Teen builds working nuclear fusion reactor in Memphis home
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There are two types of fusion reactors, Lenny, the ones which produce more energy than you gotta put in and those which don’t.
Guess what kind of reactor this kid’s one is.
Good for him.
But but he has zero point energy, he is suppose to be smart and non white.
No one has even invented reactors that can sustain a positive energy difference yet.
It looks like it's fusing milk and shake nuclei
I'm guessing hes not a nigger so they didnt say he invented it
Yet somehow France creates upward of 50% it's daily power usage with nuclear reactors...
Still pretty cool though
seething krautcuck
>Guess what kind of reactor this kid’s one is.
Neither, because this is fake news.
should've built a nuclear weapon in his garage.
based white kid
Lockheed claimed they did, and I haven't heard anything about it since.
Learn the difference between fission and fusion you retarded toad.
Fission reactors.
That's fission, retard
Stick to tulip bulbs.
>parents paid 10k
>read forums
The kid basically followed online instructions. Impressive, but nothing new.
This, God fucking damnit. This one should never go into memory hole.
Lockheed claimed they *could* to get more of Uncle Samberg's scam Dollars..
Can someone verify exactly which reaction was taking place? 'Nuclear Reactor' means that a reaction is taking place on the nuclear level, and doesn't have any implications on whether energy is liberated or not, or if it is even scientifically impressive. Really any nuclear reaction would qualify the vessel as a 'nuclear reactor' if you want to spin it that way.
Oh my, I actually clicked on this bait article and look at this guy. He is white. What a surprise. A genuine surprise because this articles are always about black kids
non-burger education everyone
that's at least 50k worth of hardware
smells fake
lol no he didnt
Science kid should be elevated to godhood level meme.
>kraut seething that a child has reached parity with their subsidized fusion industry
>Read the comments on the page linked by op.
Are you guys in there typing. cuz it looks like it.
Boys will be boys
Radioactive niggas. Dare I say, glow niggers.
Nice reactor achmed
I am a retard, what is the difference? Can you get extra energy in a fission reaction?
He's probably transitioning.
Should make a hell of an engineer in the future.
Here you go
Hey man, good for him. Fuck these hicks.
Actually a white kid. What're the chances!
fusion has no byproduct or waste
It likely belongs to the military
Really, that thing has enough power to smash particles? At least Ahmed's clock actually tells the time.
As it is right now yes. I think your standard rod is good for 6 years. After that the process of fission for the uranium breaks down and becomes less stable. When it breaks down to a certain point it begins to produce too much radiation but not enough heat.
The theory behind fusion is that eventually we will be able to sustain a reaction with very little energy input. But as it stands now to even sustain a reaction for at least 10 seconds requires an incredible amount of input with very little output.
Did the feds kick his door in?
Fission splits heavy atoms into smaller particles, requires rare heavy metals producing harmful waste, and tend to spiral out of control is not properly maintained
Fusion fuses small atoms (hydrogen) into slightly heavier and harmless ones (helium), produces substantially more energy, and is insanely difficult to keep the reaction from shutting down
>old news
they have been doing this for years
Sure he did, champ.
>Implying helium isn't waste
Clown and/or Alvin and the chipmunks detected.
Fission you imbecile, not fusion.
claimed *they could soon. They were still a bit ways away with that announcement.
Good for that faggot.
I make a mean omelette
not to be guy that but they have a patent for a fusion reactor with roughly the same dimensions of the fission reactor uses on nuclear subs.
Like other have said, fission is not fusion.
But although fairly impressive for this kid, it's not like with enough money and time you can't ask around /diy/ or /sci/ for instructions. A few anons have built the tiny powerhungry machines.
He doesnt know about "free" resonance energy.
Tesla toys are better than Einstein Toys
ThinFilm Silicon Crystal Graphite PowerCells
If it actually worked, wouldn't it have 'runaway'?
what happens if you get caught with one of these?
> MRW when they have a patent on a non-working invention
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wake me up when we have liquid salt thorium reactors
Racists are bad racists are bad racists are bad racists are bad racists
Racists are bad racists are bad racists
Go back to America Jamal.
He got trips get in here
they have arrived
for purely educational curiosity
can a person turn one of these into a nuke? that's scary
I can't believe any regular joe can make one of these. how has there not been a rogue nuke yet? that's insane
Saving money on electricity by charging my phone and a power bank to full in my car everyday. I have yet to run out of electricity, going to get an adapter for my laptop so it can charge of the free car electricity. Literally saving thousands a year on electricity bills.
As soon as a i can get my hands on a washing machine that runs on 12 v i'll be going off grid
>mfw someone uses mrw instead of mfw
you made one of these and it gives you free electricity?
No, a runaway reaction is a physical impossibility unless some other force is at work. The actual amount of plasma in the confinement is so small that a runaway could not even melt the steel vacuum chamber.
Likely nothing, owning a fusor isn't a crime- at least not in the USA. However, you could/should get into trouble if you start pissing x-rays and other nasties around.
Based immq dö that aswell now
But can he build a clock?
god bless you user,
post more cool shit
Oh yeah... didn't skunkworks claim they just needed funding, but could do it?
Thanks. I was thinking the only way it was possible was if the scale of the 'reaction' was exceedingly small.
Based bro
What u think about nordics
Entirely different from nuclear explosives. The "hard" part about nukes is the fission primary. or more specifically the fuel for the fission primary.
He did do a cleaner job than the Nuclear Boyscout.
I remember this guy, he literally built one out of scrap parts he found in junk yards and melted them down. that shit on his face is from the free radicals penetrating the fuck out of his body
is he still alive?
Phil Schneider and William Cooper are a good starting point.
Shouldn't you be getting ass fucked by sand niggers and jerking off on reddit about all the free love?
Research Electric Sun/Universe Theory
Plasma theories
Don Scott and Eric Dollard are names to look into.
was he the guy that bought tons of smoke detectors for the Americium inside but the feds got wise to him and shut it down?
man...dump everything interesting you have before thread is pruned please, holy shit anons like you are why I come to Jow Forums. that one in a million gold nugget
>cloaking wormholes
do you have PDFs you can share?
Will he get a white house invite like clock boy?
My father has blond hair and blue eyes, I think highly of them.
My blood is tainted with my mothers German DNA, still got that O blood type though.
literally a white kid
Here is the rest of document.
I hope for you that this is bait.
Based Nordic brother
Only us nords got The mental capacity for this
Have a meme and spread it around
A SWEDE did that in his kitchem years ago
They probably did it to signal to oil producing countries when their assets will be worthless.
Cool, for sure, but its not net positive so who cares. CIT, MIT, etc all have working fusion reactors on campus.
He could have homebuilt a combustion engine too.
For your sake ill SEND another meme
Not stereotyping, but...
Lemme just dumo some more
Im organizing to make a mega dump tomorrow night. All my info is scattered about.
Ill start at 1900 EST.
CIA NIGGERS will be the words to look for.