Cenk now claims he was skeptical from day 1
Cenk now claims he was skeptical from day 1
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We were always at war with Eastasia.
Was he not?
Im confused. He didn't talk about the case at all or he didn't talk about his skepticism of the case?
He personally didn't say anything on day 1,he let that for his nephew and that gay scotsman do it for him.
I watch tyt daily and the first time I head a mention of this case was after it had been exposed.
Tyt is awesome, and you faggots suck.
Imagine being part of the 'coalition of the ascended' and be compelled by your peers to support anyone who's any type of shitskin no matter how retarded.
I saw their initial video on it. They did infact seemed extremely skeptical, never stated the attack as fact.
We know Chunk Ugly is a skeptic already. I mean, he is skeptical of the Armenian genocide still.
You must be new here.
You should leave before your IP is tracked
kek based and redpilled
Here you go: youtube.com
Pfffffffffft I was here in 2004, I used to give moot pointers.
>no the other F-word
wtf, are we adults or not
take note, that many news outlets just report that the focus of the investigation had shifted, but did not state any further details.
Cenk wouldn't lie, he's a respectable journalist
It's pretty blatant lies when even Cenk is doubting the story off the rip. Msm is a fucking joke.
He's admitting to being a coward. Real men call people on their BS.
look he has learned since the jazmine barnes case
TYT had their irish faggot do one of those quick clip videos where he took the smollett hoax, and used it as an example of the hatred in Trumps America... TYT wont even make it to 2020, they are now begging for paid subscribers both before and after their videos... not a good sign after having been given 20 million dollars 2 years ago
Hey cenk
>watching TYT
I don't begrudge people watching leftie "news" but christ pick something reasonable like saneprogressive or jimmy dore.