Friend-zoning a co-worker

This is going to be really tame compared to everything else I'm seeing here, but how do I tell a co-worker I don't want to be involved with them? Today I was texted by her that she is attracted to me, and I haven't replied yet. I don't want to burn any bridges because I do consider her a friend, albeit not a very close one. I also really don't want to cause a scene or create any tension in the work place (a bit unprofessional on her part IMO) considering I work with her in a couple days. I'm incredibly uninterested in her outside of our at-work friendship. What is the best way to diffuse this situation and let her down easy? Also I really don't want to get any upper management involved unless some shit goes down, which I doubt will happen.

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Think of it from her position. How would you want someone to turn you down. Be honest but just nice about it. Least the nicest way to say I only see you as a friend or I am not attracted to you.

Or if you dont want to do it that way then work the "I dont dip my pen company ink" angle.

crazy woman who is attracted to you? leave immediately.

your workplace blah? forget it, quit right now.

every second is another second they will use against you.

no white person or white person with colored skin white person is capable of "friendship", gtfo right now.

their stupid crazy fucktard rape fantasies includes one of you being fired and them getting promoted in a gangbang by upper management, then you get run over by a car after they kick you out the building kind of shit.

nigga u high

>hey, I'm very flattered but I am actually already seeing someone

If she knows that you aren't seeing someone or it's a lie she'll spot in any way then:

>hey, I'm very flattered but I don't like to get involved with people from work

Just flirt for fun and make up an excuse if she asks you out

Or stop being a nignog who thinks because a woman flirts or talks with you she wants your penis

not at the moment

> already seeing someone
"yes, you are seeing me, you can see me, you are text messaging me" or "I suck some thug dick and get him to gouge out your eyes, now you aren't seeing anyone and can be with me".

> I don't like to get involved with people from work
"I suck boss dick to get you fired, so now we can get involved with each other".

Tell her you're happily married and that you ask for advice on Jow Forums.

> I happily married
will find a way to be in contact with your wife and ruin that happiness quickly.

so now you are just married.

> Jow Forums
she gonna be stalking you on Jow Forums and trying to post anywhere you post, her advice will be any kind of garbage about "ya bro u need her, u bad at women, u need to earn money and start giving it to her free..."

You need professional help
Like a lot of it. No amount of pretending on Jow Forums is going to make you less sick

professional help for what? getting rid of people who want me and I don't want them? yes, thank you, please do help me with that.

what pretending?

speak something that makes sense loser

Just go see a professional, stop lashing out on Jow Forums
It's not going to make you less mentally ill

try not being a white person

which professional will get rid of people who want me and I don't want them?

what mental illness?

"stop lashing out on Jow Forums", stop attacking me on Jow Forums.

why not just tell me how I incorrect

you incorrect and hate that I correct so you "hurr durr u need to be on white people's papers so that in blah years time we can throw you in jail or something, i afraid of non white people" that is you

Based schizoposter

loser poster shut the fuck up

I don't want to be reminded of white people, learn how to not ever talk to me or be interested by me, I already don't want any of your sex

>Sorry I wouldn't want to get involved like this with someone at work. You can still send me nudes and I might fap to them though. Because right now I'm not really ever doing that.
See, how hard was that?

>Sorry I wouldn't want to get involved like this with someone at work.

"I suck boss dick to get you fired, so now we can get involved with each other".

> You can still send me nudes and I might fap to them though.

"I send you nudes of me with child porn and then call the police on you!"

> Because right now I'm not really ever doing that.

"right now is not right now, you are not really rejecting me, you are giving me an unclear answer, I'll give you an unclear answer then with child porn where faces are blurred and then call the police on you!"

Is getting the police called on you for CP your fetish user? Cause this scenario isn't realistic.

is it yours?

it's difficult to sneak cocaine into place you at.

it's not difficult for them to produce it and it's not difficult for them to plant it on you digitally.

the scenario is only not realistic to you if you never know any losers or you are a loser.

>"I suck boss dick to get you fired, so now we can get involved with each other".
Ohh shiiit. That's a good reason never to mess with female coworkers desu.


get fucked m8 maybe get off Jow Forums to get rid of your ego-based paranoia

just start by telling her thanks and leave it she'll get the hint

I not your m8

you aren't good at sex

> thanks and leave it maybe she will get the hint

"I go suck thug dick make them cut your throat, use your blood as compost to make trees with leaves I throw into a fire"

maybe they will just go and print fliers with false information about you and spread that around so you get the hint.

you say something about "hint", people are racist so it's now india related to a moron racist.

maybe they will just go and spread rumors about you hating indians in where you work at, suck boss dick and get you fired, on the firing notice maybe some allusion to her being raped so you get the hint and she gets more precious rape orgasm.