Trump goes on warpath defending homosexuals

America Yesssssss!!!!!!!!!!1111

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Trust the plan MAGApedes. Trump will expose the leftists as the real homophobic, transphobic, anti-semites!

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Trust the plan

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he has to play ball.
But I wish he didn't because he should know they will never vote for him. He thinks they are the kind of voters that would at least consider him. They despise him and there is nothing he can do about it. Why doesn't he know that.
Probably bad advisors.

>Probably bad advisors.

Or probably cause he's a fucking jew

he's not the kind of man that actually cares about homosexuals and feminists

No his grandmother is Jewish and he's a New York liberal.

LGBT right are being pushed by actual power elite homos, not by jews specifiaclly.

>not by jews specifiaclly.

Elites are jews

There are some jewish elites - yes. But lgbt propaganda is not being pushed by jews

>But lgbt propaganda is not being pushed by jews

Most jews are pushing it dou. Israel and Jews in my country support LGBT rights.

However the goy in the developed nations are also pushing LGBT rights.

It became convinient political tool and everybody uses it today it seems. Like Jewish 6 gorillion, climate change mafia, etc..

I guess they can stop saying he's anti gay now. 4d chess am I right?

based and redpilled
t. discord tranny

>trump ready to defend Venezuelans
>trump funds walls in Israel, Pakistan and other shitholes, because their people matter
>magacucks don’t even get a fence
No no no

i will gladly give my life if it's forced in my country.

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Watching the Trump disillusionment has been one of the more blackpilling things to see recently
>this outsider makes big promises
>gets elected
>immediately turns into a kike

choo choo

Does Putin use it? How about Kadyrov?

literally globohomo

Who are the discord trannies now?

> grennel launches
trump himself has done literally nothing for gays besides paying lip service to political correctness
ignoring the fact that he chose a homo hating Christian like Mike Pence as vp

>4D chess

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Trump is bisexual. He and Roger Stone go waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back bros. Lotsa sex parties together. Their dicks have been everywhere including each other’s mouths.

Plenty of fags voted for Trump. Believe it or not homos live in states other than Caliifornia and NewYork.

Trump has no ideology. He's a sub-90 IQ brainlet who comes to decisions based on a mixture of impulse and what Mr Shekelstein whispers in his ear.

>"Every American in every community and from every walk of life has a right to live in security and to live in peace. That is my highest priority as President."

His support is at an all time high. We're gonna do this whether you stormniggers get on board or not. :3

>Who are the discord trannies now?

All of us

>The state should be able to imprison/execute you based on your alleged orientation

>Who gets to decide what your actual orientation is? The state does!

Kill yourselves, bootlickers

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>celebrates empty platitudes

I didn't vote for this.



You know his daughter is a kike right?

If the wife is a trap and the husband is a trap, is that gay or does double trap cancel it out?

Your country is full of goat-fuckers. Nobody is trying to revoke your right to make love to farm animals.

>His support is at an all time high
so the polls are now real? what a coincidence after shilling for the establishment


Fuck this kike. We’re running out of time and out of options now that it’s clear he’s a tool.

Nobody said anything about polls you fucking fag. Take a look at his rally in El Paso and get your head out of your ass.

Very few voted for him because of Mike Pence stupid. I don’t know a single real fag or lezbo that wants Trump to even live past yesterday.

Yeah, only problem is he’s including spics, niggers, trannies, faggots, chunks and illegals in that definition of American.

Enjoy Brazil 2.0.

Why are you attacking him for being willing to stand up to Trump's agenda of worldwide degeneracy? The Middle East is the last vanguard against this shit.

Chinks obviously not chunks

You first faggot

I'm sorry he's not Orange Hitler, Mr. Canadian. Why the fuck do you care about American politics again??

Go live there then you fucking faggot.

i thought Pakistanis were the goat fuckers

Things trump likes:
Doing what his son in law tells him to do
Things trump hates:
White people
Fulfilling his campaign promises

Probably because Canada is right on our border, you dumbfuck.

What affects us affects Canada.

His support has never been above 50% in 3 years (including the campaign)...only POTUS in history that can claim that honor. America hates him just like the world hates him. Check out the video of Pence name dropping Trump while in could hear a gnat fart. Watch that Jew whore Ivanka’s reaction to loud applause when Merkel slammed him. The entire fucking world hates Trump.

a bunch of BASED spics and whites too stupid to know they are getting replaced sounds like the modern day trump base

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>citing zerohedge

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Oh god, why the fuck is there an "American" who listens to what other countries have to say about his own? Especially when they have their own shit to deal with and shouldn't be throwing stones in their glass house? That's the worst kind of American, you deserve to be hung.

I have a big feeling your a spic
Most MIGApedes on pol are spics nowadays
Actual white people see the betrayal

they still don't even support him

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that's literally all he has left lol

Why do I care about the politics of my closet neighbour and greatest ally? The politics of the nation that created the modern world?

I’ll let you think on that. Maybe letting the world hegemony fall to barbarism and degeneracy isn’t the greatest idea.

What would you understand about that though, you’re a barely functioning mutt.

I saw the rally...a bunch of white trailer trash retards and bobble heads. Dumb as dirt.

Why would they? No one tells them to.

you deserve to be hung for justify jewish influence in america

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>The entire fucking world hates Trump.

And the ability to laugh at that and not care about what other countries think is the ability of the American. It's sad that you really think those places are in any position to criticize American. Even MORE telling is that you listen to them despite his whole campaign on "America First".

I'm so sorry he's not your Orange Hitler. Sorry bro. He never said anything about stopping immigration entirely, in fact he was for LEGAL immigration the whole time. Shocker I know, especially since you've clearly never watched him. :(

And this will eventually turn on Israel.

It's brilliant!

>drinking your own meme Kool-Aid
Pence condoned pursuit of VOLUNTARY orientation therapy for adults who sought it on their own volition. The zap meme just stuck because the Left blows everything out of proportion. Why am I having to explain this on Jow Forums of all places?

Confirmed spic. What’s it like making churros for a living?

>white Americans can be demographically replaced as long as the paper work IS IN ORDER!

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U r dum

AHAHAHA, I am. He's not your Orange Hitler lmao, stormfags crying give me life.

AHAHAHA, this fucking loser. I can't wait till the next election rolls around. The tears will be good! :P

Awww, he's mad. Stop being a little bitch and letting others perception of you control what you do you fucking NPC :(

>fucks your 3 year old in the ass
>sacrifices her to moloch
>child consented with signature
Who are you to judge child, animal and corpse fuckers?

Every American flag on Jow Forums is a spic who foolishly believes supporting trump turns his skin from brown to white

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>I'm so sorry he's not your Orange Hitler. Sorry bro

I saw this exact post in another thread.

Bro it’s legal do you have a problem with legality or something? It’s practically a synonym for justice.

>cries about real news

I live off government assistance ;3


Sounds like you should have voted for someone else bub ;3

>stormfags crying give me life

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What exactly is your ideology?

>He never said anything about stopping immigration entirely

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It was probably me again telling you you're a fag for thinking he would be the next Hitler and clear up everything for the white ethnostate you fucking loser lmao


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Why are there so many poop skinned 5'0 subhuman spics on this board?
We literally elected a president who promised to deport all of you
Both whites and blacks despise you

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Red piled and goyed

>conflates illegal and legal immigration

You fucking Dems are the biggest pieces of shit ever, you know that?

this will be used to invade anti-homo countries

Boy that image looks like from 2015. That feels like a thousand years ago.

>Trump is base
>LEGAL immigration

And he has the audacity to call other people NPC’s when he can’t even articulate a thought that someone else hasn’t created for him. Fucking retard.

>if you don't support the globalist establishment subverting the Trump agenda then you are an NPC!
sorry i believe in ideas not a cult

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>deport all of you

You're gonna need to quote that one, Hoss. ;3

>being against degeneracy and wanting your country to remain the way it's been for the last 200 years = hitler

So much butthurt itt, you might as well become gays.
MAGA, Make Assfucker Great Again

are you fucking retarded? the plan was to always curb immigration to a complete halt.

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>Trump is base

Never typed either of those

>LEGAL immigration

Literally something he campaigned off of. You fake neo nazi's crack me the fuck up.


no, u

tel aviv is the gay capital of the world. send them there

So not only is he a kike but a faggot kike? Jeesh.

Mexicans have an average IQ of 80
Please be nice to our subhuman friends

>Things trump hates:

You forgot about the 2nd Ammendment.

>being against degeneracy and wanting your country to remain the way it's been


You still haven't given me a quote :(

Who you think is 30% of your country? If the country is perfectly represented on pol, then almost every third poster here is a shitskin spic. I believe most of them are not so smart so maybe every fifth poster is a spic. Niggers are probably 1/100. Most blacked posts are Australians or leafs. I bet those cunts also post all the Asian mixing threads