Caring about the important problems again i see.

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I have lots of tattoos.
better than having non-blue eyes, now that is degenerate.

Public lashing.

everyone of you are betas

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Absolutely not. Scum identifying themselves as such is a good thing.

Holy shit. Someone made this kid look like Shrek keked

>You worry about neck tattoos while disarmament has begun?
yeah, I do.
faggits who get tatts shouldn't have guns, because they are mentally unsound.
tatts are literally advertisements for a persons mental illness and degeneracy

>Tattoos are still symbols of American working class people.
no they aren't

mental illness is a serious problem.
The good thing about tatts is that you know who is mentally ill.

>Scum identifying themselves as such is a good thing.
pretty much.

What's more degenerate than a nigger is not taking care of yourself. Someone destroying their body with tattoos is an easy way to spot a degenerate retard.

You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you: I am the Lord.

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you sound like a stereotypical Jow Forums doomer who wageslaves and waits for happenings all day
and nice memeflag

I bet you fap or drink alcohol yet you judge others?

You've willingly ruined your body, degenerate scum.

I once saw a picture of some arab SF fighting against ISIS that had a "cut here" tattoo on his neck. That looked pretty cool

Tattoos are normal. That's why Jow Forums hates them. There's really no other reason to care what other people do with their bodies.

alright, and those who play vidya should be instant exterminated too. vidya is very degenerate, is it not? so is smoking weed. pot smokers = instant exterminate.

boom just eradicated 90% of this board.

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jesus had a tattoo you false Christians.
>Revelation19:16 "And He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS."

Yeah its kinda a meme problem but poltards should stay away from tattooed fags because they obviously dont know anything about failure and regret.
I was your typical
>Tatoos mean nothing tee hee
And right now I would absolutely, silently disregard you if you have faggy tatoos.
There was this dude who had a lot because his wife wanted to learn to tattoo and he was "well practice on me" and dude didnt have even one before. Thats kinds cute. But usually you aredealing with narcissists and those people collide hard with poltards believe me. We want the truth. They want to be SEEN as a truther. And oh boi the discussions I had with tatooed inbreds were just.... It always ends with their butthurt because their feefees get hurt when they are wrong.

I just hate them on women. They are a great filter though.

Tattoos can be removed. Only a bullet can remove the 5% nigger in your DNA.

>he fell for the nofap meme
No-porn is another thing.
And no, I don't drink alcohol, nor do I want to subject myself to it.

so instead of refuting my unassailable points, you just sperg and call me names
why are you even here?

>he faps
Knew it. You’re a Godless degenerate.

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Jesus had a tattoo, you call him scum?
begone apostate memeflagger

Fuck u and your tattoos faggot

Why would vidya be degenerate if you combine it with exercise and a healthy diet? You quite literally cannot be degenerate by entertaining yourself, working on your motor skills, reflexes and memory unless it's a porn game and you don't do things a degenerate does on the side.

>"muh kike religion"
No thank you, user. It serves as a political weapon, nothing more. I don't live my life based on what some smelly 2000 year old sandnigger told people.
The problem is porn and literal fap addiction. Releasing yourself once a week isn't unhealthy.

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Jesus was a jew

Here's how I can prove that tatts are an indicator of mental illness:
Grill someone about their tatts. They will become unhinged, usually physically violent.
However, I do realize that good people occasionally make mistakes, and if they exhibit genuine remorse about their tatt, it's possible they aren't completely insane. Still, not someone who should be trusted.

yes it is. it depletes your dopamine levels for two weeks and causes hair loss.

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you’re so bluepilled it’s sad

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>Believing a book written by jews to enslave the masses
top shabbos goy

>"two weeks"
Maybe if you're a low test sòyboy who neither lifts nor takes care of himself, nor talks to women on a daily basis. Are you a low test sòyboy, user? Do you not lift? How much do you deadlift?

They're an affectation and are rooted in the fragile ego of the person, which makes them overreact to criticism, that doesn't make them mentally ill, just not very bright, gullible and vulnerable to group think.

>Rock music and tattoos are icky

Boomer thread

>that doesn't make them mentally ill, just not very bright, gullible and vulnerable to group think
so, not insane, but mentally defunct
interesting delineation

Purity spiralers usually find themselves alone.

Posting on Jow Forums is degenerate as well. Took care of the last 10 percent, enjoy.

>He says, directing his quote towards someone with Blue eyes

I mean you tried, but you are still trash.

tattoos determine where the knife cuts

All the cool kids are getting tattoos... Whether they want them or not.

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Except for service tats, I'd hope?

>Instant extermination for anyone with a tattoo right?

>Except for service tats
no exceptions
>fighting wars for israel

what's wrong with neck tattoos? It's like an instant warning against mental illness

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never seen a tattoo that doesn't look retarded.
Also it's a pretty good indicator for low iq.

>t. coping incel
I have yet to meet a chad that doesn't pound daily

yes, neck tattos= unemployable


how come some are on the front and some are on the back of the arm?
how come some early photos have 4 digits and newer ones have 6?
Why are some so thick and some thin if they used stamps?

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Idk I mean my girlfriend is a nurse, and her Doctor has a large back tattoo. I'd say that making sweeping generalizations about people, for any reason that isn't based on statistical analysis, is a good sign of low IQ.

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>visible tattoo
Very bad choice

>Her doctor
She's getting railed out there, my man

>Believing a book written by jews to enslave the masses
Fuck off, vargnigger. You lot ought to be exterminated.

in fact they should be mandatory for all subhumans

>implying doctors have or even need high iq
average intelligence is more than enough to memorize a few latin words

Looks likes wearing a choker. The black belt und giving blowjobs.

I only see tats on oogaboogas and woogas.

Never got tattoos. Would you put a bumper sticker on a ferrari? I sure as hell won't, and im definitely not putting one on my body.

Why is everyone here calling tattoos degenerate. Warrior cultures have had tattoos for thousands of years and they used to mean something significant. How is getting a tattoo to symbolize something significant you’ve done in your life degenerate?

Doctor is a married female
Yeah man, you're probably right, medical school is easy, I lost checked the medical school website and it said 40+ IQ, you in nigga! I cede to your obviously Superior, near clairvoyant intellect

It’s almost like a dotted line...

The classic anchor is alright if you’re a longshoreman, and uhh..... hmmm.
No that’s about it.

Male tattoos are a warrior tradition and many of them are literally Nazi tattoos
Sorry guys, I'm gonna let em pass

People with neck tattoos will be the ruling class after the day of the rope.

>t. loser with a neck tattoo

>Instant extermination for anyone with a neck tattoo right?
......................yea.....yea okay.

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But medical school is easy though.

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are you stupid? School is all about memorizing stuff you forget in a few weeks time. My maths teacher in high school admitted she has no clue about the stuff she is teaching us and she had a phd in mathematics.

come at me bro

Besides your blood type on your arm.

Unless it says, "I've had it up to here".

there are some useful tattoos but generally speaking tattoos are degenerate

Thats what dog tags are for

Seeing a alpha jawed aryan chad with a degenrate and cringy tattoo is a sign of how far the white man has fallen.

fpbp, its a little sign saying i'm no longer fully human.



checked and tatpilled