Is lack of jealousy something to worry about?

So Jow Forums, here's the story:

I have a gf of a few years. Me and gf both have a friend we knew from before we were dating, let's call her "Jazz" (just so I don't have to keep typing out "gf's friend.")

Like I said, I knew Jazz before dating gf, and we're pretty good friends even outside of knowing gf, I guess? I always thought my gf trusted Jazz to be the "keep an eye on him while I'm not around" girl. Not that my gf doesn't trust me, but you know, it's nice to have a friend you can rely on like that.

Anyway, recently Jazz and I talked, and she asked me how serious I was about my gf, and I said pretty serious without getting too specific.

Less than a week later, my gf starts dropping some...weird hints.

"Hey, you know Jazz had a crush on you before, right?"
>I chuckle
"Actually I think she still has a crush on you."

"Do you think Jazz is hot?"
>"She's pretty cute."
"She thinks you're hot, lol"

"What should we get Jazz for christmas?"
>"Hmmm, I dunno"
"Let's get her a vibrator, user! She could really use one"

This finally culminated in, one night, my gf coming out and saying that she wanted to have a threesome with me and Jazz, and that Jazz herself had been asking about it. I kind of avoided committing to anything. It was a bit awkward.

Obviously, on a pure lust level, I'd be delighted to fuck them both. But...I am super serious about my gf. As in, I'm considering marrying her. And I can't stop thinking...if she really doesn't care if I fuck another woman, if she really wouldn't feel jealous at all, does she really love me? I know I'd never let another guy fuck the woman I love. Does she not see me the way I see her?

Would love to get advice from femanons on this.

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Fuck em both, chance of a lifetime.
Just don't jizz in jazz

From your girlfriend's quotes, it seems to me that she's dropping hints that she doesn't want you and Jazz to be this close. Also, no matter how much your dick would love it, I really doubt she is serious about a threesome. They're tests brought about by jealousy, to me. Do know, if you have a threesome, your relationship and future marriage would suffer a scar.

>From your girlfriend's quotes, it seems to me that she's dropping hints that she doesn't want you and Jazz to be this close.
I got the opposite. It sounds like shes literally holding back how excited she is about it while still trying to drop strong hints that she wants it to happen.

I have a friend who has been with his girlfriend for 26 years (they live together, practically married). He told me his gf is bringing girls to his house to have threesomes, he is super happy ofc. She did this to spice up the relationship, and it worked. So I don't think is weird that your gf doesn't show jealousy, she is just adding some flavour to your sex life.

I say, take it man, and be the happiest man on earth for a few days

Call me crazy, but I think chances are your girlfriend doesn't want a threesome. I am a girl and what she's saying seems like "shit testing" to me; the ideal response to her would be that you firmly reject it, because of how devoted you are and such.

But the thing is, the gf has never shown any signs of wanting me and Jazz to not be that close. I mean, it's not like Jazz and I were SSUPER close, hanging out all the time alone with each other. My gf is much, much closer to Jazz than I am.

I also don't think it's a test.Without getting into too much detail, I can tell the idea of the threesome really, really turns my gf on, and she's really into it. I'm pretty much not worried at all about this making her judge me badly.

This is entirely about me judging HER. The fact that she's so into the idea of a threesome, and the fact that she doesn't seem jealous at all about me fucking another woman, makes me think she doesn't really love me, at least not in the way I love her. And this is of a big concern to me, considering that I'm thinking about marriage.

If she was shit testing him she wouldn't be excited about it. Those quotes use very excited language and I bet she was uncontrollably grinning when she said Jazz still thinks OP is hot. If OP is in fact getting these signs, then he's clearly got permission to pound.

sex and love are not alwas correlated, I wouldn't have a doubt in my mind that my girl loves me if she wants me to fuck her and another girl.

I would posit the idea that she might just really, REALLY want to fuck her friend with you a few times before that and you don't really need to worry about how she feels about you. Especially if you two end up like Eiffel Towering Jazz or something and spend half the time making out with eachother. I'm not gonna pretend to know your girl but I'm really getting the impression that this situation in particular simply presses all her buttons in just the right way, and theres nothing to really be worries about.


That DOES NOT MEAN you shouldnt voice your concerns. The opposite in fact. You NEED to have this conversation. Tell her EXACTLY what your concerns are. Voice them, address them, get the resolution you need. Then go tag team Jazz.

If she's turned on by having a threesome with you doesn't mean she'll cheat on you. So, if it's really just the context of a fetish, I don't think you should be worried about her not loving you. What you should do is express your worries to your girlfriend and make sure she would really be into it.

If you don't do it you're a fag.

You men and your dicks... Thank God some aren't like this.

if you don't want to let some other guy fuck your gf in the future, I say don't do it

and if you are truly thinking about marriage, this can fuck it up, no matter the excitement, it can hurt you both

Yeah, I mean I planned on doing this anyway. It's just that she's normally very timid, (my gf that is) and I'm much more used to being the "rock" in the relationship. I don't usually have insecurities like this. I guess it's probably because I've been considering my relationship with her much more seriously lately.

Another thing I'm worried about is Jazz herself. She's always been the much more mischievous type and hides her feelings a bit. I wouldn't want to fuck up my gfs relationship with Jazz if it turns out Jazz had deeper feelings or got hurt. My gf can usually tell how she's really feeling but maybe she's too excited by this idea to pay close attention.

And later she wants a mmf. Nopenopenopenope

Yeah, bring that concern up too and address it. Make sure she understands that you're not opposed to the idea but that it is a very risky thing for many relationships and if you don't do the figuring out beforehand you'll be doing it whole picking up the pieces of this relationship.
It sounds more like she really just has it out for Jazz desu. If it was some random or a less close friend then that worry would be magnified.

There's nothing preventing her from being genuine and still loving you. There are women out there who legitimately would get enjoyment out of seeing their partner with another woman, for various reasons. Compersion is one --- a term from the poly community, basically sort of the opposite of jealousy. I'm not describing it particularly well, sorry. Another is your girlfriend might be a cuckquean of one type or another. Or she could just really like Jazz and you. I'm leaning towards that one. There are other reasons as well it could be as well.

On the other hand, it's also possible as other anons point out that she does want an mmf after. I don't think this is the case given how excited she seems about it, but I don't know your girlfriend.

There's nothing that prevents her from being serious about you just because she wants this, but obviously wanting this isn't required for her to be serious about you. Maybe try asking her?

I agree with this user, you have to basically just say what you told us.

>Obviously, on a pure lust level, I'd be delighted to fuck them both.
>But...I am super serious about my gf.

Don't ask which order or how though, I have no idea lol.


So I talked to my gf about this.

>Me: Wouldn't you be jealous of me fucking another woman?
>Her: Not if it was Jazz.

>Me: I would never want you fucking another guy, though. It wouldn't matter if me and him were good friends.
>Her: I would never want to fuck another guy. But what about Jazz? Would you be jealous of her?

I had to admit I wouldn't be, and I had to admit that is pretty much entirely because Jazz is a woman.

The following answers kind of surprised me though.

>Me: So why do you want to try this? Is it like a fetish thing?
>Her: I love you and Jazz both so much I can't stand it.
>Me: You love her? Like romantically?
>Her: I don't know. I don't love her like I love you. It's different. But I want both of you to be part of my life forever.

At this point I was getting kind of worried, so:

>Me: So let me ask you something. Would you ever want to have sex with Jazz, alone, without me?
>Her: No. It's not like that, it's different. I love her so much I want to share you with her. I don't know. Sometimes I want to kiss her.
>Me: Does Jazz love you like this?
>Her: I'm not sure how Jazz feels. She was the one who bought up the threesome. She definitely has a crush on you though. She had it before we were even dating.

I'm not sure how to feel about this still. I'm less worried about my girlfriend not caring about me. But it does seem to be more emotionally involved than just a simple "Let's try out a threesome for fun."

I want to talk to Jazz, but right now I'm honestly not sure what I'd say to her. She's always been much more mischievous and less straightforward than my gf.

bro just do it. It's gonna be the best decision you ever made

Mate it sounds to me like you're the kind of lucky guy who is gonna have two wives if he wants. Your girlfriend certainly seems like that's what she's pushing for, and I'd be surprised if Jazz weren't at least somewhat up for it.

If you talk to Jazz, you should probably ask her what she's expecting of you. Your girlfriend too. Like, just a threesome or two? Or are they pushing for a more concrete arrangement?

Fuck off, fag.

Well I tried texting Jazz and in response she just kept sending me cry laughing emojis and then a picture of some lingerie, so I guess we'll have to talk in person to get some answer from her.

Well, keep us in the loop! We're all rooting for you here.

If you don't want to say no and be absolutely firm about it. She'll respect you even more for that.

Well, I'm meeting Jazz tonight. She requested that it just be me and her. I'm not sure what to expect.

Is your girlfriend okay with you and Jazz meeting alone together though?

Yeah, she's fine. Nothing is going to happen right now, just some talking. Heading out now.