Thoughts on Tito?
Thoughts on Tito?
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imported Albozergs into Kosovo. Race traitor but cool guy.
muva čika Kure
more liked Based-o
Only Chad who knew how to keep Balkcucks in line
Defective communist. Killed more ethnic Slovenes than anyone ever did
Fuck off mutts, Yugoslavia would have only been based under this movement
The only leader that somehow made socialism work. Smart, wise and no matter how recognized still underrated
He built all the hotels which are the only thing your countrys economy is based on
But how do you convince them to unite?
Fuck off you commie shits
I bet you like Stalin or Hitlers false help to your cursed lands of mistrust and backstabbing. Underage Gipsy.
I'm no commie and you will not define me as such
I hate Stalin and we would have been much better off with Hitler
Did a good job of repressing serb ethno autism and probably was only one of the few socialist countries to do well for themselves. Balkanization was inevitable and he should have seen that and made plans before his death
I ain't commie but you're obv larper
He wouldn't have killed ethnic Slovenes like the partisans and Tito did čefur
And you are a LARPer as well
Tito Tito!
He raised Phil and loved the ladies.
He's right you know
> The Nazis had a plan of ethnic cleansing of northern Slovenia, with the exception of north-eastern part that was occupied by Hungary, and they resettled or chased away Slovene civil population to the puppet states of Nedić's Serbia and NDH. Because Hitler opposed having the ethnic German Gottscheers in the Italian occupation zone, they were moved out of it. About 46,000 Slovenes were transported to Saxony in Germany in order to make space for the relocated Gottscheers.
The majority of Slovene victims during the war were from the northern Slovenia, i.e. Lower Styria, Upper Carniola, Central Sava Valley, and Slovenian Carinthia. However, their formal annexation to the "German Reich" was postponed because of the installation of the new "Gauleiter" and "Reichsstatthalter" of Carinthia first, and later the Nazis dropped the plan because of the Slovene Partisans, with which they wanted to deal first. Only Meža valley initially became part of "Reichsgau Carinthia".
>literally off of wikipedia
Now tell me Generplan Ost existed. Partisans killed 50'000 Slovenes. Tell me how many they did
and how many of them were killed after the war
Got any proof for that Jude? And yes, in war people kill. Check USA some day, that's their daily kill.
So you also have a second device from which you can post. Good for you.
Check all the mass killings commited by Partisans and chetniks during WW2 of Slovenes and add them up
You know nothing you moron. We, the northern side, were far better off under occupation. The killings started with Tito.
No, i won't check jack shit, go prove it to me ethnic Slovenians were killed who dindu nuffin.
Come to my families' tombstones. Maribor. Reason: "nemškutarji" (germans)
Fucking commie retard
So you are a traitor Jude getting money from Germany right now to sell Slovenian companies and import American garbage, i get it now.
Yes, Germans who attacked us need to be killed, problem?
Oh it's you, the retarded retard that keeps spamming commie propaganda 24/7 everywhere.
Sorry, I mistook you for a human being.
What propaganda? I only spam truth, you spam propaganda. Go provide some evidence to your claims.
based anti-commie, anti-EU socialist
ruled with an iron fist
Yugoslavia had high tech manufacturing
yes, he made compromises, but given the ethnic makeup he had to deal with, well done overall
no wonder they waited until he died to take down Yugoslavia
That's no proof, just some random links of WW2.
Dude, ignore him. He's actually an autistic retard. Just don't reply to him.
Oh look another proxy. How's mama Merkel's salary?
>Many of the mass graves were created during the war, but the larger sites date from after the war. The wartime graves vary from those of soldiers killed in battle to groups that were targeted by the Partisans due to their ethnicity (e.g., Romani)[8][9][10][11] or other civilians murdered for political reasons.
>muh ethnic Slovenians
Literally opposite to your claims. Ethnic Slovenians are killed by Christian capitalists with migration right now.
Yeah, I hate capitalists. Why are you acting like its only socialism or capitalism. Partisans killed ethnic Slovenes during WW2 until 1949
He's acting like only capitalism or communism exists, pretty autistic
>Partisans killed ethnic Slovenes during WW2 until 1949
Never happened, you have no proof. If anything you wannabe Nazis who took American and Germans and British bribes killed Slovenians and then ran to foreign lands or you were captured by Partisans.
Nah, we always had Mlka and Kinder Schocolade hurr durr moron.
>why does a glass fall to the ground when you let go of it
>and don't say gravity
No point in arguing with you
Just prove it, your links proven opposite.
Kike. Thanks to him, we've become a bunch of swarthy materialistic untermenschen. Commies glorified rude, drunken behavior because that's what they were themselves. We're still stuck in this state. We embody the spirit of real gommunism.
>People still believe the "Socialism worked in Yugo" meme.
There was already nationalism in the balkan countries, but if you wonder why it got much worse in the 80's it was because, surprise susprise, economic crisis happened due to socialism (again), so everyone specially Croatia and Slovenia wanted to get out of the ride.
Also, it was thanks to him Kosovo became the muzzie, ISIS training camp shithole that is now. Long story short, an overrated leader and just another failed commie asshole like all the rest.
No they don't.
>muh Jews
There were 5 Jews in Slovenia in Yugoslavia.
>being this paranoid lol
So? The leading communists were yids.
>povojni poboji never happend
yeah, please kys
Communists were always anti-religion you mentally insane mental midget.
>Jewish Christians were the original members of the Jewish movement that later became Christianity.
>Born Judea, Roman Empire
>was a Jewish preacher
Born in Israel:
>fisherman in Bethsaida
The pillars of your Christianity and Pope are Jewish:
>is an Italian Renaissance church in Vatican City, the papal enclave within the city of Rome.
>Paul affirms that Peter had the special charge of being apostle to the Jews
Jehovah's Witness aka Yahweh's Witness:
>"Jehovah" (also transliterated as "Yehowah"
Original name of Christian god:
>Yahweh was the national god of the Iron Age kingdoms of Israel (Samaria) and Judah.
100% correct desu
In his mind no land grabs happened either
Yugoslavia had deportation of Jews to Israel. Yugoslavia had negative migration, Yugoslavia had deportation.
>picture related
You have more migrants per year than Yugoslavia you dumb Christian capitalistic cuck.
Yes, land grabs happened by dumb capitalists who never been to Slovenia and are begging through USA for money for their poor souls of imaginary Jewish victimhood.
Dude I hate capitalists calm the fuck down. Also the SNS was founded by a jew, but that's just a very big coincidence right
Political party didn't matter in Yugoslavia, it didn't matter since elections only matter since 1990. Before people owned companies, Tito was just public figure, he didn't manage companies, collective managed companies. We didn't need political parties aka government to manage our shit. Political parties are just private companies on banking money, they do everything papa USA and mommy Germany says.
Janez Janša of SDS or Zmago Jelinčič of SNS, both want same thing, to go to EU for EU salary. Political parties of countries don't make laws, European Parliament does. Btw European Parliament copies laws from OECD.
Maybe they stopped going to synogoges but so what? You don't seem to realize how communism and judaism are comparable. For goyim, property is forbidden, they must contribute to one cause (fight made up enemies and their toxic elements, ad nauseum), slave their days and be content until their humiliating existence comes to an end. It's a fully automated society with individuals who respond without much thought, who can't seem to escape their fear and self hatered because they don't now better. They know only the material dimension, controled by a ruthless machine called Saturn. When mankind is subdued like that, then its masters await for their messiah.
You sound like an anarchist, are you sure you even know which philosophy you believe in. You sound confused
>communism and judaism
Yes, not even a little and Donald Trump is compatible.
What are international finances? Nothing to do with Socialism. Capitalism is compatible with capitalistic Judaism. Other than that Jews are just religious people.
In all honesty he created the most sustainable system possible for Yugoslavia, both economic and political, and if not for a few mistakes such as suppressing religion and nationalism, Yugoslavia might have actually survived into this century, but trying to force the artificial "Yugoslav" nationalism less than a single generation after the country even came into existence was bound to fail, maybe two or three generations of propaganda could have had the desired effect but one was never gonna work, and suppressing nationalism also caused the counter-effect so yea. It's easy for me to say all this with the all mighty power of hindsight but in general, he was aight, but he fucked up big on two very important fronts, making the system he created completely impossible to maintain after his death.
He was a naive Albanian who thought he'd make slavs great again. Poor man
Capitalism and Bolshevism are two sides of the same jewish coin.
It's not about even a capitalist-socialist dichotomy anymore. The way capitalism tends to behave leads to jewish hegemony anyway. You're just under an illusion that you own stuff this time.
>Zmago Jelinčič
>šel bi v Evropski parlament "Podpise še zbiramo, v sredo prihodnji teden bomo imeli predsedstvo SNS, listo pa bomo verjetno vložili v četrtek," nam je dejal dolgoletni poslanec državnega zbora, ki se mu na zadnjih parlamentarnih volitvah leta 2011 ni uspelo prebiti v parlament.
>Zmago Jelincic
>I will go to the European Parliament "We are still collecting signatures, we will have the Presidency of the SNS next week, and the list will probably be submitted on Thursday," said the long-time deputy of the National Assembly, who failed to get through the last parliamentary elections in 2011 Parliament.
Meanwhile Janez Janša is in EU for very long time.
>he decided to work for his party (SDS)
>Christian democrat
>Janez Janša
>he supported the government's efforts for the integration into EU and NATO.
>November 2004 to November 2008. During the term characterized by over-enthusiasm after joining EU, between 2005 and 2008 the Slovenian banks have seen loan-deposit ratio veering out of control
>President of the European Council 2008
You don't know shit and lie, like usual.
Judaism and Christianity are same coin that destroy white European history.
>A Yevsektsiya[1] (Russian: Eвceкция[2], IPA: [jJfˈsʲektsɨjə]; Yiddish: יעווסעקציע) was a Jewish section of the Soviet Communist Party.
>The stated mission of these sections was "destruction of traditional Jewish life, the Zionist movement, and Hebrew culture".
>In August 1919 Jewish properties, including synagogues, were seized and many Jewish communities were dissolved.
>Lenin wrote in his project of a directive for the Communist Party "The policies on the Ukraine" in autumn of 1919:
>Jews and city dwellers on the Ukraine must be taken by hedgehog-skin gauntlets,[19] sent to fight on front lines and should never be allowed on any administrative positions (except a negligible percentage, in exceptional cases, and under [our] class control)
-Russian Empire:
11% Muslims, 3% Jews
-Soviet Union:
>eвpeи(Jews) 1449063
0% Muslims, 0.5% Jews
>November 1917 – October 1922
>Winston Churchill declared that Bolshevism must be "strangled in its cradle"
>Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War with the United Kingdom and France sending troops into Russian port
Every single Communist government removed Jewish power and reduced Jews. Every single Christian or capitalistic government increased Jewish power.
At least ban circumcision you stupid wannabe pro-life, pro-family Christian cuck. Something every Communistic party has done.
Why do you think I wouldn't?
>Christianity is Jewish
Judaism was originally Sumerian, Babylonian and Egyptian (all indo-european) thought which attemped to reshape Canaanite mythos. Unfortunately a lot of Canaanites remained loyal to their old wven more backwards order and started to develop their oral laws regarding those were blessed by God. They took something more sophisticated and lied about who had conceived it.
Now there were big Empires with likewise sophisticated religious systems who influenced one another and this area in general (Zoroastrianis, Greek, and with them Hindus and Buddhists). So an idea of a Messiah was born, but Pharisees (Canaanites/Edomites) admitted it but only once they totally submit this material world and goy mind and body.
There are nothing but Christian political parties in Europe since WW2, you had nearly 100 years time, you didn't do it.
>Classical / Marxist conception, where socialism is a stage of economic development in which wage labour, private property in the means of production and monetary relations have been made redundant through the development of the productive forces
EU is far right wing capitalistic organization run by Christian morons.
>successor of the Christian Social Party, a staunchly conservative
>Christian Democrats and conservatives
First Presidents of EU:
>Christian Democrat
>Christian Democrat
>Christian Democrat
>Belgian Catholic politician
>Conservative Catholic
>Roman Catholicism
More founding fathers of EU:
>Roman Catholicism
>Roman Catholicism
>Roman Catholicism
Churchill was shilling for EU in 1920, ever since Conservatives are in power in UK.
Riblja Čorba: Al Kapone
Down with the dinasty of Serbia
Kosovo Uber Alles
>christian democrats
LMAO. They're idiots at best. You're pretty dumb too if you expected they'd know their God. Not even the Church does. It hardly ever did, barring some individuals here nad there.
>Now tell me Generalplan Ost existed
Are you attempting to deny/claim it didn’t? Are you a brainlet?
based and Kolindapilled
bastard liar
Beat me too it
You guys like, these /balk threads have the same 5 repeated weekly topic, being discussed on the same " LARP as your flag" way. It's genuinely boring and annouying to see , when there are plenty of fresh subjects to talk about. Come on..
Also sorry for horrible spelling, phoneposting