Trans Fetish?

So I'm 25 and been getting off to a lot of shemale porn lately. Just something about a woman with a penis that really turns me on. Not sure what to do about it other than keep watching porn but I really want to have sex with a trans person now. What am I supposed to do?

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>woman with a penis
That's just a mentally ill man, son.

Honestly OP think hard about it, a lot of people feel bad after fucking a transgirl and regret it

Wrong, go back to Jow Forums

IDK dude whatever floats your boat.

A lot of transwomen IRL are really put off by "chasers," on the other hand some find it flattering.

Worrying about whether that means you're "gay" or "straight" or w/h/u is kinda silly, because at the end of the day those are all just terms we've invented to describe ourselves.

This is also WHY transwomen are wary about chasers, because there's a whole thing with guys who will fetishize them then get upset about it once they actually have sexual contact.

This, honestly I dont really believe in "chasers", just because a guy likes a type of girl shouldn't be off putting. Transpeople are the ones fetishizing themselves.

That being said, you are right, that's why Transgirls are very careful about getting close, but is also why "chasers" even exist. And to be frank the chaser guys are the ones who would actually date those girls

Okay heres the deal, trans "women" are only hot online. TRUST ME, trans women IRL look like men in makeup

I mean, this is just a subset of the larger two phenomena where it's mostly pictures of hot girls that get shared around by men online, and where pictures people post of themselves are always gonna be the ones that show them in the best light (extending to "myspace angles" and people using photoshop to manipulate their own profile photos etc.

Obviously when you look online you're gonna see the "hottest" transfolk as opposed to the "average" transfolk.

Lmfao you're so god damn wrong. I know quite a few trans women , they started hrt young though. But youd never know they were trans if you saw them

yeah, well, some women look like men without makeup, so what's your point, exactly?

Anyway. I've had sex with a few trans women. Some of them I had a semi-regular thing with. You have a gamut of appearances. Some really do look like women, hips, skin, and all.

In similar situation to op and considering contacting a trans dominatrix to fufil my sick fantasies

Yeah because thinking you're something you literally are not isn't a mental crux

Trans women are women, sorry if that offends you snowflake.

both of you plz go back to Jow Forums

>people with xy chromosomes are people with xx chromosomes goy

Looks like someone got triggered!

Women don't have penises, but sometimes men have boobs.

Try it if you want but I think you need to realise that the chick with a dick in your head is nothing like the IRL experience. Think about it. "She" will still smell like a guy, and will probably have stubble unless she's gone all out on laser treatments, she's going to be a dude with long hair and small and/or fake tits.

Who knows though, maybe you'll like it, or maybe your brain has been warped by porn and your desires aren't what they used to be.

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lmao is that supposed to be upsetting somehow?

You’re gonna have to delete this

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>wanting sex with other men
That's just called being gay

>wanting dick

You're gay. Also you've conditioned yourself with pornography, obviously. If you're okay with that then buy a trans hooker...make sure you wrap it though, OP. Seriously.

>Trans women are women

Nah, I've seen enough Hons to know that they can never be on the same level as actual wimmens.

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I've always wondered about the chaser thing. Any guy that would stay with a pre-op, non passing trans (so most of them) is a chaser

You realize "gay," "straight," "chaser" are all just words we use to categorize people for convenience right?

Like, forgetting the whole "are trans women women" aspect, actual human behavior isn't always going to fit neatly into a few little boxes.


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I have news for you, son. You're gay. Trans woman = mentally ill male in a dress. End of story

Tell that to those poor broads getting mauled by 'women' in sports