I watched the video of the girls getting killed and didn't feel anything

I watched the video of the girls getting killed and didn't feel anything.
Not trying to be an edgelord here, but should I worry?

Attached: 1518433868161.jpg (640x360, 13K)

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Heavens, no. Why should you care about some slut that died because she has a flesh hole? Would a guy dying make any difference? Give me a break.

What was the video? Any context? Obviously depends on what happens in the video.

Most people feel bad as s general rule of thumb, so you probably do have something wrong with you

In all honesty if this is those Scandinavian chicks then eh-- you play dumb games, you win dumb prizes.

I don't weep every time a smoker gets lung cancer, and as unfortunate as that may seem, it would just be a waste of the effort.

Not talking about the news item, the actual video.
The Danish and Norwegian girls getting killed in Morocco.
The Danish girl shouts "ow, ow, mom" before getting her throat slit, attempts to breathe and makes gurgling sounds, they then kick the body a few times, fully dismember the head, and move it to another part of the tent.

what exactly is it that they did that you believes makes them deserving of being tortuously murdered?

a smoker gets cancer because it is the intrinsic physical consequence of smoking. murdering someone is a consciously chosen act and is never excusable.

Seeing something on the Internet isn't the same as seeing it in real life and taking part in it, you also didn't even know the random who-whats who got killed.


"Deserving" is your word, not mine. Remember that.
It's just that we all know what happens to you guys ladies in those parts of the world. They could've gone to, I dunno, the UAE or something and I'd still tell ya: ladies that aren't colored do not get a lot of fond treatment out there.
Anyone here could tell you shit just goes wrong in those places and you'd probably find a way to dial back. But let's be real, we all know what happens out there. It's not like it's a heavily excepted rule, either. This shit happens regularly enough to acknowledge it as a potential and purely tangible risk. There are all sorts of countermeasures against it.

Such as vacationing literally anywhere else. Fuck me sideways.

Also-- and this one is just for the record-- smokers don't "deserve" lung cancer, either. That's some tripfag level shit right there.

yes a little bit.
Normal people would feel grossed out and feel terrified due to empathy they hve toward other people.

You might be depressed/messed up brain chemistry, or have antisocial tendencies.

But if u arent fantasizing about hurting others in society you should be ok, otherwise i hope u seek help

It's a video lol sheesh. You'll feel it if it were to happen in person. T. Was in Iraq.

I cant watch videos like this because it enrages me so badly. I think you should feel something.

It was in Iraq, all you bitch niggas should already know what goes down over there. If it wasn't in a third world country then not feeling anything is sorta fucked up.

>I watched the video of the girls getting killed and didn't feel anything.
Not feeling anything over a video doesn't make you edgy, I was an edgelord watching every gorey video and checking out every picture, it doesn't desensitise you either, I found someone (not someone I was friends with or any real connection with) hanging in February this year and it fucked me up.

>you play dumb games, you win dumb prizes.
It was a popular hiking destination in a country that doesn't have anywhere near the same issues as other muslim populated countries, sure they could have been part of a bigger group or something but there was no obvious risk.

I watched my first Gore when I was 10. Nothing much. Move one

> ladies that aren't colored do not get a lot of fond treatment out there.

wrong. Anyone that isn't an Arab muslim doesn't get fond treatment. They treat Asians, Blacks and even other non-arab muslims as bad as they treat white people.

And Arabs think they aren't colored themselves so they treat colored people even worse.

Nah that's the Jow Forums effect man. I saw shit like that 24/7 when I browsed /b/ and pol and shitposted gore shit on people's MySpaces for lulz

Then I went cold turkey on image boards for a few years. Came back and my stomach isn't as strong as it once was. That video this morning shook me to my core, and I still feel fucked by it.

Fuck all liberals. They think the world is all rainbows and dandelions and that every human being is perfect and friendly. Fucking retards. Never have a response when asked why literally everyone wants to move to white countries, while simultaneously painting whites as evil. FUCK LIBERALS.

Whine whine bitch complain. I'm not even fully liberal and I can at least understand that there's a ton of fucking intricacies to everything that go on way more than white vs. non-white. Even if you got your all white ethnostate there'd still be rape, murder, and mass shootings. Not everyone of a different color is evil and out to get the white man.

It'd also help if we stopped bombing the fuck out of their countries and killing their families, then wondering why they want to kill us back.

Honestly OP, like many of us you're probavly just densitized to that kind of content from years spent in the seedier parts of cyberspace. It's just no longer something shocking. I wouldnt worry about it too much as long as you're not cheering on the killers having violent fantasies yourself

Wrong. White men dont rape. When you hear about them getting convicted, 99% of the time the crime was commited by a nomwhite, and the jews in government set up frameups to make it seem like whites are criminals too. If we had a white ethnostate, those problems would be permanently solved. Most crime would vanish overnight - rape and murser would be completely unheard of

>being this delusional

>white men don't rape

Jow Forums gives me a chuckle

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Whites created the greatest societies to exist. Take a look at crime stats retard. Fuck you idiot

>It'd also help if we stopped bombing the fuck out of their countries and killing their families, then wondering why they want to kill us back.
You know what would help even more?

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Learning how to post a gif?

No, this is a still image.

Didnt think id get a rebuttal moron

I don't intend to waste my Friday arguing crime statistics and their relevancy on a Mongolese tapestry bulletin board with a clear racist who wouldn't listen anyways. So yawn.

the white elite created and organized society. The white masse did not. only the top 5% of any society creates anything great. It's really stupid to claim you accomplished those things because someone who shares the same skin color as you did something in the past.

It's like a black guy saying "oh I'm so proud of myself because obama was president once. everyone else sucks"

>facts are racist

>hey guys, there's this execution video involving muslims and white people in case you didn't know

cool fucking advice thread you've got here, not all Jow Forums bait like always

Poor girl cried for her mom as she died.

Such a shame some humans cannot control their animalistic urges.

You shouldn't worry, user. It means you're becoming desensitized. That's not a bad thing - it means that you are not attaching a disproportionate amount of emotion to something and that you're learning that the world is a cruel place. Lessening or removing your emotions to an issue will enlighten you to facts and reality.

>i'm not racist it's just the facts here let me share some cool charts that back me up and don't possibly manipulate the data to make my argument for me and let's also ignore the potential reasons for some of these statistics like huge systemic failures and white people being let off for most shit while other races aren't
>oh yeah i got it from Jow Forums

tfw Jow Forums triggers you to retardation

>its all white peoples fault that minorities rape and murder at significantly higher rates.
Kys! Now! Do it!

Immediately go on a peace walk through the middle east retard. Im begging you

Never said anything was "the white people's" fault. I'm just saying you're a racist. You think minorities are lesser, more violent people. It's okay to admit it man, we're just anons who will never meet IRL, it's not like I'm gonna call your principal or something.

I never said everywhere is safe and I'd just go galavanting through shitty areas of the world. I'm just giving Mr. "Whites don't rape" a hard time.

I think watching the video and feeling nothing is pretty norm. The avg. Middle aged person was witnessing beheadings from news(edited) like 15 years ago? So i think by now we are all used to it...

I do however think its dumb how many new threads continue to re-post it. Its not like its actually cool...funny or interesting, really.

I dont think, i KNOW. And have stats and intelligence to back it up. Why is every third world country dogshit? Its because of the people. 10x more likely for a white to be killed by a black in america than vice versa, but nobody knows that. Care to comment on iq by country, retard?

No, but I can tell you're really excited to. Go ahead and post all of your statistics!

I'm sure none of those third world countries happen to be third world countries because the first world countries ran in, fucked their shit up for resources, and then left, pulling the rug out from under them.

You're probably desensitized to the point where it didn't affect you, or you're suffering from shock. Extremely graphic content like cartel videos, beheadings etc can also cause you to shut down emotionally for a short period to protect your psyche from trauma. You shouldn't be watching that shit.

>10x more likely for a white to be killed by a black in america than vice versa, but nobody knows that.

probably because it's bullshit you made up to get upset at lol

So what if you look at the rape rates of countries which historically were all-White such as Sweden, or the US when it was segregated, or the American states which do not have many Blacks or Hispanics?

>I'm sure none of those third world countries happen to be third world countries because the first world countries ran in, fucked their shit up for resources, and then left, pulling the rug out from under them.
Like in Rhodesia and South Africa?

Hey buddy, Alaska has the highest rate of rape in the country and it's one of the Whitest states as well.

I literally had to look up why this was relevant, and then I realized it's just more Jow Forumswanking. One of the first things I could find about it had that white kid who shot up a black church wearing a Rhodesia jacket. I'm sure you're a real proud dude.

Yes, and the other 100+ third world countries. Just because some achieved more independence sooner than others that doesn't reverse the centuries of colonialisms and cash crops and overhunting and deforestation and over-mining and everything else, nor does it make them overnight successes.

>minorities are lesser, more violent people
It's true. Can you name the African Shakespeare or the Mexican Beethoven?

>Mexican Beethoven
Sure can. Pic related.

Attached: p176347_v_v8_ab.jpg (960x1440, 547K)

>64% White
>one of the Whitest states
The second highest rape rate is in South Dakota, which has a similar number of Native Americans.

There is a stronger correlation between % black population than education, income, or % below poverty line.
It's relevant because it's more or less the opposite of what you described. First world countries ran in, built up infrastructure and a state, and were forced to leave. They had the infrastructure, they just didn't bother maintaining it.
Could survive war for almost 10 years, cut off from the rest of the world except for sporadic support from South Africa, with their opponents being heavily funded by China and the Soviet Union
Can't avoid starvation without UN food aid, begs White people to come back.

Explain this: Why was Sweden one of the nicest countries in the world to live in, but now is slightly below the European average? What changed?

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Uh no?
Zimbabwe failed because the infrastructure was looted and destroyed after the whites were run out. They didnt ruin anything, they made those countries economic powerhouses and they could still be today if they hadn't been ransacked by communist looters.

>Zimbabwe failed because the infrastructure was looted and destroyed after the whites were run out
>this is somehow White people's fault

No, and you're hardly the only one who didn't care. They're strangers, they were warned of the risks, and it takes an unimagineable amount of stupidity to travel islamic countries as a woman beyond tourist spots. Even supposedly modern islamic places like Dubai are a death trap, and muslims hardly care about some kuffars getting killed.

tl;dr - No.

Oh so now it's the few remaining natives' fault when White states have the highest rape rates? What's wrong, didn't genocide them well enough? Go dump your Jow Forums folder where it belongs, not here. You're a SJW faggot only you're right-wing. You're just as annoying as a college feminist with purple hair. Worse even because you bring that shit here.

Its a fucking literal fact braindead retard

from where? The White Supremacist Foundation.com?

Alaska is not meaningfully a White state. Look at this list: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_by_non-Hispanic_white_population
It's clearly below average. Yes, it's the Indians' fault. They are also over-represented in rape, just like Blacks and Hispanics.
>What's wrong, didn't genocide them well enough?
Unironically, yes. Andrew Jackson was right.

You were the one who brought it here, not me. The thread was just racist banter, you were the one who started to argue politics.

There are worse things to watch.
They killed her pretty quickly tb honest

>The thread was just racist banter, you were the one who started to argue politics.

Those are one and the same

>It's the Indians fault

spoken like a true SJW, always shifting the blame on everyone and everything else.

We got tons more Indians up in Canada and nowhere near as much rape or for that matter gun violence like our third world special-needs neighbour to the south here.

Yeah, different kinds of Indians and not as many niggers.
Do a real comparison instead of picking examples at random. For instance, when you say gun violence, why not compare American states by firearm ownership rates? Or all countries worldwide by firearm ownership rates? Both of these analyses suggest firearm ownership and homicide rates have little to no correlation, or in the case of American states, a negative correlation.

Attached: 1519952706542.png (692x606, 68K)

>Do a real comparison instead of picking examples at random.

oh yeah, nothing like what you do huh

Anyways you're the ones (Americans) who filled your country with black slaves, seems odd to be complaining about it now like 300 years later. Just move out to another country and shut up and quitting shitting the board up with your hamburger politics it's extremely autistic.

depending on how long you've been here and how many places you've been on the shit side of the internet you're probably severely desensitized to all gore and fucked up shit. Theres hundreds of videos of people getting fucked up, murdered, and suicide. You just saw too much. Theres no going back, but you're stronger because of it. No worry.

though i havent seen the video so ive got no idea whats going on

Dirty fucking muslims. I feel bad for the girl, but im filled with rage every time i see some of these backwards sandniggers bringing their religion to civilized society yelling allah ackbar while killing some innocent person.

OP what you SHOULD be feeling is the intensifying sensation of the next crusade.

Looking at nationwide statistics is cherry-picking now?

>Anyways you're the ones (Americans) who filled your country with black slaves, seems odd to be complaining about it now like 300 years later.
No, I'm just discussing it because it's the best example of a first world country with a third world minority population; other examples (Sweden, Germany) don't keep statistics separated on ethnicity nearly as often.
My country started importing third worlders on a large scale in the 1990's, culminating in the autumn of 2015, and is now going downhill fast.

I'd feel bad if it happened on European ground. But they went past the border to muslim lands, so idgaf.

lol he really started busting out the charts

I never thought this site could get worse than furries and foreveralones, and boy was I wrong.

>don't bust out the charts
>you have no grounds for your claims
>do bust out the charts
>lol he really started busting out the charts

The reason it's so funny is because all of the charts are either unsourced or are dubiously sourced/totally inaccurate ways to pull data in any statistically relevant way. Even the "Whites Make" chart combines numbers from a ridiculous amount of different years, and has no clear methodology in where they actually pulled in the numbers to make the claims they're making.

Link me to a full study with peer-reviewed claims, instead of something put together by someone with an agenda looking to bend the numbers, and maybe I'll listen. But the singular jpg charts are just laughable.


The source is the CDC.

Here is the specific blog post it originates from.
>inb4 not peer-reviewed
And why does it matter? The data is there, unless you are claiming it has been altered the analysis is trivial to verify.

>Care to comment on IQ by country
/Qol/ fagget detected

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Literally some nobody's blog. If you were arguing with a leftist and she quoted Feminist-Power.tumblr.com at you, you'd be rightfully make fun of her like we are doing to you right now.

I'm not even planning on discussing this with you, I'm just here to make fun of you for being a racist autist. Take it as you will.

This is also a good point.

>The data is there

Data is data, it's not always accurate and it's not static. People can do the same study or take the same census at the same time or shortly after one another and come up with completely different results.

If it is what it is, it's just data. The problem is when people draw their own conclusions from it, as jpeg-warriors like you tend to do.

If said feminist's blog in turn cited the CDC, I don't see why not. If she had done her own data collection, I would have had reason to be skeptical, yes. This is not what happened.

Coming from someone who has seen a lot of gore but doesn't regularly expose myself to it, yes a little. When i was at my most mentally ill I'd go to wrekt threads and look at stuff like that and not feel a whole lot. But when i kinda sorted through my mental illness things like that actually affected me. Even you typing what happened made me feel something. You could very well be numbing yourself to it which isn't healthy for your mental state. Now it doesn't make you a terrible person but it's kinda a symptom of something worse usually.

>If said feminist's blog in turn cited the CDC, I don't see why not. I

Because like I said

>The problem is when people draw their own conclusions from it, as jpeg-warriors like you tend to do.

She would be taking inconclusive numbers, out of their context, and immediately jump to the conclusion that all men are rapists.

Exactly like how you tried to say that the Blackests states had the most rape, but then IMMEDIATELY sang another song that was now about American natives when Alaska was outed as the rapiest and whitest state.

You're free to criticize those conclusions as well though, which you don't appear to be doing. The numbers don't look inconclusive to me, nor taken out of context, and the conclusion is hardly 'jumped' to - he analyzes the economical hypothesis as well, and rejects it, but points out that single motherhood has as strong a correlation. He then argues that it has a stronger explanatory power despite its lower correlation on what I would argue are very weak grounds.

>Exactly like how you tried to say that the Blackests states had the most rape, but then IMMEDIATELY sang another song that was now about American natives when Alaska was outed as the rapiest and whitest state.
I said nothing of the sort, I only said that Blacks were over-represented in rape. That does not preclude any other group from being even more over-represented in it.
Furthermore, Alaska is below the average in terms of Whiteness. It is hardly 'the whitest state'.

Doesn't help that they lured three darkies into their hotel room - willingly or not, in a third world country known for murder of unsuspecting tourists nonetheless. I want to feel remorse, but deep down, they should've acknowledged the consequences.

>Furthermore, Alaska is below the average in terms of Whiteness.

I don't think so, Tim.

Someone please post a link to the video!

>Not trying to be an edgelord here, but should I worry?
from my perspective: yes.

mate, these girls were gruesomely murdered and at the very end of her life that one girl was so terrified that she called for help from her mother, the very person that gave birth to her and nurtured and supported her through her whole life. this is just heart wrenching to me and i only accidently (because some uber asshole posted the vid unrelated in /tv/) saw one second of the video.

if you do not feel any emotions then for me you suffer a grave lack of empathy.

Look at this list:
63.0%, 15th lowest in the Union.

It's on /gif/.
Uh, so what do I do?

It's at the top of the page, can't miss it - 4th post.

White people are like half-niggers. The most evolved and civilized people in the world are East Asians. If you look at the statistics, white people are committing a significantly higher amount of rapes and homicides in the US. Japan is known for not letting many foreigners in and their homicide rate is the lowest of all the super powers by a wide margin. I mean ya, white people are better than niggers at least but that's like saying this shit with sprinkles on it is better than this plain piece of shit.

>when you read okcupid studies

To all the brainlets itt: no, she was not screaming for her mother as many people claim - that is a lie conjured up by Jow Forums

No, it's just natural selection taking effect as it should. You wouldn't feel bad for an antelope going into crocodile-infested waters, would you?

Yeah, you should be worried

"av, av, mor"
She is. Don't you understand Danish?

>their homicide rate is the lowest of all the super powers by a wide margin.
Because their suicide rates are way higher than most 1st world countries.

So many lies of edgelord incels. Those girls were hiking in an area and country considered safe. Certainly safer than America. They were in the tent by themselves, and ambushed and killed at night.

This incident shows incels are disgusting subhumans who deserve the rope. Two innocent girls were brutally murdered and incels are cheering the incident and calling the girls whores. No one can defend incels now. They have shown themselves to be the most contemptible human beings on the planet, even lower than the ISIS terrorists they idealize.