Career thread

I want to learn a trade or graduate college. I'm between an interest in auto mechanics and computer science. I am 28 and plan to do one or the other this spring. I'm pretty stressed out around people and hoping I can make a clear choice regardless.

Doing desk work would suit my reclusive geek personality better than being a mechanic, how ever fixing cars would probably be easier on my brain and seems to be straightforward in finding a job anywhere.

Thoughts and opinions? Talk about trade vs college in general.
What is your aspiring or flourishing career?

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Being an auto mechanic sucks unless you can get into teaching or factory work. Your hands will never be clean enough to go to a nice restaurant or touch a lady. You Must plan for retirement Early because there is a high chance you will be disabled at forty. Any nice Mechanic related job will pay enough that if you put 75 percent of every raise into mutual funds until you reach 25 percent, you will have plenty of dough when your forty.

Don't know about computer shit but still. Invest money immediately. Not when you get around to it.

Agree about money. I work a warehouse job where I cant afford to save. Maybe mechanic work wont be much different physically, but itd probably be better pay and easier to find jobs.

I'll have to think on it. I don't know computer shit either which is why im scared. But looking at the coursework, I already have 19/63 credits and dont have to overload myself. Not sure about needing a bachelor degree yet.

>cant afford to save.
That's what I said.
Then I end up with the brain tumor the size of Texas when I'm 32 yo and frantically started trying to make up for lost financial time. I got kinda good at it and grew 250k in four years. If I did that from the start I could be wiping my ass with money now.

If you invest before taxes: you are taxed less and that is .2 percent free Money that you already have. Change your W4 to claim more dependents and stow that dough. Keep a few bucks for yourself. You can basically start saving and keep taking home the same amount.

You can get your airframe and power plant license and use it in conjunction with college cred and get involved in management of aviation mechanics pretty easy. I hope someone contradicts me but I'm thinking there is an abundance of computer fuckers these days and real men are going to be in very high demand.

>I hope someone contradicts me but I'm thinking there is an abundance of computer fuckers these days and real men are going to be in very high demand.

I believe it. Mechanics where I work have the company by the balls. Especially the aircraft mechanics and pilots.

Computer jobs always get lay offs. Job security is lacking and I feel like its not as easy to find a job as it is with a trade. how ever, I'm leaning toward trying it. Computer sciences is such a broad field. If I expertise I should have a niche and I figure its never to late to change fields if im trying it now how ever I can keep my current job and attend school. Trade school involves apprenticeship and a lot of hours in a short time. It might be impossible to work it out.

How do you plan on starting a trade? It's not easy to find an apprenticeship.

Right now I'm trying out a CNA course see where it goes

Trade school ain't the only way. Community college can give you the same stuff in easy to swallow bites.

The schools provide one. I also do have connections but still need some formal education to qualify for the certifications. I think I would need credit hours + apprenticeship hours. The trade schools are sped up.

Yeah I saw that when the college accepted me and I saw the alternative courses like auto mechanics. It would still be difficult to hold an apprenticeship, job and courses. I'll think about it more, but I'm still leaning towards computers.
When I initially went to college I wanted to do actuarial science, but with CS I can do math and coding. I already do warehouse work and I hate the macho men personalities. I don't get along well.

I thought about nursing a long while. This year I did check out a school to get certified, but the job you end up with doesnt pay better than what I have now and they said they werent lenient with the schedule.

also becoming an RN is out of my league. It would take 4 years and would have to have a good GPA. I usually am not an A student. Hoping this coming semester I just take 2 courses and do the best I can.

and another option for me is sociology. I was stuck on the idea for a while since I can easily get a BA in 2 years since I have credits in the study already, but social work isn't fun.

That's "in crowd" pansy stuff. I dominated mechanics by first getting a shit job at a parts store and showing I was better than the guys in the shop. Then aircraft from there. You can take a different path but I'm just saying, if you feel like a mechanic, you are a mechanic. Even if your a computer programmer. I've heard about guys that sign up at the union and can become somebody's apprentice that way. You can get on that waiting list. But just be you and shit'll work out. We're all different, but I think youngsters dwell on what to be when they should also look inward and see what they are.

What are skilled trades or mechanic niches for people who are physically weak/lazy?

any. Your body adapts. I lift shit up to my own body weight on a regular basis and don't work out.

Ok but are there some for people with non-adaptive bodies?

plumbers and electricians. I think they would be good job if you are your own boss, but it would take a while to get there.

could get a CDL and drive big ass trucks.

Thanks. No auto repair though?

Are the mechanics making over 100k? Because if not, programmer fags got them beat. It is scary in the sense that everyone is learning to code now.

This is total bullshit. Some people adapt, some get arthritis or a ligament tear.

Mechanics are a dime a dozen. Good ones are rare, but no one cares. Very easy to end up changing oil for $12 an hour as a "mechanic" to the very best of my knowledge.

I dont know.
implies its physically taxing.
Its going to be laborious, maybe not like what I do in warehouse shit.

I'm pretty set on computers now. I just briefly considered auto shit cause I do like cars. It must remain a hobby.

>This is total bullshit. Some people adapt, some get arthritis or a ligament tear.

true, but I work a very physical job and from the start I figured out what motions were worth the effort and after adapting I just do what I can. You are responsible for your own safety in my mind.

> I'm pretty set on computers now. I just briefly considered auto shit cause I do like cars. It must remain a hobby.

I work on cars too. Or used to. I still do my own brakes, oil changes, belt replacements, and other minor stuff. I am 100% sure that I would hate it horribly if I did it professionally.

>true, but I work a very physical job and from the start I figured out what motions were worth the effort and after adapting I just do what I can. You are responsible for your own safety in my mind.

Sure, you get better and learn not to be a fucktard, but some professions just innately hold more risk. I tell this story to everyone:

>working construction during summer
>someone tears a gas pipe
>dude doing roofing with me walks up to the pipe
>"Yep, it's a big one, going to be here for a while, damn I can smell it all over"
>reaches for a cigaretteand lighter

Luckily someone else punched him in the face at that point.

>I am 100% sure that I would hate it horribly if I did it professionally.

yup. I love driving and know I dont really want a driving job. Takes something fun and makes it stressful.

Yep over 100k. Maybe not at first. Its good to get a bell or whist attached like "inspector" or "specialist." You can start saving without paying (so much, if anything) for education while working up to that 100k corrected for inflation. I'm not dissing computer programming. Don't know so much. But as a mechanic you gain value and position and I think the opposite is true for IT guys.
Auto mechanics is gurgling but working on aircraft and factory equipment is cake and not too dirty.

Responding to myself. I went off half cocked replying to (you) and did not figure who's leaning towards what. By all means follow you heart.
Do young ones like Star Wars? (Rhetorical.) the princess can weld on the Falcon and program R2.

Just make sure you get started on that money collection hobby first off. Its a good addition.

First, you shouldn't be asking this on Jow Forums with a bunch of PMSing girls

Second, go to where the real boys can help you and give you solid Jow Forumsice

is Jow Forums for real men

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bit iz 99.9% trash crypto talk