Personally I think Israel can be our greatest ally in the creation of white ethnostate (Arya). Why? Because they get it...

Personally I think Israel can be our greatest ally in the creation of white ethnostate (Arya). Why? Because they get it, they are the closest thing to an ideological western ethnostate that we can actually do buisness with. The fact they have such power over the america government would only work in our advantage if we could earn their favor. Bibi has been a staunch supporter of Trump and his plan for a wall after all. They get it, our white ethnostate can be allies with Israel and that would give us so much power over foreign governments. As long as they let us do what we want why should we butt heads?

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Israel did 9/11 and killed JFK. FUCK OFF.

so divide and conquer our own movement by alienating our more influencial allies based on fringe conspiracy theories? Also JFK did affermative action he was a faggot.

>they let us do what we want

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So why did you flood the 1st world with subhumans and wrecked their economy, wiggers?

not all slave owners were jews, jews played a huge role in the importation of niggers, but the past is the past, there are still enemy jews of course, but Bibi and Israel have extended a metaphorical fig leaf of alliance towards us white nationalists, and I think its foolish to reject it, we arent necessarily in the position to be picky.

If Jews stayed in Israel, I wouldn't care, but they survive by leeching onto the strongest people around. If there was a white ethnostate, Jews would want in. They would then try to turn it into an Israeli lapdog.

They understand us, and that's why they hate us: less control. Think critically for a moment: Do you think they would give whites land for whites like Britain did for them? Do you think they would go to war for whites like whites have done for them?

Israel wants:
>Syrian territory
>Iraqi territory
>Palestinian territory
>Lebanese territory
This involves military presence in those countries. So a couple of questions for you to answer on this would be:
>Where will the locals from those countries end up going?
>Who will assist Israel with occupying those territories?
If you answer US or Europe to either question than NO, Israel can not be our greatest ally.

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you can assume that all you want, but have you talked to Bibi directly? I have and hes not sneaky like that, he gets it, he hates Soros and american social justice jews, he thinks Hitler had the right idea.

faggot their goal is to eradicate the white races so that they can rule the world

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You don't want their influence or the strings attached to it.

i get where youre coming from, but as long as we are woke to history i think it can work. Really, we just need to find an alternative narrative to agree upon.


That’s the symbol for Raelianism, the extra terrestrial religion started by crowleyists used to usher in the NWO. Fuck off space kike.

leftwing and zionist jews work together. most jews in israel are secular. zionism itself was an idea from revolutionary jews who subverted governments and actively enabled world wars to accomplish it. they don’t care about gentiles. they hate gentiles. all your assumptions are wrong.

Cool! Get your buddy bibi to fund a white ethnostate named Hitleria and I'll believe you.

i prefer the name Arya

>Personally I think Israel can be our greatest ally

into the trash it goes

>Bibi and Israel have extended a metaphorical fig leaf of alliance towards us white nationalists

what the fuck am i reading.

Soros lives in US.
Israel controls the US.
Why doesn’t Israel put a bounty on Soros head like Putin did?

'Hitler had the right idea'. He signed the transfer agreement in 1933. This helped to populate Israel.
Soros worked for the nazi’s during WWII. Why does Benjamin hate Soros?

Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Mizrahi, Russian, Palestinian, Armenian, Ethiopian, Yemenite, Druze, other shitskins and Jew mutts.

Kill yourself kike.

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