How to stop hating women

How do I stop thinking that all women except my girlfriend are whore sluts that don't deserve to live? Please, I ask this seriously. I can't interact with women properly and I feel this could someday hurt my career. I wish my girlfriend was the only woman alive so that I did not have to deal with this but unfortunately the world is how it is. How do I stop hating women?

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Baby , don't you know that im toxic
Dun dun der dunnn

Just pretend to be them and evryon as flaws just ignore the acceptable ones

who doesn't like whores and sluts?

why would you think that a woman deserves to die for being a whore or slut?

You really think you’re so fucking special that you found the ONLY woman who ISNT a slut and that she wanted to be with YOU?

I just find women disgusting. They are distracting. Even in formal settings, you can still notice their boobs and asses and it is like they don't even care that you can see. With my gf this is not a problem because I can fuck her on command but if a co-worker is dressed like a whore it is somehow "bad" for me to treat her like a whore. This disparity between what women can present themselves as, and what I can act on is driving me crazy.

Just sounds like you're a little bitch boy who holds his girlfriend up on a pedestal she doesn't deserve to be on. Grow up.

>OP is a violent Jow Forums misogynist but has a girlfriend
>I'm a totally normal guy without toxic views but I'm an incel

How the fuck does this make sense? Fuck you cunt OP, go back to your scum robot board

Sounds like you need to move to an islamic country where they're all in burqas tbqh

This would be ideal and every day I dream of being transferred to Saudi Arabia or some shit but this is impractical. I'm not a Muslim and I don't care about many of their traditions, but I will literally stop being an atheist and worship any God as long as I can legally beat and rape women. Hopefully, Islam wins the culture war and we can start throwing the gays off buildings.

> They are distracting. Even in formal settings, you can still notice their boobs and asses and it is like they don't even care that you can see.

better than looking at your phone.

> if a co-worker is dressed like a whore it is somehow "bad" for me to treat her like a whore

your stupid lesser brain is unable to accept people wearing good looking clothes?

>your stupid lesser brain is unable to accept people wearing good looking clothes?
This does not make any sense. If I take one of the outfits the whores wear, and put it on a flat girl, or a girl wearing a binder, that somehow means the clothes are not good looking anymore? What?

Are you having a stroke user? Try to type in your address and I'll dial 911.

you can't treat people properly just because they dress in something you like looking at

your brain garbage!

I don't even want to wear clothes

Take a break from the internet for a good month. Quit using Jow Forums or Jow Forums if you go there.

They don't deserve to die of course, and OP obviously has some anger problems, but you shouldn't support hedonism. A civilization cannot function if it becomes too hedonistic. Why should anyone improve themselves or contribute to society when all anyone is interested in is getting drunk and fucking all day. Traditional values are important, strong families make a strong society. If you want to continue living in comfort and having food delivered to the grocery store, then you should disapprove of hedonism.

Tolerance is not the same as acceptance. You shouldn't hate people for their lifestyle, but that doesn't mean their lifestyle should be celebrated or thought of as a good way to live.

>he doesn't know how to smile and pretend
That's like, Adult 101. The first thing you need to be able to do is smile and pretend.

Most women are whore sluts who don't deserve their position in society.

At the current state of the world and Western Civilization is perfectly normal and healthy to have prejuice against women.

> blahblahblah hurr durr u shouldn't be allowed to wear what you want because then grocery stores will stop working nuuu too much sexy cannot deliver groceries agh

how were you able to type that with Jow Forums beastiality porno playing in the background taking up majority of your attention?

eat my shit freedom hater it will make grocery stores work and your family whole

disclaimer: I have no family so it's not like I would be able to make any sense of what you are saying anyway.

in that way, they can ruin smiling and pretending, the last freedoms you might have had, and pretend that that is "maturity".

what positions in society, they have no power.

one big white supremacist sexist gang in charge with you no freedom, and your hate is for... women?

>I have no family so it's not like I would be able to make any sense of what you are saying anyway.

I mean that says more than I ever could. You are a broken person. I feel bad for you but this is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. Talk long enough to anyone like this and you'll find they have mental issues from having a fucked up family.

I think the stroke has damaged your ability to interact with humans on an even slightly meaningful level. You just shit out whatever garbled trash surfaces to that swamp you call a brain, and then you don't ever bother to look back over what you said because you don't even have the mental processing power to do it the FIRST fucking time.

I wish people like you couldn't use the internet.

how am I broken?

"hurr durr u not eat shit like me u broken" I am not interested in investing in your shit business.

instead of feeling bad for me, feel like paying me free money.

blahblahblah "interact" with "humans" "meaningful level"

is you begging for my "friendship", find someone else, I don't want you.

you want to interact with me, pay me money.

what did I say that was incorrect?

Most people will go crazy if they rot in pure hedonism for long enough. Humans are a social species, the hunger for structure and purpose is deeply instinctive. Go talk to the long term NEETs on this site, they are miserable. Sage because this post is off topic.

> hurr durr freedom is bad for humans
> humans are a (no evidence no logic)
> white person talking instinct
> hurr durr you need to be a slave of some shitty business like i am

cause and effect, go learn about it fucktard