Bernie vs Kamala has started

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>you no talent hack

no refunds btw

Kamala will win in the end

Bernie's only role is to move the perception of the masses, Bernie does NOT want to win, Bernie stood on stage while Hillary was taking pre-selected hand picked questions from CNN, they were screwing Bernie over behind the scenes and Bernie even knew about it - and Bernie kept his mouth shut

They Bernie is a Leftist Cuck, that's why the Left rolls him out, he presented no threat to them

Q predicted this

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Hail bernie

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At least Bernie is the real deal, she is a fraud. Saying whatever she thinks will help get her elected.




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People will do the exact same shit as last time

Same old song and dance, it’s all so tiresome

can bernie still win?

Out of all his losing strategies, this one was by far his worst.

RIP barnie sandberg

really need a Kamala edition of Hello fellow kids.

One million? Come on, goyim, let's make it six.

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>Starbucks CEO
>Jill The Shill Stein
>potentially even more fucking random extremists further splitting and radicalizing the base

2020 is gonna be lit

>collecting free money from naive idiots for the dnc and the clinton foundation is a losing strategy

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They know they won't win against Trump. They're just collecting as many shekels as they can. I guess Bernie Sanders needs another vacation home.

Easy win for Trump

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Is Donald Trump a Mason??
>an honest and thorough look
He definetly is versed in handshakes of different mystery schools to say the least!!
Are they the Anti-illuminati!?!?!
Is trump a good guy???

Think and seek truth
>Bernie vs kamala
Jew vs brown jew

I wouldn't expect a monkey to understand this, but anything that the dnc does that does not result in winning an election is, by definition, a losing strategy.

neither of them are natural born citizens so they aren't eligible to be president, neither was Obama and neither is Trump

Daily reminder Kamalas' family owned slaves.

>Niggers owned slaves
>Niggers forever BTFO

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His role is also to leech votes that might otherwise go to Tulsi Gabbard. He's literally controlled opposition, and anyone who falls for his bullshit a second time around is a fool

you're a fucking plebian

i wonder how many years she gave her dealer as DA.

Wow he's such a Jew, he's like a Seinfeld character
>and the poowah stahv to deth!

Great, Bernie will be buying another Tesla roadster in no time.

Hello fellow niggers! Yeah, I smoked weed in college while listening to Snoop Dog and Tupac even before they'd released any albums. I'm down with the hippity hop, vote for me!

Based kike, fleecing liberals and commies not once but TWICE.

It will be interesting to see how he does without the Clinton machine working against him. He has the policy chops unlike the rest of the field. People genuinely like the old commie unlike Kamala, Booker, etc. He’s not a joke amongst normies like Warren and he doesn’t have creepy photos around kids like Biden. His supporters got pissed at Clinton and the “system” especially when Clinton and friends tried to blame them for losing.

This. The DNC elite have already chosen Kamala.

Why do you think kamala would win? I’m genuinely curious. She seems to me to be the Jeb of the field, getting money and establishment support while the Dem base looks at her with skepticism. Remember she is a former prosecutor who prosecuted black people for committing crimes, and the Dem base thinks that punishing black people for committing crimes is racist these days.

That's not even half of those who've announced.

Bumb for bernie

Introducing the next president of these United States...

Full list

Bernie Sanders
Kamala Harris
Joe Biden
Amy Klobuchar
Elizabeth Warren
Cory Booker
Pete Buttigieg
Kirsten Gillibrand
Julian Castro
Tulsa Gabbard
John Delaney
Howard Schultz

This is going to be a massive shit show.

Party is going to be rekt from 2020

thats what arrogant Dems were saying about the packed Republican debates field.

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>The DNC elite have already chosen Kamala.
she isn't eligible

To ascertain those requirements, we turn to the United States Constitution at: Article 2 § 1. Clause 5, which states:

“No Person except a natural born Citizen, …, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.”

Thus, we see that no person shall be eligible to the Office of President unless they:
are “a natural born Citizen”; and,
are at least 35 years of age; and,
have lived in the United States at lease 14 years.

For the life of me I don’t get the appeal of Beta. His campaign was literally fellow kids and he fucking lost. Since when does being a loser qualify you for a promotion? Who is in this guy’s ear?

t. uma delicia

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He isnt that popular, the media and establishmemt is just shilling him non-stop.

No they haven’t. The powers that be are already destroying her behind the scenes with that gay nigger, she’s about to crash and burn like the fucking Hindenburg

The Clinton machine is now funding Kamala and they will proceed accordingly.

... another kike!

Listen you commiefuck, the republicans were all card board cut outs of each other and no one gave a fuck till Trump jumped. The 2020 dems however are all running on dofferent platforms, half say they are socialists, some are trying to appeal to the moderates while others are trying to tread both lines. Its a cluster fuck and the irony is that they think they are somehow better then the republicans from 2016. They are already havimg internal power struggles with pushing the party far left and new blood challenging old blood, this is all before the shitshow that will be the battle royale of 2020 debates. Shit will be hilarious, so excited for the memes.

fucking kek

She isn't even black.
American MSM are just taking the piss now.

She has the woman advantage and the shitskin advantage. Women slightly prefer women and shitskins overwhelming support their own. It's simple math, Trump is finished because he's a dumb fucking boomer that refuses to acknowledge the reality, demography is destiny.

>At least Bernie is the real deal, she is a fraud. sleeping with whoever she thinks will help get her elected.


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Tariq is so based

you know, seeing this list, its weird how all the female candidates seem to embody certain parts of hillary.

kamala harris getting her political start based on who she was fucking

elizabeth warren is cringy as fuck

kirsten gillibrand recently asked if she would be for tearing down the border said 'id be possibly open to that' (read: i have no position of my own until the polls tell me what to think) and turned on bill clinton last year when it wasnt fashionable to support the clintons anymore represents hillarys 'say anything to get elected' style

and klobutcher is apparently a raving bitch if you believe her staffers stories


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that's implying that any of this is complicated.

...i mean it would be had Bernie not already unfucked the party by revealing the corruption his last run... he got enough attention and delegates in the D by getting cucked that this time around it should be fair enough to produce a true result....

but sans party corruption it's pretty simple... the candidate with the strongest most extreme views that benefit the lives and futures of the post-middleclass wins.
as it stands Bernie is going to win by a mile.