Imperial Japan was 100x worse than Nazis

Watch this video. It is an amazing recount of the horrific Japanese before and during WW2 and how they completely rewrote history to avoid paying for their evil.

Don't be fooled by kawaii Anime or durr Jap GF. Not until they've officially atoned for their past.

Attached: Nanking-Massacre-children.jpg (685x421, 79K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: Rape-of-Nanjing.jpg (362x460, 45K)

I'm not going to watch the video, because it's probably biased trash. All I know is modern Japan hates Chinks so they're worth having as an ally.

Attached: anime irl.jpg (1024x768, 131K)

Nanking never happened. Tojo did nothing wrong.

What they did in Nanking is just the tip of the iceberg.

Attached: Japan-Nanjiing-Woman.jpg (160x213, 10K)

I don't have to watch the video, I like it.

Attached: Rin_Dengeki_G's_Mag_Jan_2011.jpg (2459x3016, 3.81M)

Their barbarism is still denied to this date.

Attached: Japanes-masacre_Chinese-Woman.jpg (500x377, 45K)

This woman is actually Japanese and was killed by the Chinese war criminals.

If Nanking happend why did China refused the investigation offerd by the italians in 38? Truth does not fear investigation

Burying people up to the neck and doing all sorts of shit to the head was a common past time among Japanese soldiers.

Attached: Japanese-Atrocities._Burried-alivejpg.jpg (632x357, 70K)