Why are Christian “men” so effeminate?

Is this the reason why the church is dying under weak leadership and a clergy stacked with satanic pedophiles?

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Because masculine Christian males have left the organized church systems, after seeing them degenerate into political echo Chambers led by effete cucks and senile anachronisms, and have either become solitary Christians or non practicing deists.

most of men from big cities are very effeminate while women from big cities are fairly decent so her concerns are justified

fpbp, as always

>women from big cities are fairly decent

it's cause she's ugly as fuck
Any alpha male christians want nothing to do with her

Real men left Christianity because they know it's bullshit.

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You are beyond moronic.

Just curious, how many children did she have out of wedlock?

Because men have been told for half a century that strength is bad and evil and nothing but being a passive cuck is acceptable.