Does government have a hand in social media censorship?

If so - why is only 'alt-right' rhetoric banned mostly?

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I mean. No it doesnt

Israeli and Jewish lobby groups probably do the most work out of anyone

Then why is all of the media pro-left? How can a political agenda (especially one that lost the last election) be beneficial for a corporation?

Lefties ban it because their ideaology tells them to brutally suppress it.
Liberals ban it because they're addicted to markets, money and dont like critiques of modern capitalism
Righties ban it because it makes gives whitey ideas and drives minorities away from the right
Jews in all groups ban it for obvious reasons

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Even slight movements in share value make a big difference, these companies are trying to dominate the world market and will seek increased market share at any cost. Also jews/anti-whites on the board, advertising companies, activist groups, etc. push for it.

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Stop asking questions

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The CIA has 22,000 declared employees. Just one problem, the parking lot at CIA Headquarters doesn't have parking spaces that can even accommodate 10% of those employees.

The CIA has employees spread out ALL OVER the country, working in all major newspapers and TV news stations and as police officers in small town America. The CIA has numerous employees working inside the Big Tech companies. Laura Jarrett (Valerie's daughter) getting a job at CNN is an example, most likely both the mother and daughter are CIA assets.

One of the key advantages of having Federal agents working inside the Big Tech companies, is that they don't need Search Warrants. Headquarters just calls up its employees working inside the tech company and gets the info directly.

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That would make the supervision really easy but I doubt they would be able to control the whole company in any way, sounds like a big net of rats.


So is Jow Forums some kind of controlled opposition, a place where they can monitor the and collect information?

>Does the government have unfiltered backend access to any major social media platform and analyses everything you post in real time

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O'Sullivan's law: any organization that isn't explicitly right wing, will become left wing over time due to leftist intolerance.

Right wingers will overlook political differences and hire a leftist If they think he's best for a job, and keep him on as long as he gets shit done and doesn't cause a headache. To leftists however, wrongthink is an unforgivable sin. If they're in charge of hiring they'll never hire a known right winger. If they get to a manager position they'll purge all right wingers they have the power to fire. If right wingers are above them on the totem pole and can't be fired, they bide their time waiting for anything they can use to drive them out.

>The CIA has employees spread out ALL OVER the country, working in all major newspapers and TV news stations

Jenna Hager Bush, grandfather was George Bush, CIA Director. When hired by NBC, she didn't start off as the Traffic girl for small town America, she started off at the top, NBC Today Show in NYC.

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huh, that... actually makes perfect sense.
So the left wingers are the most intolerant to the difference in opinion (SHOCK), what an irony. I mean I have heard/seen some examples of the left hypocrisy, but I did not imagine it to be to a such degree that all companies are affected, I could understand one or two, but ALL? wtf

>The CIA has employees spread out ALL OVER the country, working in all major newspapers and TV news stations

Operation Mockingbird is an alleged large-scale program of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that began in the early 1950s and attempted to manipulate news media for propaganda purposes. It funded student and cultural organizations and magazines as front organizations.[1]

According to writer Deborah Davis, Operation Mockingbird recruited leading American journalists into a propaganda network and oversaw the operations of front groups. CIA support of front groups was exposed after a 1967 Ramparts magazine article reported that the National Student Association received funding from the CIA. In the 1970s, Congressional investigations and reports also revealed Agency connections with journalists and civic groups. None of these reports, however, mentions by name an Operation Mockingbird coordinating or supporting these activities.

A Project Mockingbird is mentioned in the CIA Family Jewels report, compiled in the mid-1970s. According to the declassified version of the report released in 2007, Project Mockingbird involved the wire-tapping of two American journalists for several months in the early 1960s.

The real right, of which the Alt-Right is a part, present the only viable alternative power base to the existing structure. It is therefore a threat.

>The CIA has employees spread out ALL OVER the country, working in all major newspapers and TV news stations

What lends even more credibility to that hypothesis is the fact that, while attending Yale University as an undergraduate, Anderson Cooper was actually an intern at the CIA. Furthermore, his uncle, William Henry Vanderbilt III, was an Executive Officer of the Special Operations Branch of the OSS under the spy organization’s founder, William “Wild Bill” Donovan. He also reached the rank of captain in the navy during WW2.

Cooper also comes from one of the richest families in American history, and one of the wealthiest figures on the planet, Cornelius Vanderbilt, also known as “Commodor Vanderbuilt,” who built his wealth on railroads and shipping.

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Jow Forums is a sandbox to experiment methods of changing rhetoric and opinions through social media.

That sounds a bit far fetched? Isn't Jow Forums a bit too different from social media to be a good estimate?

No. You can probably measure by new thread topics and front page lifespan to see how people are responding to shaped realities.


Its not like there are no psyops here, CIA does not control internet. Yet at least. This place just is what you get with minimal censorship.

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> minimal censorship