Ex-Trump lover

Ex-Trump lover.

What the fuck. $7,000 swing in my taxes!

And set aside the whole legality of tax anyhow... but if I'm not taking any deductions from my paycheck, how can I owe more!?!

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prove it

What blue state are you in?

Lol, fuck drumpf, muh taxes. Taxed Enough Already, am I right?

Lol, I actually got an extra thousand back because I have kids. Suck it, discord trannies.

God you’re bad at shilling baka

Consider hanging yourself


Went from a refund last year of about $2500, to owing $5500 in fed & state together. WTF?

Funny you mention that, I got a bigger credit from my son, just the caps on other stuff killed me.

Well there is your problem. Move to another state that doesn't tax you nearly as high.

I bet you're claiming a lot on your w4. Also

there is your problem faggot

I wish. Unfortunately I'm anchored here.

Nope, zero deductions. In past years I did that to guarantee a refund as the float I'd get in bank interest is zilch these days.

>$7,000 swing in my taxes
Brainlet, doesn't know any loopholes.

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New Jersey?! You should have all your money confiscated you commie!

The state and local tax exemption (SALT) was reduced. That means *you* have to pay your state and local taxes, and the feds don't help you with that. Complain to Trenton about your taxes.

Just use a CPA this year it's worth the cost.


I didn't have to pay MORE TAXES this year when filing for the first time in probably a decade or more. I always have to pay, even a little bit because I want to squeeze as much out of every paycheck, but not only did I get an extra few hundred $ per paycheck this year, but I got a REFUND for the first time in a LONG time.

Also, this shill campaign will ultimately work against you because people HAVE to file their taxes under threat of prison, and when they find out you are a FUCKING LIAR they will just be more happy with Trump and despise lyin' hoaxin' liberals.

I have no state income tax and will see lots more returning. Maybe don't live in a commie hell hole.

I'm down $2k in tax return. All coming from Federal side. State taxes are all about normal.


I still don't understand this meme. People in high tax states were having the federal government subsidize their state taxes, and now they are crying it has stopped. Why should we subsidize your state taxes? Lower your state taxes or move.

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that 2k was on your paychecks over the last year

It mainly affects households with more than 3 people. If you're filing for yourself and have no dependents then you're fine.

That said, you sound like a retard.

Paychecks only went up slighly because of my raise at work. Tax rate stayed the same.

The fucking truth is people are getting fucked by their taxes this year and Jow Forums just wants to plug their ears and stamp their feet.


Seriously, income tax is a new and unnecessary tax.

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>high tax states

It's Federal Tax, states have nothing to do with it.

Then why is the federal tax so much highst as well. That's still a $5k swing with me owing $2500 in federal alone.

As for state, I pay $9k a year in property tax throughout the year. Now this?


And I'll no shill. I take abuse daily for being a Trump guy. Just missed about paying.

>moved from urban NJ to amish country PA last year
>between federal, state, and property cost, saved about 10k over the year while having almost the same salary.
Literally just move. Unless you are a techcuck you have no excuse. Tech is a meme that forces you to stay in expensive areas that make your pay increase mean nothing.

But the reason people complain about higher taxes now is because the new tax law capped the state taxes you can deduct on your federal taxes.

Shouldn't have been as I was taking no deductions

Use the standard deduction you fucking moron. It’s literally doubled over the past year. If you owe more money this year, you obviously fucked something up.

Unfortunately, in locked to nyc for work. Yes, I'm in tech.

You deserve it and more, trumpfag.

> 1 you have to take out each pay check (deduction) to meet your tax liability each year

> 2 Trump LOWERED the tax rate and closed loop holes to simplify

> 3 if you didn't change your deductions (see #1) then you didn't take out enough even though your tax rate when down

> 4 if you live in NY or CA they have super high taxes to pay for their pet trespasser welfare, instead of the wealthy leaving, NY /CA worked out a shitty system called SALT that allows them to STEAL federal $$ form all other states and use it to write off the NY/CA state taxes..


So if you don't have right deductions and if you live in NY / CA with an expesive home, you will pay more as Trump is taxing the Rich in NY/CA more now that SALT is killed.

States need to tax less. period.

But NY/CA want HIGHER taxes and OPEN BORERS with yoru money!

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The rest of the country have been subsidizing all these high taxed democrat states for too long already.

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There's your problem. The governor is a former Obama ambassador and a massive left wing cuck

Found the coastie.

You don’t understand how races work.

Yeah Trump shitted on the middle class

Not sure how the fuck tax works in Americuntland but when you owe tax at the end of a financial year, it’s usually because your employer hasn’t been deducting enough of it per pay. OR you have a second income somewhere which you aren’t being taxed on which has fucked you hard.

I always elect to pay more in tax per year just to avoid this shit. It’s better to get money back than to owe these cunts money.

>wahhhh my local government is sucking our state dry
>fucking drumpf
this is how dumb you are

Naw, it is because they removed the personal exemption rule. You can't claim yourself and your spouse, meaning that right there you lose $10k worth of deductions.

That's not true at all your retarded retard

>Yeah Trump shitted on the middle class
No he didn't. He shit on blue states, hard. He reduced the amount of state taxes they could deduct from federal taxes.
Now blue states have to pay their full share, and not get help from the federal government.


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How much did you make last year?

Get fucked then
Contributing is too much asked? Are you a nigger?


Lol, enjoy paying what you actually owe

I was unemployed for all of 2017 yet they sent me a letter demanding nearly a thousand dollars in taxes.

Fuck the current tax system, evolve already.

Let taxes be paid a la carte and let the people decide the budget!

I got $10k back

you actually have state income taxes. I suggest you move to a better state friend.

People can’t deduct SALT anymore. It’s entirely on the states to fix their shit tax rates.


Or be a forward thinking man of European descent and not a roo fucking abo cunt, quit providing the state with FREE money to do as they please until they owe you, and take YOUR money into an interest bearing account, earn on that, and THEN pay your tax obligation as normal. Do you even breath?

>tfw my student loans finally get paid off this year thanks to Trump

It's been a long decade, but the nightmare is finally coming to an end.

>However, the personal exemption was eliminated for the the 2018 tax year because of the tax plan passed in 2017 by Republicans and President Trump. That means you cannot claim any person exemptions on your 2018 taxes. You may still need to use the exemption if you are filing an amended return for 2017 or any year before that.


Please site your damn source. Because it's common fucking knowledge if you have done your fucking taxes.

ORANGE MAN BAD is an argument against Trump for simply being Trump. I can point to my taxes and say, "THIS IS WHERE THE ORANGE MAN TOUCHED ME"

>I suggest you move to a better state friend.
That's what's happening. Most of the top 1% in CA, NY and NJ have left those states to go to FL and TX and TN.
The top earners in the UK have gone to Monaco.

As they leave, those states go broke, and lose their largerst backers.

>ORANGE MAN BAD is an argument against Trump for simply being Trump.
Identity politics is all the Left has. Now policy is slapping them in the face.

Oh look, it's the new deep state liberal propaganda of "the giant tax cut didn't actually cut YOUR taxes."

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 QUADRUPLED THE STANDARD DEDUCTION, which 90% of Americans take (forbes.com/sites/ryanellis/2017/11/22/nine-in-ten-will-claim-the-standard-deduction-under-tax-reform-according-to-new-white-house-study/#63516182172d).

The standard deduction went from $6,000 to $24,000. 26 U.S.C. 63(c)(2)(C), (c)(7)(A)(ii). The only reason you don't take this is if you have higher deductions by itemizing. law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/26/63.

BTFO LARPING liberal faggot.

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Do you even English you ridiculous cunt?

The standard deduction went up to 12,000 vs 2017 the personal exemption of 4,050 plus the old standard deduction of 6,350 which equals 10,400. You don't know what you are talking about.

>People can’t deduct SALT anymore.
That's not true you can deduct up to 10,000 of SALT.

>BTFO LARPING liberal faggot.
It's only hurting states that are deep blue, and have no Republican representation at all.

And which state do you live in friendo?

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>liberal state tax no longer deductible
Leave California faggot

Missed the point. Also this is 4 Chan, are you new here? Hang your self nobody will miss you I guarantee it

fpbp. Show tax returns or fuck off kike shill

(((meme flag)))
(((deep state)))
(((defending a Zionist faggot)))
Yep it all checks out, your thirty sheckels of silver will be sent to your mailing address in Tel Aviv Shlomo.

How much did you make last year? And how much did you pay in state and local taxes?

>& state together
Why would you add in state tax and then use that to complain about federal tax policy? What the fuck?

My deduction for 2017 was $45k, this year it was $26k. I'm above the standard deduction line because I make good money. They reduced the personal exemption from $5k per family member to only $2k per child. Meaning the only change on my taxes and deductions came from this particular change, which only effects federal filings.

House holds who make over $100k and have more than 3 children are getting FUCKED.

>Not having an LLC
Why is OP always a faggot?

The white privilege tax.

No, go look up the SALT deductions. People in sane states without state income tax like Texas got more money this year, you got less because we aren't paying for your state's bullshit anymore.

>1%ers are paying more tax in blue states
...user, that’s not a bad thing. That’s a GOOD thing.

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Which state do you live in, fuckhead?

Can't deduct state taxes from federal anymore (I think). High tax state residents get dinged twice. If if makes you feel any better, your state is ultra blue and your vote will never matter.

Pay up, blue state mooch.
Your free ride is over.

>Unfortunately, in locked to nyc for work

You could pay fewer taxes if you found a job that wasn't in New York.
>Work in new york city for one day because of an unusual event
>Pay NY taxes goyim

I'm getting back like $7900. Texas.

You're a retard, it's only your refund that is lower than last year. Compare W-2 and you'll see that Trump charged you less in taxes overall. This is why your paycheck grew a bit, because the deduction was lowered for you.

Fucking retards I swear

>Republican flag is a meme flag
>Defending the FBI and CIA who claim Trump is a literal Russian spy.
>Refuting liberal bullshit means I'm defending Zionists.

Your memes don't work donkey, your base is literally insane, and you will lose another election in 2020 because you fail-yet again-to put any candidate on the ballot that can be elected.

Keep talking about the huge "blue wave" of not even winning a supermajority in the House alone.

Reps have Presidency for next 3 terms, senate for fucking ever, and the courts for the next 30 years.

Your nonsense ideology is over, no matter how many mexicans you try to give citizenship to dilute the republican vote.

>>Republican flag is a meme flag
Doesn't understand what a memeflag is
Is this your first shift?


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>Went from a refund last year of about $2500, to owing $5500 in fed & state together. WTF?
you were stealing from the flyover states by deducting your federal from your state,

basically the plantation lost it's plantation license. move someplace with lower tax rate dummy, it's not like jobs in NJ are fucking awesome or anything, that place is a fucking shit hole

>low income
>keeping more of my $$ every paycheck
>slightly higher refund

not sure what people are complaining about

He must be a T_D refugee.

>They reduced the personal exemption from $5k per family member to only $2k per child.
You mean it used to be $4,050 not 5k. And its a $2,000 tax credit not a tax deduction

>repeats the retard who hasn't looked at his W-2 but repeats things he read on the internet


>because you fail-yet again-to put any candidate on the ballot that can be elected.
almost all their candidates are not eligible to hold the office of president due to citizenship issues

That’s about all your New Jersey niggers can have.

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Only a retard pays less in taxes and wonders why they don’t receive as much back on their tax return.

I’m self employed and my taxes went up 0.03% I don’t believe any of these cheese threads.

Then stop bitching about Trump you whiney Jew nigger.

>I pay $9k a year in property tax throughout the year
wow you must live in a shack cuck shed, tax on a real house in NJ is like 9K a month, you need a better job negro

>mfw I'm far leftist and still know how withholding works

Fucking yikes OP. Yikes indeed and massive yikes to anyone that claims to be an adult that doesn't have foresight to see what is going on with their taxes from a single year ago.

It's like you just spilled out for all the world to see your incredible financial illiteracy. Give me your money you cuckazoid if all you are going to do is give the IRS an interest free loan.

>blame trump
Benjamin Frankling laughs at your tiny brain

>New Jersey
It’s like you were asking to get raped

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There's now a $10,000 limit on deductions for state and local taxes. So it wasn't eliminated completely. Middle class folks living in sane states will still get to deduct the full amount since it is less than ten grand. High income households, especially in states with high taxes are fucked. Super high tax states end up fucking everyone except those in poverty.

TN checking in.
Got back 7,000 this year.
Try having a kid, and not living in a commie state, faggot.

>Staten Island voted for Cuomo
>California in general gave double digit domination to that retard Newsom
>retards in NY, CA and NJ think they're "sticking it to drumpf" while getting raped by their local politicians

I just want an economic collapse so these brainlets finally fucking starve and leave a pristine land cleared of degenerate liberals.