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Other urls found in this thread:


hahaha, low iq blacks trying to run gay ops.

I know she’s 54 years old, but holy shit. Once you hit the wall, don’t go back through it 10 more times.

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Anti lynching bill even though there hasn't been one in decades. At the same time her irl friend orchestrates an attack on himself.
Yeah this stinks. She's totally involved. We're about to see her political career unravel. Get your popcorn guys, this is going to be so fun to watch.

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I love that this is the best the dems have to go against Trump. MAGA

I believe this retarded scheme happened because jews lost control of the democrats. There are so many campaigns that are showing their woke by hiring niggers, women, and fags that there isn't enough talent to go around. Their using tried and true tactics but it's being fucked up by amateurs. It's going to be an entertaining campaign season.

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Why are negroes so deceitful?

He's a Jew.




We need her to win. She would guarantee a Trump victory. She's literally more hateable then Hillary was


TULSI 2020

Posting in a Tranny Kike thread

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Fucking kike.

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>Kamala Harris and Corey Booker push for federal penalties with anti-lynching bill despite no racially motivated lynchings in decades

Take a look at photo in this user’s comment and then look at my pic related and you’ll realize the kind of people they’re worried about being lynched.

In other words, if there is an uptick in public lynchings in the future, it’s likely they won’t be racially motivated.....for obvious reasons.

If anything, you’ll see Klansmen and Blacks dancing arm and arm on the bodies of dead peds.

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Nice derail faggot.


Fate of the country lies with the Chicago PD

I think the FBI is investigating as well.

1. Kamala set up the entire jussie stunt.
2. That anti lynching stuff was to try to protect politicians. We are going to lynch them all soon

Kamala didn't set it up entirely. Her donors and Valerie Jarret did too. ONE OF HER BIGGEST DONORS IS THE EXECUTIVE PRODUCER OF EMPIRE.

Is there a way to overturn the bill that she passed?

>2. That anti lynching stuff was to try to protect politicians. We are going to lynch them all soon
No. This was to make LGBT a protected class.

No. Mueller is gonna indict them. FUCK YOU GLOW IN THE DARK KIKES.

It only passed the Senate, not the House.

Just look how she responds when asked about Jussie. youtu.be/D0I0nrXHWEM
Holy shit that's a guilty bitch if I've ever seen one

so guilty

>the best the dems have to go against Trump.
she isn't eligible to be president and neither is Trump, both your parents must be US citizens to attain the office of president

>"I'm very concerned"
She should be. When the truth comes out of her involvement in all this she will be far more than just concerned.

It should be the end of her political career, but it won't. She's got too much money behind her. She's the chosen one to be the sacrificial lamb to Trump's 2020 bulldozer. She's getting nonstop coaching right now on how to spin this, and with CNN behind her, she'll weather the storm. Still, Trump will pick her apart in the general.

They literally censored hundreds of millions of people online to maintain this false reality of lies. It makes me so sick.

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We need to continue to hammer this, especially up until the election. Also, something that would be a great meme and a potential weapon against Kamala harris and other women running.. Is to attack there figure and body. Look at Harris for example (op pic) see how she is wearing a scarf? Well as you can see in the other pic, she has horrible problem with "Fatty neck" Indians and ppl part indian, ive noticed, have this problem. Make pics and meme and make her neck extra bulgy and have fat rings.

Wtf. That was all sorts of bizarre.
Yeah there's truth to that. Her supporters will be behind her no matter what. And definitely looks like she's cnn fav. They'll rewrite it to make her look good.
Ultimately it will be for nothing. I expect Biden to get the nomination. But if Harris does, she will be destroyed in the final poll. Has such limited appeal, it'll be like Mondale all over again.

The fbi will sweep this under the rug like they do for any other democrat.

you're probably right.

Do you have source on this? or some type of screen shot so I can spread it


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>he thinks Harris and Smollett would risk credibility or jail time by manufacturing public outrage just so some random unnecessary bill might pass into law, one wherein they make no money whatsoever
yeah, no, cunt, they don’t give a fuck about racially motivated hate crimes

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She had the same guilty reaction Jewsy Swollowit had when he did his interview and was questioned. This really needs to be hammered, she clearly is anti-white and would be the one to take our guns and start lynching whites, fuck her, fucking poo nigger.



some say it was so she could have something in her resume1 for a presidential run.
but Hillary ran on this record so I dunno

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The only way for the deep state illuminati jews to lose is for them to be so in love with their own farts, to drink their own kool aid and not be gas lighting but honestly believe and bet their lives on their flawed ideology of racial and sexual and social equality

In order to not fuck up like this, they would have to admit, at least internally on some level that people are not equal.
But so many of them have been raised cradle to grave in the matrix of The State. They have never really worked or earned anything, everything theyve ever used was paid by the state, ie stolen from real workers via taxes in the democrat-wealth-redistribution-for-votes-from-the -poor-and-stupid plan
All their teachers, bosses, politicians and media, all jews, full brainwashing control.
We are the first intelligent logical people that they ever met that has different beliefs that refuses to capitulate. Their natural inclination will be to "prove us wrong" by betting on niggers and women and transsexuals to be as cunning as Ashkenazi Khazarian Pharisees

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They just assumed the leftist media would cover their ass as usual.


they’re sloppy. they’re sloppy because they’re desperate. they’re desperate because they’re stupid. they’re stupid because they’re sloppy and thought Hillary Clinton would get elected and cover up all their pedo shit.

They done fucked up. Bitch lost. Mods are ped loving parasites.

are you fucking retarded? That is exactly what she incites and runs on, lmao, she is basically a modern Black Panther without the lynch whitie aspect. To say this bitch doesnt run on identity politics is fucking retarded, she just passed an anti-lynching bill when there hasnt been a lynching in decades. She and the rest of them were all in on this, they wanted a example to point to about Trumps MAGA being racist. Tell me an example of Trumps MAGA causing racism (besides Jow Forums shitposting) You cant, and wont beable to.
Pittsburg shooter- Anti-Trump and even said he has never even thought about wearing a MAGA hat
Covington Catholic- hoax and the only racist wee the black israeli niggers
MAGA bomber- wasnt even white

Recently, a man wearing a "Kamala" hat was spotted in an airport. Let's compare him to the based nigerian super hetero's that fucked up her plan, for great justice.

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Daily reminder Kamalas' family owned slaves.

>Niggers owned slaves
>Niggers forever BTFO


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the media did try but the truth was too evident

the media is implicated in this.

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That's amazin

I won't, I'm not going to stop until the whole story is out. Kamala is guilty of fucking something here!

The day this ugly brown cunt is elected president is the day I join an oath keeper organization and prepare for civil war

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Valerie Jarrett could well be behind this hoax too. Another user said it, I don't doubt it. forgot your meme flag. There's nothing tranny kike about wanting to know if our Congress members are criminals. This is the best chance we're going to have in a long time of proving how subversive they are.

the only reason this story has legs is because normies live and breathe celebrity gossip. that retarded kid beat up by four blacks? literally who

who is this girl and how old is she?

Lol. I keked. Ty leafanon.

Bump. Fuck this bitch.

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>politician runs on pandering to a particular demographic
and your point? That in no way proves that what comes out Harris’s or any celebrity’s mouth is anything other than lip service.

Again, none of these fucking hacks on either side of the political spectrum are motivated by muh ethnicity, or muh ideology, and the ones that are are merely pawns being manipulated by powers that exploit them to foster tension and division among identitarian shit for brains.

rather friendly with weinstein

Based and nyan pilled.

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I think her sex tapes will be fun to watch once they finally leak


Who did she blow exactly? I've heard the rumors, but don't actually know who they guy was and how it helped her politically.

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This happened!

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This happened! Believe it.

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>deeply concerned
>that i'll be found out

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I think you might be retarded



She won’t be president. Don’t worry.

>Kamela Harris grandmother was a slave owning black women


Her father wrote that in his biography.

I cant believe /nupol/ doesn't know this already

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Nobody is worried about her becoming President. People want to see justice and punishment in this fucking Banana republic.




dumping redpills

>race realism and IQ

>The great replacement



>Diversity + Proximity = War


>Race mixing

>redpilled threads

>other redpills


>men and women

>other pastebin links

>book collection


>infographs #1

>infographs #2

>over 2 terabytes of redpills

>Alt base

roseanne did nothing wrong

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Phone records!