Space Force - Another cuckout

Is their anything this man hasn't cuckout on...

such a disappointment

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OP is a jew

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Makes sense, they already have a stargate.

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OP is an uncultured faggot like 90% of Australia.

>walls gonna cost 24 billion
>dont worry Mexico will pay
>Ok we'll pay
>but only 5 billion part wall part fence
>accepts 1.3 billion
>55 miles
>steel slats for CIA/MOSSAD mules to pass drugs through
>17% less ICE funds
"art of the deal"

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Seems fine to me, the AF needs something to do anyway

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your thinking too small.
US air force is for atmospheric warfare on earth
A space force should be focused ont he solar system and beyond.

Also airforce will siphon funds from BASED space projects, into their shit tier f-35 etc
Cap this post, it will happen.

>US air force is for atmospheric warfare on earth
in theory, but in reality they do fuck all other than shuttling and every other branch has their own air fleet

are the guys not in charge of ground based ICBM´s and strategic bombers?

The air force already has a space division. Trump did literally nothing.

like I said, fuck all. Also not sure if anything changed but the Army had control of IRBMs and ICBMs at some point. I'm sure the airforce has control over what delivery systems they have like the navy has control over submarines.

this, the air force already tracks sattelites and icbms, the fuck is the point of it then? hubris?

I find it amusing for all the people who mocked the idea, the Chinese and the Russians have already weaponized space.

This is the funniest shill topic this week.

>Shit tear
You're willingly regurgitating Chinese propaganda that gets recycled on ZeroHedge and other fence-sitting sites. The platform has been no more troublesome than any previous, despite being far more complex.

Disgusting. I might have to move out of here if this shit keeps happening. If we end up Going to war with Iran and Venezuela I'll be sick to my stomach. I'm going to learn Arabic and live in the middle east so I don't have to subject myself to this level of cuckoldry.

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>The air force already has a space division. Trump did literally nothing.
kinda my point on the cuckout.

a dedicated space force would have nothing to do, but advance space.
Airforce will just keep doing the same & waste more money

reminder that the Army Air Force was still under the Army until these super weapons

The Space Force will break from the Air Force as soon as the photon torpedoes are deployed

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united states army air force dropped these

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Based and redpilled

Remember the air force started out as part of the army.

>Makes sense, they already have a stargate.


the space force being a division of the air force just makes sense, anyone who has seen STARGATE would understand. i am sure once our space force grows into its own it will be emancipated, but for now it makes 100% sense.

Space is fake.

Everyone knows the Air Force is where all the pedophilia is kept. Every AF computer has the ability to have pedo shit put on it through back doors

AF is the most jewed branch in the military, by far.

Reap the benefits of NASA testing while taking money away from defense

NO!!! RIP Spaceforce.

The Air Force already basically is the space force, which is why this whole idea was always retarded as fuck. Air Force already handles satellite launches and shit for the defense department.


Yep. It is all theatre.

They torture children and middle class civilians, that's peak jew.

President Trump will sign a directive Tuesday to establish the Space Force as the newest branch of the military, but plans to keep it under the purview of the Air Force,the administration announced.

The new plan is less ambitious than the “separate but equal” military branch Trump first envisioned for a Space Force, but it is more likely to get the backing of Congress that it needs to become a reality.

“The president has directed the secretary of Defense to draft a legislative proposal that, if enacted, would establish the U.S. Space Force as the sixth branch of the Armed Forces within the Department of the Air Force,” a senior administration official told reporters on a background call. “This is a step toward a future, separate military department for space.”

There's no need. The military already has the capability to shoot, carpet-bomb, blow up, liquefy, gas, nuke, and generally destroy the shit out of anyone anywhere at a moments notice.

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Great show

How is that a “cuck out?” The Air Force will inevitably be the space force anyway


This. What even makes less sense is that the Air Force actually has a space division already. So what was the point of this? I would have understood if it were a seperate military branch, but now it's in the Air Force... The fuck?


>How is that a “cuck out?”

why is he doing this?
>cos its CHEAPER
why is it cheaper?
Cos it will be an underfunded meme department, instead of a dedicated space fighting fleet.

>what are hypersonics
you ONLY HOPE aganist this shit is space based orbital defenses
which themselves will need defending,
thus a space force needed

plus it will massively advance spae tech, which is the main reason i care