ITT: Ask the Opposite Sex Anything

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>What do girls/guys think about ?
>Do like ?
There is no one answer. Preferences differ and worrying about some complex only ever makes things worse. In fact, worries like complexes are very often the real problem.

>I'm shy and afraid of .
Get over it by practicing and exposing yourself to it, bit by bit, step by step. You can't rely on some "magic moment" (or activity) to instantly change you.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out. "Signs" of attraction are basically meaningless.

>Where do I meet people?
Anywhere outside. Or online. Above all, leave your comfort zone.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me.
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, froyo, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, gallery, park, .

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would you rather date a guy who was promiscuous or date a guy who was never promiscuous?

@ females out there:

Would you date a male working in a low paying manual job even though he is smart (not a retard but just hating office jobs) ?

Today is my coworkers last day. I pulled her aside and told her how great a job she did and how much I appreciated her good work during our busy season.
Later she gave me and another guy a going away / early Xmas present. I feel like a d bag for not getting her something. Should I have?
It might not be too late for me to run to Target, if so what would be an appropriate gift?


why is it that you get so offended if someone judges you based on your number of sexual partners. But you heavily judge the shit out of guys based on their career choices?

Girl I was talking to mentioned hanging out over Christmas break from college but when I tried to text her casually she just left me on read after about the second or third text in. Should I even fucking try again or just leave it be. We used to be pretty close friends but since college we've grown apart somewhat. That's why I was surprised she wanted to hang out over break when she told me a few months ago.

She probably just wanted attention. I’ve had girls tell me “hey we need to hang out! Text me!” And when I do they never get back.

That's really shitty if true, should I even bother trying again? I do enjoy her company and being around her but if it's just gonna come across as clingy or pathetic I don't wanna do it.

Iam a guy here, but i can answer some questions
Depends on the Girl, different Girl different preferences, some like bad boys, some dont
Girls tend to like the hard working character, while some like the buisness oriented goal achiever type, if you are both you are gold in her eyes
you allready answered yourself, a hardworking woman would rather choose the household boy or the opposite hard working male. if you had bad choices in either carreer or women you tend to do bad choices in the future. ask yourself or your best girlfriend if you did any bad choices lately, but never stop achieving goals or you become boring

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At what age were you most attracted to 19 year old men?

Serious question

No, let her initiate. If she actually cares she’ll contact you.

Single 40 year olds like 19 year olds. The only thing is tho you have to really make it obvious you like them, otherwise they won’t think you’re serious.

I don't like single 40 year olds. My ideal girlfriend is 18-20, but I've noticed 16-17 year old girls take the most interest in me because they think I'm "older, nature and wiser" I suppose. But ironically I can't be attracted to a 16 year old, even if it is legal here, I see them as children.

I was kinda seeing if my theory was true cause its actually hard to get a gf at 19/20, that's when they're most sought after I suppose

This cute chinese girl from work said she had a dream about me,

We used to chill around the office alot and talk a bit. I took her out for lunch and she took a selfie of her and me together and sent it to her mom. Thing is I told her I had a girl already.

Think I have shot ? It's been a while since woman literally admitted she was "dreaming of me"

Is it possible to have a 2 girls at once situation going?

Dude. What are you even asking, you’re all the same age. 1 year doesn’t make a difference

Yea im getting that age group a bit easier at 24 girls prefer older men most of the time. Current gf is 18 easily stole her from a guy about your age.

He is saying he wants a girl in his age group but they seem to be more attracted to older men which for the most part is true.

A girl I have been hanging out with (having lunches together, gone to movie together, inviting her to a small party at my place etc) is gonna be spending her Christmas holidays far away from the place where I will be spending my Christmas, so we can't really see each other in real life during the following few weeks. I have a crush on her and I think that she also likes me given that she was the one who initially asked me out and has also agreed to go out with me when I asked her in return. She also baked brownies for me and even though I am socially retarded, even I know that you don't just bake stuff for people who you have only recently gotten to know unless you have some interest in him/her.
Anyways, as she is going to be away I am wondering if I should keep in touch with her via facebook or shit like that during this time, or would it be weird. We aren't after all really dating, (I haven't even hugged her yet), but at the same time, I genuinely am gonna miss her. I can't get her out of my head.

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Thanks asshole, give her back

Just text her nigger

Girls, if a guy had the reputation of being a philanderer, what would it take to convince you otherwise?
Basically, how do I get rid of my bad rep?

I don't know what to say to her tho.

Hey how are holidays going? etc

I guess I could use that.

Boys- I need more bdsm material for being dominant with my bf. I feel like I’ve run out of things to say?

My gf (22) and I (23) haven't had sex yet. We have been together for over a month. But the furthest we have been was making out, that was over a week ago.
After we made out I told her that I am a virgin and she said she likes me for me not my experience or lack of.
But since then we haven't been past that stage.
I do kiss her when we're on a date and when I am dropping her off.
She is shy, I think she had 1 bf, and he cheated on her.
Her roommate is leaving the apartment in a week, maybe she is waiting for that?
What do I do? Do I ask her why aren't we moving forward? Or just relax?
I don't want her to think that I am in it for the sex. Because I am not. But I also think sex is an important part of a relationship.
Maybe I am the one who is supposed to initiate this? Like when I am dropping her off should I ask her to go up with her? Or she is the one who is supposed to do that?
Help anons!

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Boys like it when you stroke their hands, forearms, they like it when you stroke their hair, lick their necks and tummies and they like it when you sleep on top of them and bump and grind together like little rabbits.


If your gf offers to loan you money when you're struggling, do you take it? or is it an empty gesture?

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Girls, my ex-gf texted me this because of the upcoming christmas party tomorrow

>don't start drinking too soon without me, otherwise i won't be able to keep up :p
She's lending me her sleeping bag, even asked me if i want a mat under that.
Texted her that i've something planned for her
She replied pretty flirty

What gives?


And she wishend me a good night and sweet dreams.
No ex-gf wishes that her ex-bf, do they

Just ask her if she wants to have sex, be the man. Don't expect her to take lead, she won't.

So, it took you three weeks to get to kissing and now you are in a rush for sex?

How do I tell my gf I do not want her to lose weight?
My gf is not obese, I would not even say she is fat.She is a little bit chubby, maybe a teeny tiny bit overweight.
But I love her the way she looks, her chubbiness is cute to me and really sexy. Originally it was not when I first met her but as I fell for her It awoke a love of slightly chubby girls in me.
Fuck shes not even chubby shes just not a skeleton like some of her friends and enjoys to eat take out and chocolate.

I don't know how to break it to her because I think it bothers her that I am also a skeleton even though I eat like a pig.
She weighs a bit more than me and I think it bothers her as she brings it up sometimes.
I can't help it though, I am just one of those faggots that is stick thin and can't put on weight.
But I love her the way she is and think she is perfect, I don't want her doing uncomfortable things for me.

>I don't want her doing uncomfortable things for me.

WHat is she doing?

Not eating the things she likes and dieting.
For example if we are out shopping and stop in somewhere for a bite to eat she would only have a cup of tea and say she is not hungry.
Shes not gone anorexic she still eats meal but it is food she doesn't enjoy, she has gone a bit irritable from it.

Ok, why do you think she is doing this for you? Can't it be that she is jealous of a friend or something?

you forgot to add "attractive" to older men

She brings up how skinny I am quite a bit but I am not sure it could be she is jealous of a friend or a combination of both.

You two are delusional and unaware of your caloric intake. You're not special, you eat fuck all, hence why you're skinny, you just don't have a healthy perspective of what a healthy food portion is. She's fat because she's a secret snacker, and she's delusional about how much she over eats, which is a terrible trait to have!

It would benefit you both reading the Jow Forums sticky to try and learn about portion sizes

Have you talked to her, at all, about this? Not tried to convinced her, not anything, just ask her how she is feeling and if everything is alright?

Am I right to feel slightly annoyed that he hardly ever outright asks to see me, and that I always have to do it?

We dated for 2 months or so (in which more often than not I did the asking out, I did so for the first date) and then I spent 3 months abroad and he would occasionally text me, but never bother to really have a proper conversation. Now I've come back for Christmas a few days ago and he texted me today asking what I'm up to and he's confusing me because it's like he's hinting that he wants to see me but he's so subtle about it.

Why won't he just say it? It makes me wonder if he's actually interested in seeing me o if he's bored. He's an older man so I doubt he's doing this to play games. Whenever I have asked him out before he'd immediately say yes but even so I have a bit of a fear for some reason

I dunno, just wondering if I'm seeing this too negatively. I feel like if he did really like me he'd just tell me to see him

if you did really like him you'd just tell him to see him

never desu

>He's an older man so I doubt he's doing this to play games.

OK, first things first: If he is dating a girl your age, he is mentally your age and will play games like guys your age. Never assume you are too mature and that's why older people are into you, it's usually the other way around (they are inmature.)

Now, what to do: Ask yourself what you want. He is clearly just having some fun, so unless you are in the same boat, don't ask him out.

I think I will do it because I really want to see him but as I said I've pretty much always done the asking out and dunno why he won't, it makes me scared he's not that interested

Learn to love me ;_; for I desire the touch of a woman's soft cold hards across mine.

find it out by going for it, fuck others, do what you want user, if it doesn't work out move on but do it otherwise you will regret not having done it

Me and my gf started talking as friends again - then something happened and we had a huge fight, even bigger than we had when we broke up.

I had a call from a other girl a couple of days before to go to a coffe, but I refused because I still had hope - but when we broke up, I messaged the other girl "Ey its me lest meet up at friday", both via SMS and Viber (she doesn't have social media). Long story short, a friend called me and told me go to your ex she is devastated. So I left and we said that we should become friends again.

The thing is I'm scared if something comes out, the girl didn't answer anything, but I promised my ex that I didn't talk to any other girls before and after (and I reallly didnt apart from this one). me and my ex are talking as friends still, and I wan't to get together with her.

From a female perspective, what do you think will that girl spread the story, and what do you usually do when a guy hits you up, do you tell anyone? This happened 8 days ago.

just be kind and get to know a girl. might be easier going for girls your age

Here's some advice I got when job hunting: Don't tell them why the job would be good for you, tell them why you'd be good for the job.

I think you can see how this applies to your situation.

>tfw I want to ask out this girl that I barely know just to get this over with
Is this wrong? What's the alternative?

Context: she is a new apprentice at this physical therapy place that I take my relative (the patient) to. She's just started this Monday and I've seen her for the second time today.

Why I want to get to know her: because she seems to be shy, quiet and she is pale and pretty.

Before we get to talking about her, let's talk about you. Tell me a bit about your last relationship, how you met the girl, asked her out, etc.

It's just women online I speak to that cause me such grief and despair. The real life ones are great, but they don't seen to go the same parties as me haha

Yeah that is true... He doesn't have trouble getting girls so I suppose the fact he's been texting me despite me being in another country for 3 months means there is at least some interest on his side

Like most women I'm not too sure what I want lol. I'm not in love with him and I do treat it all pretty light-heartedly and I know if he rejects me, it will hurt a lot but I will get over it eventually. However, at the same time I do miss him and always think about him... I really would like to see him. He's the first guy who bothered waiting and actually getting to know me before trying to sleep with me, that means a lot for me

Like during a conversation you mean? Or like when I am at her place? Or at the end of the date?
What should I say?

2 weeks for a kiss, next week we made out. It's been 2 weeks since.

>at the same time I do miss him and always think about him...

He clearly doesn't think about you as much if he is not trying to see you again after a couple months.

I know this is rude, but I'm ust trying to be blunt and clear. You want to call him, you think highly of him, you think about him a lot. Do you really believe he feels the same way about you?

Why would it be wrong? Dates are how you get to know someone. It might be a little awkward for her to say no if she wants to say no though. How long is your relative going to be in physical therapy?

>The real life ones are great, but they don't seen to go the same parties as me haha

So, basically, there are no real life women you could ask out, am I correct?

Men (or women i guess)

how do i stop being jealous of my boyfriend’s female friend? i know he’s faithful and they’re just doing wholesome friend activities but it still makes me feel kind of uncomfortable

he’s hanging with her right now and they’re making food at her house...i feel like if they were out in public doing something i wouldn’t have a problem but for some reason him being at her house/cooking (stuff usually my bf and i do together) makes me feel uncomfortable

i’m assuming this is irrational? if so, how do i just let it go

(again i know for a fact he’s not cheating)

I would just bring it up over conversation, "hey, want to go on a date / spend the together and have sex?". Just ask, you're adults, don't try and act like you're sexually immature (even if you are, fake it until you make it).

Or text her asking if she wants to come watch netflex and chill tonight?

How physical are you guys? Describe your make out sessions.

imagine if they were naked in front of each other but nothing happened, at all, they only talked like friends
now entrust that picture into your head
that is how much you have to and need to trust him

There might be, I'm trying to move out, and when I have my own place I will be in a better situation to invite girls I know onto dates

Lol... 100% they're fucking

But are there any girls you could ask out right now? Let's imagine you go to the movies and to eat out instead of hanging out at your place. Is there anyone you could ask out?

nah they’ve been friends for years and he was a complete incel before he met me even while he was friends with her

But why do you feel this way?

because she herself knows deep down she would at the very least do something
so she projects that onto her bf

simple as that

maybe lack of trust? i dated my ex for two years and right before he went off to college he started showing interest in/texting other girls that were going to his out of state college...

although not cheating it still made my heart sink

i left him because i knew he was going to cheat... although i know my current boyfriend isn’t going to cheat i still think there’s remnant distrust there

Ew, why would you call your boyfriend an incel? You sound like a disgusting person. I hope he does cheat on you, you're the only femcel here.

Probably not. As I said he did text me when I came back but he wasn't being upfront about what he wants...

I don't know, I'm struggling between my dignity and desires

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lol we both joke and call him an incel

>i still think there’s remnant distrust there

But why? They are different people are you seem so sure about this current guy. Are you really sure or not? If you are sure, what's the risk?

I am going to get into volunteering soon. So likely can when I do

i’m 99% sure but that one percent is eating at my soul

So you're mentally unhinged and he is self deprecating for pussy. God that's sad.

>I'm struggling between my dignity and desires

It's fine to give in to desire and fuck around. Just don't fall for him, it sounds like he is not falling for you.

31 years old, dateless.

>It might be a little awkward for her to say no if she wants to say no though
I know. I won't make a big deal out of it, though.
>How long is your relative going to be in physical therapy?
For the rest of his life (who knows how much that is). I don't know how long her apprenticeship is.

Good luck

If he's desperate enough to put up with you for pussy, he's without a doubt cheating right now.

I'm so confused why you asked me these questions, I thought you had a point to make.

You can never fully control another person. You need to learn to live with that knowledge.

i'm really into bbc cuck stuff to the point where I would go through with it if the gf was willing. obv I don't tell this and have no plans to because I value a normal relationship but what would happen if she finds out? dealbreaker?

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I already made it, and you replied. You don't have a shot with girls right now because you don't engage socially with girls. Even if you had your own place you wouldn't be able to date anyone.

But you also said you are going to do new stuff and meet new people, so what more advice can I offer? You are in a good path.

Oh. I don't meet girls currently cause I'm in the hospital. But after I have lots of plans to make the most of my good health while I have it

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Sorry to hear that, but it doesn't change the fact that you are not hanging out and going out right now.

Glad to hear you are getting better.

if she just finds out about ur fetish? maybe nothing. maybe she'd do it for you. but if you don't want that thats still fine just keep it to yourself

Lol, I can't walk at the moment. I was in a car crash.
I hope to walk in a years time tho

Dude, I think you have more things to worry about than about dating right now.

Yeah, but it would be nice to have someone to move out with cause otherwise it will be super hard to take care of myself

Plus I'm tired of laying in bed alone, I really want someone to hold me

i do keep it to myself but at some point she will find out i'm sure. my impression is that most girls would be disgusted and leave though. is that not the case?

And we go back to the start of this conversation, and now I'm sad because you learned nothing.

This is not about what you can get out of a girl, this is about what you can offer a girl. Work on getting better before worrying about dating.

no, many girls are into it and would gladly do it with permission, mostly because thats what their man wants.

just don't worry about it too much

Well I'm still a man at the end of the day, all I want a girlfriend for is to cuddle and cook for me.

And with that attitude, it won't happen.

How do I aquire a gf and do all the relationship stuff without revealing that I´m turbo incel 3000?

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How good are you at making friends? I'm not saying you need to treat her like a friend, I'm just trying to asses your social prowess.

Why? I'm sure there's a girl out there who wants an independent man with his own place and wants to cuddle all day.

Women are just friends you can be intimate with. Its unhealthy to put them on the pedestal of ever devalue yourself.