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Yeah don't expect any responses, England bashing threads are only acceptable, not based England defending itself.

Based England isn't kosher on this board.

England hasn't been based since 1775.

The fact this was even a fucking question is a joke 100 years ago the bitch would have been executed

i like your kind of thinking

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she still should be, bring her to britain and execute her, disassemble her and send her fucking body to the pathetic part of your empire you have left, to teach all the islamofasicst a lesson
hur dur revoked citizenship, she'll just come back as a refugee


who'd think a paki would be the first home secretary in a generation to have any balls
but it's against international law to leave her stateless isn't it? what state does she belong to now? other than being in a right fucking state, of course

Good job.

>yfw you realise the United States pays the UK government hundreds of millions of dollars each year to rent out Diego Garcia which belongs to the UK
>yfw Americans are retarded turboniggers that think le celtic celtic is based when le celtic celtic is actually le cucky cuck cuck.

I hope you suffer another 9/11 when you cowardly cucks let in that nigger paki that's begging to return to the US.