What comes to mind when you look at this face?

What comes to mind when you look at this face?

Attached: 95341.jpg (610x883, 200K)

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He's drunk on baby dick blood

The sleazy businessman villain from every 80s and 90s movie.


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That's the look of someone who knows he's subverting his host nation for the benefit of his homeland

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What's up with his flat head, do all liberal jews have a flat head, didn't his mommy love him enough to hold him and not let that happen to him in the crib.

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The devil giving me a fist bump. Getting ready to skin this motherfucker alive and feed him to his children.

Thats the part of your brain where sympathy comes from. Surprise the jews missing it.

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I just want to give him a hug. He is working hard for Jewish interests. He owns us.

my head looks like an almond as well, am I destined for the ovens Jow Forums?

Foreign loyalty

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Whats your heritage/genetic info?
It's most likely a sign of higher intelligence.

>deformed brain
>higher intelligence

that he's based for voting for a withdrawl of US troops from Syria, unlike most of the GOP congressmen

I prefer cars with two wheels.

its not deformed, if anything it's advanced

The devil. Hes the fucking devil. Taking up your cause. And destroying it.



What comes to mind when i wake up is how do i murder humanity.

I pinch myself but the nightmare never ends. You all gotta die. The world isnt big enough.

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I wish life was simple. I wish i wake up. Grab a fishing pole and head to the river. But jews rule the world. I gottamake money so they can be a bottom feeder and subvert reality.

I dont pray for humans. You can all fucking die.

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ratfink kike
but I don't even know what ratfink means I think I just hate kikes a lot

"Wow he's the only person in congress who actually looks like he represents his constituency."
*nudges user sitting next to me*
"He's from New York, right?"

take your meds faggot


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don't pray for world peace unless you want the world to end.

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>prays for world peace.

Another guardian of Zion and a keeper of the gate.



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John Anthony Walker Jr.

Attached: Sver Traitor.jpg (120x150, 23K)

""""God's chosen people""""

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