Whats the best advice you can give or have been given?

whats the best advice you can give or have been given?

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Make money legally

normally to be yourself an communicate with others if its problem that you can't deal with it yourself

To fuck her right in the pussy

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short story as to give context with this advice i received

>in my early teens or so running errands with family
>make a gas station stop and mom leaves to go get something from the shop
>dad rips the most horrific fart of his entire existence, all windows fly down
>"oh thank fuck, i was holding that in for an hour"
He proceeded to explain to me and my brother that in the 20 years he had been married to my mother at the time, he had never once farted around her, and why? "If you fart around women, they'll think its okay to fart around you, and its not"

Christ, boomers are literally dysfunctional. I cant imagine what kind of psychological bullshit they've endured to come up with retarded shit like this.

to ask a guy out instead of waiting for him to ask you

>basic human function
>repressing it can cause health issues
yeah your dad is a rocket scientist alright

brapfags detected. take it elsewhere stinky fuckers

Never lend something you can't afford to give.

Being soft-spoken isn't bad just don't be a doormat

If you know this one already, skip to the greentext.

Once upon a time, there was a frog who lived a peaceful life in a river. One day, whilst lounging on a lily pad, he noticed a scorpion perched nervously on the edge of the river. Intrigued, the frog swam close and asked what was the matter.

“I need to get to the other side of the river, yet I cannot swim,” the scorpion said. “Would you help me cross?”

Cautiously, the frog asked; “How do I know you won’t sting me?”

“Simple,” said the scorpion. “If I sting you, you will sink and I’ll drown too.”

After brief consideration, the frog invited the scorpion to hop onto his back. Halfway through the river, the frog felt a sharp stabbing pain in the middle of his back. The scorpion’s toxins flooded his veins. His limbs seized up, and water started to engulf him. In his last words, he asked the scorpion: “Why. Why have you done this?”

And the scorpion replied: “I’m sorry. I’m so, so terribly sorry. It’s just my nature.”

Morals of this story:
>A person will act within his nature
>Even if it flies in the face of logic
>Even if it goes against self-interest.
>Even if it kills them.

>You (and everyone alive today) are the scorpion.
>Do not fall victim to your own nature.
>Do not let your traits become damning faults.
>Know yourself, and adapt accordingly

>You (and everyone alive today) are the frog.
>Don’t drown because a scorpion.
>In any situation (dating, business, any sort of partnership), know others’ natures and adapt accordingly.
>Don’t allow yourself to be put in a situation where somebody else’s faults will fuck you over

>A scorpion will always be a scorpion.
>The scorpion can’t change even if it wants to.
>Don’t waste your time trying to change the scorpion.

Don’t drown in the fucking river, anons.

i'm not a fart fetishist or i don't like the smell but do you guys fart around your gfs partners?

i feel like you'd have to get used to eachothers cause otherwise it'd be uncomfortable having to hold it in all the time

To lose weight, just don't eat.

I avoid farting around people in general, I'll take a moment to wander off to another room or something to rip ass if its getting desperate. I don't like the idea of getting too "comfortable" especially with partners because it breeds a certain laziness

Just Say No

people like this just have a fundamentally damaged understanding of what relationships are. Personally I wouldn't bother arguing with them, it's like trying to fight with a man who is convinced that what everyone else calls blue is actually green

purposely do something you love in front of someone you know would judge you for it, no matter how cringy it is. if you love doing that shit, hiding it is only hiding the stuff you like from yourself. dont ever hide the shit you like, and be unapologetic about it

>just have a fundamentally damaged understanding of what relationships are
I'm not trying to have an argument, I mean maybe my remark on it breeding "laziness" is a bit dramatic but I do find it impolite to rip ass around people especially girls. Its also a thing you see in normalfag comics, a common "6 months of dating vs 1 year of dating" theme where the initial panel is the characters trying to be well groomed and the next panel is "lol we fart around one another and don't close bathroom doors". Maybe if I held a long term relationship it would change but I don't think long term relationships should mean just acting gross and giving no more effort

Accept your limitations.

You can only really depend on yourself in life. Having faith in other people will always let you down.