Incest fucking incest

I wanna get my aunt into bed with me, im a good looking well built 18 year old with a 9 inch hammer and my aunt is a total slut with a big rack, now i wanna bang her, how should i develop my approach ? Im pretty sure she would agree to atleast have some for once.

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Big tits instantly = slut

Fuck off you muslim

Wow what a retard, first of all, how the fuck did you even came to think that im a muslin ? And i know my aunt better than you so im not calling her a slut for just having big boobs your retarded cunt

Imagine if you got her pregnant.

Give her an innocent little kiss on the mouth and let it get out of hand. But you must be nineteen to fuck your aunt. Those are the rules.

Well imma make sure that dosnt all

Nice idea of that little innocent kiss btw but what fucking rules bruh ?

I'm just joking about the rules dude. My aunt was hot as fuck too. I got a little inappropriate with her and my cousin too. I never let it go too far but, all I had to do was let it and it would have.

Rlly bro ? I mean what do you think wouldve happened if you wouldve just let it get out of control ?

That's fucking nasty and I hope both of you kill yourselves someday.

Same to you and your entire family...

Except my family won't die due to inbreeding, faggotron.

My aunt was hot. I never fucked her. It ain't my fault she was playful and I liked it. I was the kid.

I'm not your romance novelist.

First do some research on inbreeding you retarded little shit


Whatever i im not returning to reply to some retarded cunts who dont even know what inbreeding means and some faggots who enjoy their playful aunts, fucking fucktards man, i just coming back to this bords so shove a 12 inch dildo up your asses

Hey I was serious about my advice and shit. I thought you were someone else fucking with me.
You got me thinking of my aunt pretty hard. But still I ain't a porn writer. We would have fucked if it got outa control. That's about as eloquent as I can get with 10 percent battery. I hope you let us know if it goes down.
Peace out user!

Muslin is a cheap sort of cotton. Nobody called you that

>even in some western countries it's still legal for aunts and nephews to marry

Nani the fuck is this fun fact.

Under rated post

Under rated post

Also op my gf's sister fucks her cousin and they have kids so there is hope for you

>9 inch hammer
Yea, but do you have a nice cock though?

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Make up some excuse that you got some problem with you dick or balls - rash whatever you think will get her to agree to check it out for you. Then whip out that 9 inch. If she is the slut you say she is she will not resist that hot hard young cock!

Some people are just begging for more "family drama".

Take up alligator wrestling. It's a lot less complicated.