BERNIE 2020!!!!!!

Trump BETRAYED us All. Stop being Cucks for billionaires and stand up for the working Class. LET /POL OFFICIALLY BECOME THE BERNIE SANDERS 2020 BOARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Meanwhile at Bernie's inauguration address...

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You know he's a ((())) right?

Not voting for any one who gets cucked by a bunch of she-boons. Trump has more strong will than that old kike.

Run along, retard. Adults are talking.

Oh shit, where do I donate?!

He bent the knee to Hillary.

No one will vote for him.

However this democratic primary Royal
Rumble is gonna be amazing

This. all. day

> Trump BETRAYED us All
This is now an accelerationist thread. Because it's not going to be much else.

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The USA is just Jews jewing Jews: the country

who else is there to vote for bro?

Pretty sure this "working" man has 3 houses.

Go suck more billionaire dick you faggot. Fucking idiot.

He will never make it to the oval office. Screencap this.

Can you imagine giving all your money for the promise of free gibs.....only to put it in the hands of Bernie Fucking Sanders? I'm sure it won't go to Israel or propping up failed Socialist states.

What a bunch of fucking retards.

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Go suck more billionaire dick please.

Go suck more billionaire dick.

yeah and? Trump sucks Israeli dick?????

Go suck more billionaire dick please.

He's gonna die before 2020

> Go suck more billionaire dick."
Is voting a kike Jew into office doing that or not? I can't tell tell.

I'm ready to start a movement, are you, Jow Forums?

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You wish you billionaire dick sucker.

Why are the democrats handing Trump such an easy victory? Has their party really fallen that low? I don't even want Trump but their are no better alternatives.


>yeah and? Trump sucks Israeli dick?????
> Therefore you can too! VOTE JEW!

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Do you like that you wasted your time in 2016 and want to do it again 2020,
Bernie sold your vote for a vacation home and did nothing when Hillary stole his nomination,
Bernie and his berniebros are responsible for Trump lol

How dumb can you redditors be? You think a thread telling us to vote for a scamming kike would convince even 1% of us?

omg really no way so it won't be that much of a change for magatards

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Mmmmmmmm yeahhh screw the middle class i wanna suck more billionaire dick.

I voted for Trump in 2016.

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Not even a nice try shill. You're converting 0 Trump supporters.

How many discord trannies will even make it to 2020? 40 percent of you will probably kill yourselves.

I voted for Trump in 2016. Please stop supporting billionaires over the working class, you are the true Cuck and its ironic as fuck.

>implying im middle class
>implying im a billionaire
Nice try, discord tranny.

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No i Voted for Trump i just like Bernie better.

You already suck billionaire dick by buying their shit.

This is the photo the bbc picked to announce his Presidential run. I'm pretty sure that black hilary is the candidate of choice

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If you're rich then vote for Trump. Middle Class should vote for their own interest and support Bernie.

>You think a thread telling us to vote for a scamming kike would convince even 1% of us?
I don't know. They think they had something to do with convincing us Trump was a kike shill.
When really it just had everything to do with the fact Trump is a kike shill.
And NOW they think since they're so clever at that, they'll convince us to? Vote for a kike.
Hehehehe....I like to imagine drowning them in puddles because it makes me happy.
If I ever run a concentration camp for SJWs, we're just going to turn on sprinklers and get everything real nice and wet in the morning.

nice logic bro.

What would possess you to vote for Trump in 2016, but now be so confident that Bernie is the way to go now?

Also, telling everyone they are sucking billionaires cocks when you voted for Trump? I feel like maybe I am talking to an actual retarded person.

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Isn't he like 90 years old something?

God damn you are such a fucking newfag that it is physically hurting me. My sides that is.

Go suck more kike dick faggot. Fucking idiot

Trump betrayed me. Bernie won't.

>Trump betrayed me. Bernie won't.
> a kike

Back to Plebbit you utter faggot.

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This new fag was here praising Trump in 2016. Move along billionaire dick sucker.

Thanks I appreciate it. :^)

Are you a billionaire? If no then not supporting Bernie makes no sense for you.

>Move along billionaire dick sucker.
Bernie sanders is a Jew.
Let me tell ya something about Jews.

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Larping so hard, stay mad commie newfag

>Voting for a fraud who never had a job until he was 40 years old handing out benefits to people who didn't want to work for a living
>Giving money to a man who used campaign contributions to fund summer homes and sports cars
>Thinks everything is just going to be free and that taxpayers will fall in line, willing to pay for useless lazy niggers
Kill yourself OP. Actually kill yourself.

>Bernie won't

Just like Bernie didn't rail against the establishment and then throw his support behind Hillary Fucking Clinton.

Again, it has been confirmed, you are retarded. Perhaps we should take it easy on you.

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nice logic fag. Jews make lots of money so I'm gonna vote republican and give those jews a Tax Cut. Holy fuck my head hurts.

He decided to support anyone that would be the primary winner. Imagine being dumb enough to commit political suicide by endorsing the one that should have been running against you in the elections. Your argument doesn't make sense.

Go suck billionaire dick

>Just like Bernie didn't rail against the establishment and then throw his support behind Hillary Fucking Clinton.

Just as he promised he would from the start?


>new fag
user plz, my sides can only handle so much this early.

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Annnnd here we go, same thing as in 2016 until he gets booted out and endorses the Dems poster child.

>Jews make lots of money so I'm gonna vote republican and give those jews a Tax Cut
> Instead vote a Jew and get FULL BLOWN MARXISM
> Be a slave today.

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Or, don't support anyone. They BOTH were against everything he was supposedly campaigning for.


>I will Vote for a globalist socialist


Sanders/Gabbard 2020!

It's too late. Bernie is too old and lost his 2016 momentum. I just don't think it's a good choice this time. There must be younger democratic socialists who can unite the Democrats. Warren at this point seems like the best pick.

I don't know maybe judge people by the content of their character as opposed to what race or religion they happen to be, just a thought.

Bernie has a message that resonates with a lot of people and maybe just having someone in office who genuinely cares about the working class might be enough, my concern would be how his policies might severely effect the economy.

Fuck off newfag

Bernie is a cuck and exposed himself over-and-over as one. Also, didn't he cut a deal with the crooked-donkeys that he couldn't run in 2020 as a 'Democrat'?

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Fun fact: The USA has never had a Jewish President.

>Sanders/Gabbard 2020!
> A jew
> A woman who literall slept her way ALL THE WAY to the top
It's like hell! Lmfao.

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>when the donations are online and there are no refunds

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Downvote cmoooooooon thumbs down you lazy BEYYTAS

Is it worse to vote for a Jew or a guy who sucks Zionist dick already?

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I think he does care too but he endorses the most immoral ideology in history and is ergo an idiot

And he got cucked by Hillary during the primaries and enjoyed it. I would have blown steam up her ass and refused the DNC any respect. But he's a cucked without a backbone soooo fuck him

He has literally, LITERALLY never worked a day in his life.

They have too many “front runners”. They’ll destroy and turn on each other during the election cycle and the wrong choice will get the nod. The base will be pissed off and it’ll be a repeat of 2016. The Dems have no idea what the fuck they are doing. All they had to do was rally around one candidate but they are too incompetent to see it. It’ll be a battle of who’s the most progressive and their bullshit will be exposed

> Is it worse to vote for a Jew or a guy who sucks Zionist dick already?
What kind of question is this? Do you faggots actually hear yourselves?

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really makes you think about this global conspiracy with Jews controlling everything from the media to food production to politics to advertising according to Jow Forums.

This thread made my day

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27 dollars today. Will be donating this till I max out contributions.

don't ever shill a fucking yid around here ever again...

P.S. dead yids are HAWT!

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I'm for the poor, vote for me! haha

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The old bitch changed her policies similar to Sanders because many of his ideas were actually popular while hers weren't as much as they were before. She claimed to be a liberal many times but suddenly started calling herself a fucking progressive. The problem is that Hillary's voters are so fucking dumb that almost none of them noticed it and the ones who did didn't care at all because muh madam president. If Bernie did not support another "progressive" he would have lost credibility with half of the retarded dem voters.

how much are you gonna give him this time? remember, he cant win without you!

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besides being a cucklord bernie isn't that bad, pol doesn't flip out at bernie reddit niggers do

Jews hate our country and want to destroy it. At worst, zionists will end up killing some random brown people and taking some gibs from us

Lol you're the one doing the billionaire dick sucking. "let's have our government supporting funding to these billionaire pharmaceutical companies and insurance agencies in order to provide FREE HEALTHCARE!" lol you fucking faggot

Cant believe the CIA is actively shilling Bernie

Tulsi is objectively better. The CIA does not come here and shill her.

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I'd be american, I'd support Patrick Little.

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That was the end of Bernie. Anyone still holding out for anything from that man after showing he had absolutely zero backbone is a massive fucking idiot.

Why 27? Why not 30? round up with ya asymmetrical ass

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Kek, this is so telling.
Just look at the photos they are using for headlines of AOC as well. These people are black sheep who will never be supported by their party members or by a majority because they also happen to have less than 1/8 of a brain cell between them.

Universal healthcare literally will be an insurance company genocide lol