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Other urls found in this thread:

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Progressives and Communists who are white males, and have grown up in affluent Western countries and have known only comforts and luxuries in their lives, should be given to the savage and brutish semi-human races from former communist countries, such as Slavs, Chinks, Viets and Gooks for torture in the oriental methods. Punishment of a sexual nature should be inflicted on their soft white bodies, particularly their mouths and anuses. They could also be subject to the same treatment that the Chinese give to dogs meant for eating, or having their penises and testicles removed and put into women's clothing.

Faced with such treatment, they will recant their views, because they have not tasted hardship and have feminine bodies unlike the peasant Slavs and Chinks who come from post-communist apocalyptic shitholes

>No Refunds part 2
oh boy

Just donated $20. It's the best investment I can make for my future.

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>no refunds goyim

unironically based

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he's going to pick Cortez as vice President, cap this

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Ultra cringe. Is a Facebook boomer mom behind the cheerleading?

im guessing the number 27 means he eats babys or something in symbolism?

absolutely pathetic

Trump is revealing himself to be very weak but he at least stood up to Shillary during the campaign. Bernie totally folded and this is after actual fucking evidence of a conspiracy against him came out.

Anyone who supports Bernie now is actually retarded.

great filename

c-can bernie still win?

tranny slide thread

This. The guy is a weak, spineless piece of shit. Will be funny seeing him fuck up the primaries again though.

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I just donated $500 to the Trump 2020 campaign. Thanks for the reminder OP

You didn't donate because you don't have a job

I unironically want to vote Bernie just to see the Trump kicked out and have the crazy Democrats take over, and witness the whole thing burn down.

>dont have a job
If only. The bills gotta get paid somehow.

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sage gay commmie thread

Lmao imagine falling for this scam. Then again, I guess that's why they are poor to begin with.

>I just donated $500 to the Trump 2020 campaign. Thanks for the reminder OP

Good Goy. We....I mean, Trump appreciates your donation!

Ah yes, the "we have lots of money to use, so we will win" gambit.

How did that work for jeb?

Sup breakroom. Unfortunately all the gibs Bernie promises will go to Mexicans once he opens the border.

>or having their penises and testicles removed and put into women's clothing

They would unironically like that, though

Thanks for the blackpill. Oh well. Everyone wants UBI anyways. Getting paid for just existing? We're on our way to jungle nigger communism regardless.

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The jew controls both sides.

The anarchist vote is actually a thing in my country. It's unsettling to know people intentionally vote for retards on the basis that they believe it will speed up the collapse.
Like the NDP in my province, they only get their votes from self aggrandizing and intellectually lazy leftis assholes or Anarchists

>BernieBros: heh, Bernie already has a cool million in his war chest
>also BernieBros: the accumulation of wealth is detrimental to the state

I’m glad Trump disproved the notion of “more money = better campaign”.

Guys, we need to try even harder in 2020. We can’t delude ourselves into thinking this will be an easy victory.

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I wonder if the jews are in panic mode right now that obama era policies will be back in effect cutting of the kikes from all the money and aid.

>Working at Walmart and being a socialist
You'll be the first to be fired.


It begins.

Is Donald Trump a Mason??
>an honest and thorough look
He definetly is versed in handshakes of different mystery schools to say the least!!
Are they the Anti-illuminati!?!?!
Is trump a good guy???
Think and seek truth

You should talk to the Asian girl.

I took out a loan and donated it all to Bernie. Who will match me!?

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Fools and their money are soon parted. Again.

Corporate already came in and cleaned house in 2005 when some fuck, whom i assume read too much Ayn Rand, started piping up about such platitudes which lead to paranoid managers calling Bentonville and within 18 hours there were corporate suits flying into the private airport to investigate the "scourge"

I only speak English and bad English.

Bernie has some more boat payments to make, just show his face, promising everything in the world and leave at the last minute to keep all that sweet donation money.

>MFW Bernie cucks out again and walks away with all his free NEETbux donations

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>being unironically White and over the age of 25 and still working at Wal Mart.


...Find some fucking self-respect, for the love of Christ. Pathetic.

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I mean you can find bullshit about any number, but I agree that all of the 2s and 7s have to mean something right?

It was the average donation amount to his last presidential run. People started pushing the number for some reason, even putting it on their suggested donation amount for the campaign website.

I'm 39. There are no other jobs available. I'm not going back and working fast food for $9/hr.

>tfw no refunds and daddy Saunders gets a new Audi

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Why would any "progressive socialist" try to start fundraising nearly 2 years before an election? Anyone else get the feeling he's just trying to bleed dry any donors interested in actual change and he's going to abort his campaign early on, leaving later-announced, much more progressive candidates unfunded?

We all know Bernie's not a real socialist, but could he make it any more obvious he's just a Deep State Jew puppet sabotaging the far left and that his whole campaign last election was just a Deep State own-goal because they thought Americans had bought so far into their anti-left propaganda that they'd go all Red Scare on their own at the sight of a socialist candidate?

As a Trump supporter, I'm thinking about making a donation to Bernie.
I'd pay to fragment the Democrat vote.

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Fuck it. Vote for him, America. Might as well play on hard mode for a while.

Imagine being 80 years old and 100% of your money has been from government checks.

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Nearly 40 years old and don't have any better skills other than being able to work at Walmart or a fast food restaurant?

you're a faggot.
don't shame someone for having a job when there's neet's staring at anime tiddies and contributing nothing to society but shit posts on the interwebs by the fucking thousands.

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This, fucking lul another democrat candidate? They learned absolutely nothing from 2016 and doubled down on multiple candidates? How fucking stupid are these people? How do they run the world?

Bernie sold out his base for a mansion he rolled over when Hillary stole his nomination hes weak and when challenged he backs down, he likes to back down when challenged protesters the establishment hes just an senile angry man with an oversized suit

Trans-Atlantic Leftist alliance between Sanders, AMLO, Corbyn and Melenchon when?

Too many opportunity costs, not to mention I'm too burned out working here to do anything else given I work 5-7 hours for free so I finish my job and miraculously stay under 40 hours on the books.
>too stupid to pass a GED exam
>no vehicle, stopped driving in 2008 as spending $3k a year just to get street legal became redundant
>no other employer will be able to match my current wage
>no jobs around
>too old to start anything meaningful from the absolute bottom without having to face a fair share of age bias/discrimination
For some of us, unfortunatley, walmart is the only thing we have in life.

you're good brother. only when you're leeching off others or homeless on the street should you have to explain yourself. you have a job, you're keeping yourself afloat, you're golden.

Met Bernie four years ago. He smells like a combination of old rotten cheese and your crazy uncle's flannel shirt that he never washes. It was bad.

respect user....fuck NEETs

>too old to start anything meaningful from the absolute bottom without having to face a fair share of age bias/discrimination
Maybe, but weekday were you doing for the past two decades that you were an adult for?


phone posting

Sanders goes in the oven.

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Eat my ass, Bernie.

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Does he need another house?

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Maybe he's aged to perfection now, user. He might smell like Port Salut and burlap now that the initial fermentation has had time to die down.

tfw 2020 is going to be a repeat of 2016 except the democrats are running 20 hillarys

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Didn't he buy a car with the money?

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>an old (((white))) man ever winning the DNC again
imagine being a hernie supporter

2020 is going to have some great memes. I can bust out my old Pepe Trump / wojack bernie pics.

Anyone notice how iOS auto capitalizes bernie and keeps Trump lower case?

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All bants aside he would be 82 by the end of his 1st term and 86 by the second if it happened. Fuckin terrible idea.

Jesus dude, they must be scared shitless of unions.
Did they ask you anything?

thanks bongbro i thought it was pretty gud

No refunds

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Jewie sanders needs another sports car! Dumb cucks like you are gonna find it!

>the interwebs

This is how you signal that you are an irrelevant Millennial.

I was financially supporting my useless NEET parents up until the age of 32 where I had to tell them to fuck off. I haven't even lived with them for several years at that point. Had to make a clean break. I hear that living on a travel trailer around one of my relatives property, but I haven't really looked into them quite some time. If they ever do die, it'll probably be months or years before I find out where I'm contacted somewhere Through the Grapevine. I'm not going to inherit anything other than just some bad memories.

I just kept my head low and just said I wasn't interested what the guy was talking about. Of course, this is led to two and a half hours of anti-union propaganda. I think I came into work drunk anyways so I wasn't too affected much for the "reeducation"

Imagine thinking there will be a male Democrat presidential nominee ever again. I guess Bernie didn't get the memo: The future is female.

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I’m pretty sure in the near future either we’ll all end up working petty jobs like this due to everything being outsourced and or we’ll get laid off eventually with automation coming in to replace actual workers

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>this malthusian catastrophe is real tho

Hi plebbit

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He cant, she needs to be 35 and she's only 29


Bernie will definitely be able to get another mansion after this election

>His platform: Medicard of all
Want to ruin the economy of a nation? This is the top thing you do.
> public college
No, actually, this is what you do.
>...$15 minimum wage
...actually this is the worst.

Is he the most retarded person to ever run? I mean, Hillary was one horn shy of evil and had some sketchy policies but she wasn't this utterly retarded.

Thatz okay user
My mom works at wal mart and spends all her money on my chicken tendies

>Jew candidate seeking to destroy the west
>"nien nien nien" = 27

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Memories are short at Reddit

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These honk honk memes are getting really good

inb4 Hillary comes in at the last minute and steals Bernie's entire campaign, and he just stands there and let's it happen. All televised, in front of millions.
Imagine the salt

If Bernie people weren't so retarded with their money they wouldn't need socialism.

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Good, 2020 can use a Ross Perot to split the Democats vote.

He has good stances but the fact that he sold out to Clinton is a deal breaker for me. Tulsi 2020

But bernie will make everything free

some things never change

Attached: bernie 2020.png (625x479, 439K)

Not sure if that'd help. Those people in those regimes were totally immersed in the shit that I'd socialism. If you just cherry pick the dopes you leave a void for contrarian idiots to fill. It has to be a shared universal experience to be understood and appreciated.

>too stupid to pass a GED exam
Really? Isn't it just high school stuff? Is it actually hard? You can at least take pride in the fact that you do the best you can do though.

>capitalism is evil
>hey I just gave money to some old faggot so he can become president

The exam was reworked this decade to increase difficulty. I won't be able to live long enough to learn trigonometry.