Must be 6 foot or taller
Must have 32% body fat or lower
Must have an IQ of 120 or higher
Must have a 6 inch penis or larger
Must be able to bench your own weight
Who here makes the cut?
Must be 6 foot or taller
Must have 32% body fat or lower
Must have an IQ of 120 or higher
Must have a 6 inch penis or larger
Must be able to bench your own weight
Who here makes the cut?
>genetic limitations
age isn't static like genetics fuck off shill
>32% bf
OP is a fatass confirmed. Yes I make the cut.
Nothing worse than a cuck screeching from the sidelines
This, that's still crazy high body fat, OP is definite fatass
>Must be able to bench your own weight
Only thing thats questionable. Probably could atleast 1 rep it. I workout alone and without a spotter, its only takes one mistake to fuck you up. 45lb dumbbells and high reps. Allows for better form anyways.
>Must be able to bench your own weight
I mean, I can squat 300 pounds but can barely bench 50.
>not destroying the whole (((system)))
you wont be able to vote Nigger
i'm 5'11 but fit all those other requirements
am i ever gonna make it lads?