Give me ONE good reason that I shouldn't fuck trans girls

Give me ONE good reason that I shouldn't fuck trans girls

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because it makes you a faggot

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Don't worry mate, if you so desire, feel free to stick your knob in their reshaped pieces of colon.

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it's gay


Trannies don't get those, they don't fuck gay men

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You can still bang her ass, probably a lot tighter

So you won't get aids? Fucking faggot.

leviticus 20:13
because its a man

kill yourself
report this thread

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slide there. get in here this yuge

Thats a girl, OP.

Vote in my straw poll please
Trump Vs Yang

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The aren't girls. They aren't women. They are mentally ill men wearing dresses and lipstick.

Yeah, but you'd still be a poofta.

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nothing can make trans girls happy

tried but couldn't think of one

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It’s pretty gay bro, you can make them suck your cock if you want, if looks like a woman. But why would you fuck it’s asshole? If you were hanging with a girl, you probably wouldn’t be fucking her asshole. You’d be trying to get in her pussy, or you’d get dome. Getting dome is the middle ground, you’re still arguably gay for that but it’s not as bad as fucking a tranny ass.

>Give me ONE good reason that I shouldn't fuck trans girls
I can give you many

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You should but well, she'll be fucking you someday

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wait what do you mean by "trans girl"?
is that a man who "trans'd" to a girl?
or is that a girl who "trans'd" to a guy?
not really clear on this

Sounds like you already made up your mind you gay faggot.

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because you'd be fucking a guy...faggot.

Holy fucking stupid. Trannies ARE gay men you fucking idiot.

kys poofter

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>thinking i care what dude a faggot on Jow Forums fucks
I think suicide would be better for you though desu

Go for it, women are such a risk anymore, that and trans women tend to take better care of themselves. Bit of advice, if you're going that route anyway, why not just buy a ticket to someplace in latin america? For a few hundred you can have access to women most of us here don't. Also, if you find a hottie you like make a deal with her, offer to marry her so she can get a greencard so long as some contractual obligations are met. Namely, she pay you say, 10-15k, she does the housework, pays atleast half the rent, cooks and lets you fuck her. Moment she gets her greencard, part ways, rinse and repeat. Women are sluts no matter where you go, they know here they can get away with damn near anything, use that to your advantage. As an American citizen you literally have a golden ticket to sluttery and women know it.

No. Now get lost, faggot.

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they ugly irl

They will stick it in your pooper and then your sewage will be wide in the open.


If they were gay men they'd stay as men getting railed by men
You seem to be confused my friend

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>posting cute women
>while defending trannies
>trying to conflate the two
Just stop. No tranny looks like that.

You THINK you're attracted to them because you're brain sees an attractive female. The way I cured my obsession with traps was by going out and meeting some. Trust me, it's a lot different in person. What you see online are pictures taken with clever camera angles, lighting, and filters. If you still find yourself turned on by them after seeing their adam's apple and bone structure, then congratulations, you're a fag.

trans girl is a girl that was born a boy
trans guy is a guy that was born a girl

No reason. Go be a faggot all you want

Jannie fag, ban this bitch ass homo.

They are from the discord 100%.

They ain't girls.


stop shilling your beta ass thread

Why haven't you joined the winning side yet?
>CDPR Twitter guy that made toxic jokes got fired
>Even Sony and Valve are censoring loli now
>Hbomberguy raises 340,000 dollars for transgendered children while streaming Donkey Kong 64
>Klei takes out character based on white colonizers because it's culturally problematic
>Nintendo censoring Game&Watch offensive native American mimicry
>RDR 2 sold 17+ million and makes fun of racists
>Speedrunners that are too "redpilled" got taken out of the speedrunning charity shtick
>The Witcher Netflix series has African American and Indian women in major roles
>We have based people making their own games, just like they were told to 4 years ago (The Last of Us 2)

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The only reason is if you’re not gay

gag. Also does a fake penis get hard?

I did what now?
Yeah, "reshaped pieces of colon" is such a positive.

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>help me and my fellow discord trannies try and measure the success of our shilling
Lol no go medicate the wound where your dick was faggot. You'll never be a woman.

litterally fake and gay

You seem to think that a tranny is anything other than a man.

That's why. I wouldn't mind getting head from a cute dickgirl but I don't think I could bring myself to fuck one in the ass.

hell and prolaps


Lol, best bj i ever got was from a thai ladyboy. Deep prostate finger massage, simultaneous deep throat, i was nuttin and she didn't stop sucking. We both collapsed after laughing our heads off.
You uptight Jow Forums guys is missing out.

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no pussy

>He's got teh big ghey

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Because no matter how many times you fuck a real pussy you'll never pull your dick out with shit on it.

Post some passable t-girls, I’d gladly fuck a tight boipucci and nut deep inside

>transgender children
you sick fucks

Because your grandchildren will, one day look at you adoringly - their loving, cuddly old grandfather - and be completely oblivious to the fact you once had another man's shit on your penis.

Literally none of that is “winning.”
Besides, what does the race stuff have to do with you and OP being faggots?

They are not girls, an open wound will not change that
Fucking a wound on a dude is gay^x

It’s gay, doesn’t produce babies, if your monogamous with the tranny they will get a colostomy bag from you fucking them up the ass forever.

How long before resetera gets shut down the same way neogaf did, because you know LGBTQ supporters can't help diddling kids.

Kek you cant spell poofter ya fuckin poofter cunt!

Is there a reason why colleges require you to take (((diversity))) courses? There are no academic reasons - it's just something you have to do to get the degree.

Is there a reason why you souldn't fuck trans girls? There's no reason why you shouldn't fuck trans girls, but if you that makes you a degenerate. And there are good reasons why degenerates are rejected by broader society.

I'll spell it however I feel like you cunt.

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I'll give you five:

1) A Nasty D, actually alot of STDs
2) Males friends will shame you
3) Female friends won't sleep with you
4) Many trannies are so full of disgusting female hormones that they can't keep their dick hard while you are fucking them
5) Most of them are Jewish


Not even surprised.


you have the same flag?

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The dick


You don't get Aids fucking trannies, you get it by having them fuck you.

Seriously, unless you are sick or a drug addict it is very unlikely to get Aids by fucking someone.

Please tell me that's not a trans girl.

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>Give me ONE good reason that I shouldn't fuck trans girls
You want to make children

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They're men in dresses

trannies have the highest rate of hiv lol

They’re men

to feminine

>2) Males friends will shame you
assuming i'd be friends with transphobes lol

Man hands.

No mater what they (you) do, they (you) will always have big manly hands.


There's a built in air pump to pump up the......... """""""""penis"""""""""""""

Top notch observation, Sherlock.


Don't be a faggot brah

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my sides

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Made your picture more accurate.

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it's not

Its gay

I actually saw a tranny at the gym yesterday. He was doing squats, and I thought "damn that chick can squat pretty heavy and has good form." He looked like an ugly chick, so I wasn't checking him out, but it probably looked like I was. Then he was doing deadlifts, so I asked if I could work in and so some rows, and he answered in a deep voice. It was then that I knew what was going on. It was so gay.

I knew a tranny (childhood friend). We went to a seminar in Ireland, shared a hotel. He went to the toilet and the god the noise, it was horrifying. After he sheepishly walked out and apologised, he grabbed his bag and ran out.
I checked the bathroom and the wall was painted in vivid shit.


well that was easy

its some of the best sex I ever had desu. Hot passable trans will suck you off like no other and you cant get them pregnant. Im hard AF just thinking about my past experiences

It helped me immensely to replace "trans-" with "pretend". It suddenly makes sense when you do that.