Could you ever marry a girl who had a bad community reputation?

Could you ever marry a girl who had a bad community reputation?

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>a bad community reputation

why do you make it sound like it's a gameplay mechanic from a RPG game

As if a Jow Forums poster like yourself has any better of a ‘community reputation’ whatever that is

More worried about the inverse desu
People still recognize me

Yes, because community reputation may be false or not up to date. Could even be that the girl is a cunt to everyone else except me.

"Invisible" is better than the a bad reputation, unless you're in Japan or some socially retarded place like that.

But yeah, I could absolutely date someone who had a poor reputation. If she's hot, sweet, interesting, and interested, I'd take her and let face-obsessed imbeciles cluck like a bunch of old women.

What kind of a faggot even does that? "Oh I won't sully my willy with those irreputable harlots!" Poofy bastards.

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>What kind of a faggot even does that? "Oh I won't sully my willy with those irreputable harlots!" Poofy bastards.

Poor reputation in 2018 doesnt mean shes promiscuous and everyone knows it, it means theres a thread about her on lolcow.

I wasn't limiting it to that.

I dislike people in general anyway. You actually have to kinda give me a reason to like you. When the butt-fucking retarded biomass starts bitching behind my back because I take a fancy to some "lolcow", it gets my dick more diamonds, if anything.

Is there actually anything more effeminate than being socially self-conscious?

Dude if you've got a thread on lolcow it means you pulled some serious bullshit.

A thread on lolcow can be entirely fictitious.

>bad reputation
Get tested and get on antibiotics
Delete your facebook
Mark all your "facebook friends" for posting illegal photos
Remove your piercings
Wait until your dyed hair turn back to color or new grows
Let laser remove your most shameful tattoos


Attached: dont use condoms.png (383x322, 51K)

OP here. Should have been more specific. This girl had slept around in her younger days, and lots of people even grown women talk shit about her. I could tell she's changed for the better and just wants somebody to take a chance on her. Don't want to sound like captain save a chick over here, but if Kanye can do it why can't other guys

Oh absolutely go for that.
She's a slut, but she can be YOUR slut.

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It would be off-putting but it's not the end of the world.

What I most want in life is a drug addict, town bicycle, mentally unstable gf that I can heal through my undying dedication and the power of love.

I could never live in such a insular and nasty community where everyone sits around calling young women sluts for fun

Welcome to Jow Forums

It is true that the purpose of women is to elevate your own status, and a bad reputation can devalue your property but there always need to be compromised. My girlfriend has a bit of a bad reputation because she is quiet and a bit awkward so that devalues her, but it is precisely those characteristics that give her value in the sense that she's not a bitch or a whore. She was even a virgin before I met her. So there is clearly a trade being made here. I am hedging my status with my satisfaction. Of course, not all investors will find this to be their kind of investment, but I think everyone should choose on their own what they want their portfolio to be made of.

>My girlfriend has a bit of a bad reputation because she is quiet and a bit awkward
How's high school?

Was good tbqh. But she's now in college and I know she sometimes is mocked a bit. And when it comes to my family, they always ask me why she does not talk or even say hi.

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