21 year old lanklet here: I posted often here regarding my hairloss...

21 year old lanklet here: I posted often here regarding my hairloss. Since it's getting worse and theres no way I'll take the risk of getting one of the more than 20 known sides of fin I'm thinking about taking either the plunge or keep wearing caps while trying to keep using minoxidil. I'm not sure if I would look good with a buzz, which guard I should use and how I can look better bald/buzzed. I can't grow a stable beard nor am i ripped..

Can you guys also post bald inspo? The "Lol u leddid just walk around with your shit falling out liek trevor"-is slso not an option for me.

I can post more pictures if needed.

Btw. My balding was noticed 1st when I was 14..

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don't buzz, that's a NW2.5 and easily salvageable. how is your diet and lifestyle? your hair reflects your health

I eat well and shit, but have a high caffeine intake. I think I can't take it much longer since it fucks with my mentality.

Another perspective.

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Caffeine is hit or miss, people are conflicted and either think it accelerates hair loss or prevents it. If I were you, I would drink caffeine in moderation, and only from tea. This is my regimen copypasta, take what you want from it.
I've maintained a NW2 and don't have shed outbreaks anymore.

>drink as much water as your body can handle
>don't eat sweets, limit sugar intake to less than 20g daily
>eat a few handfuls of pumpkin seeds daily
>eat plain greek yogurt with chia seeds & flaxseeds
>eat food rich in omega 3s (seafood works well)
>eat roasted seaweed
>try to incorporate eggs into your diet
>eat chicken breast
>drink one cup of green tea once a day
>eat shiitake mushrooms

>Saw Palmetto
>Biotin 5000mcg 2x daily
>Fish Oil 2x daily
>Bitamin C 2x daily
>Vitamin D
>Vitamin B12
>generic multivitamin

>wash hair once every 2 days, avoid sulfate shampoo, use an argan oil conditioner
>let your hair dry naturally after it's wet
>don't masturbate as if you're going through puberty again, limit ejaculations to once every week or two because semen contains nutrients that are essential to retaining hair

Your hair is completely normal, seek therapy immediately

That looks like the average temple recession most people see in their twenties. It wouldn't be hard to maintain that exact hairline, but to reclaiming temple density is hard to do with just a diet alone.

*but reclaiming

I'm using minox so far and plan on getting pic related. The advice posted above is good too but the thing that stopped the hairloss of that OP was obviously Saw Palmetto since it's natural fin.

If shit gets worse I gonna take the plunge.

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Nice gay alien skull faggot

Just keep the haircut until you actually go bald, then start shaving it.

Not me but thx lollll

You have legitimate mental issues.

Yep. For a 40 year old.

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See Still cant doubt the mental issue part.

Welcome to the real world kid. Just get used to it and accept it. Either go to a stylist who can help you get a new haircut or just shave it off and start from the beginning or stay shaved..

I buzz mine often. Depending on your hairline (hard to tell from your pic) you'd want to go at most 1/8" - but the best thing to do to get you into the hairstyle is to shave your head (full buzz) and then let it grow to see what length you like it. My hair is straight so at about 1/4-1/2" it sticks straight up and looks retarded so I either have to grow it out or buzz it consistently to keep it 0-1/8"

I'll keep that in mind. Thanks

School shooter eyes

At least I'm the last one laughing, Derek!!!

seriously this

Just wear a hat you will be fine user

Better? Sry, I'm full on caffeine today lol.

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>he was always so quiet but I never expected him to do something like that

everyone's hair is thin when wet


Yeah right, but my hair is wet in general. I stick to try using minox and that alienfuckerhaircut with an optional buzz when needed.

Try eating food with vitamins and minerals in it, Ameriscum

Well, I looked at my pictures: The recession might be caused by minoxidil. Maybe it will get more dense in the next 2 months and I don't need to shoot my kindergarden up lel.


Lets be real. That photo would be hella cute on cnn next to live recordings of crying students calling their divorced parents lmao.

Get over yourselves you tryhard faggots. I can practically feel your little bitch tears hitting the keyboard as you type out your school shooter jokes. As if a fucking pussy like you could even manage to hold a gun let alone fire it.

>Implying I would unironically shoot up people that did no harm to me


Yikes, did I strike a nerve there, Elliot?