Daily reminder to marry and impregnate an Aryan beauty. Do not, I repeat, do NOT fall for the chink meme, or the MGTOW meme, or the sex bot meme. Those are all Jewish creations.

Get yourself an Aryan qt ASAP and save the white race, one baby at a time.

(obviously this doesn't apply to mutt Americans, they're not allowed to enter this thread)

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Based digits

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based digits, but show your flag

Checked. Already got 3 kids for the ethnostate but cant support more in cucked sydney where my average house cost me 1.3 mil

you have to go back

Good idea, OP. I’m going to head down to the Aryan Beauty Superstore and pick up a six-pack of Wheatfield Virgins to pump full of my white seed. I don’t know why I didn’t think of this sooner.

>Daily reminder to marry and impregnate an Aryan beauty. Do not, I repeat, do NOT fall for the chink meme, or the MGTOW meme, or the sex bot meme. Those are all Jewish creations.

10-4 and checked. i'll do my best.

thanks, I almost forgot to remind you to kys

Trips of truth

Easily the best sub on reddit

fuck these degenerate thotz that never want children. what kind of low effort psy op is this ?

White women are ruined beyond repair. I don't want a loose tattooed whore who smells like cigarettes.

I'm going to stick with stinky chink feet. Deal with it

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I married a Native American goddess. Like 3/4ths from the rez. I impregnated her with my white genes. We have a child together who looks white.
This is ok. My wife is very obedient and traditional. And she doesn’t go out and be crazy and party and shit. She stays at home keeps the house clean and cares for baby so that baby doesn’t have to be raised by daycare and gets love from her so baby wont have to grow up and be all fucked up and ADHD school shooting type.
You see, white women are career focused spoiled stuck up brats that divorce rape at a high rate. They won’t stay home to take care of the kids because “muh need to be a stronk independent woman”. Minority women don’t know what it’s like to marry a man who is a strong father figure.
Minority women>sexbot meme

>I'm going to stick with stinky chink feet.

this thought does not arouse me

wow I sure wish I could learn about trigonometry instead of having this idiot push her fat tits up in my face

>Jewish creations
> this doesn't apply to mutt Americans, they're not allowed to enter this thread
>D/C thread

Hide bait threads kids

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sine, cosine, tangents, and such. socatorah. jew nonsense with complex numbers mumbo jumbo abra cadabra

Do they really stink??
I think the most submissive and obedient ethnicity is black women. Sure they act so strong and independent in public because they have to with all their black men leaving them alone with children. But the rare chance a black woman gets a white husband she becomes the most submissive thing ever to the white man.

What kind of stupid whore risks her career to thot it up on plenitude? Fucking disgusting, this is the stupid bitch who will be educating your daughters in the latest poZzed mind washing. It’s all fucked.

Good lad, keep it up.

Fuck off, mutt scum.

Nice digits, but sorry monkey, go away.

>Easily the best sub on reddit

It is. True Aryans are into amateur porn.

as long as u keep paying our debt...

white women are below garbage tier. I don't know why any self respecting man would give them his seed

>2D women

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*risks career to thot it up for plebbit

Reminder: only marry a virgin or your kids will be taken from you and raised as cucks/whores

Don't worry OP, I was never going to fall for the Asian gf or "bleach" memes. The aim is to carry on my white line, not nonchalantly mogrelize it.

Take a stroll inside any inner city Wal-mart and tell me this country isn't a disgusting muttopia

Wow, a subreddit dedicated to losing your job.

based and aryanpilled

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Latina women > Asian women > qt traps > white women > black women and everything else

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Can I be done yet?
I made 3 very white children and I have to raise them by myself as my wife took off years ago.
I don't want to do it again. Is 3 good? Can I have peace now?

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>Don't worry OP, I was never going to fall for the Asian gf or "bleach" memes. The aim is to carry on my white line, not nonchalantly mogrelize it.

You're not aryan; you're anglo. Into the oven you go.

Good job man! livin the dream.

I married up so I get to take some money in the divorce

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>can I have peace now

I have terrible news

You're showing a mutt American in your picture. Dumb nigger flaggot

Means "As Soon As Possible". How did you arrive at this reaction from what he posted?

Practically all women want children. Most are simply beholden to the idea of wanting to have them late in life. You can always talk about that between lovers though. What went wrong for you please?

>loose tattooed whore who smells like cigarettes
You're a race-mixing footfag apparently. -How- did you become this condescending? I mean seriously, what the Hell kind of shithole have you crawled out of for that to be the norm? I've rarely even met a woman who liked cigarettes.

ITT: Marriage cucks

Mutt, go away. Go suck some Jew cock, Trump-loving zionist cuckold.

>do NOT fall for the chink meme, or the MGTOW meme, or the sex bot meme. Those are all Jewish creations.

Also don't fall for the no race mixing meme.

The goal is to spread white genes far and wide and that means fucking everything that moves.

That's really cool, but women don't like me.
>started doing sports
>can have a conversation on anything but it never leads anywhere
>women my age are all degenerate and want to be childless cat ladies
>if I manage to get married I'll just get c u c k ed
Is there a point in spreading bad genetics in the sake of quantity over quality? My kids are,with a little help from public education, gonna be insane leftists, like my parents are and like I was until some time ago.
>bro go to church
I'm not christian, but let's say I start pretending. How am I gonna start a conversation with a stranger in a church where you're supposed to listen to the sermon for an hour and then leave with little to no interaction with other people?
What the fuck do?

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>save the white race
explain to me why its worth saving?

I'll do what I want nigger
Fuck this captcha shit btw

If the half chinks are smarter and more disease resistant then nature has spoken & they are superior to purebloods. It's only fair.

none of you losers are ever going to have children. Any white woman of any character would take one look at you and run in the other direction. If you ever could convince a white woman to have children with you she would be an overweight thot. You need to change pretty much everything about yourself before you could ever attract a good woman, that includes the part of you that would ever think its normal to seek out "aryan" women. Imagine being on a date, you have nothing interesting to talk about other than hwite replacement rates in mutt countries. Yes im trying to demoralize you because as long as you keep living your life this way you will NEVER achieve your goals, and I dont necessarily disagree with your goals.

That being said, my brown wife and I are planning on having as many mutts as we can :^)

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Yes goys! Be afraid! Hate white women. Believe our cherry picked degeneracy examples. Let Tyrone and Jamal impregnate them. Just play vidya. Women are too much trouble!

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>none of you losers are ever going to have children. Any white woman of any character would take one look at you and run in the other direction.

fortunately, there are no white women of character. all they have to do is forget the pill a few days in a row, which shouldn't be that unlikely since most of them barely have two brain cells to rub together.

Native Americans from the north are genetically White Northern European.

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now I want to knock up a slant

>Native Americans from the north are genetically White Northern European.

Lolwut? Gonna need a source or two otherwise I call complete and utter bullshit

OP - you're retarded. posting about "marry an aryan QT" and you post a pic of a complete thot. a teacher who takes "sexy selfies" in the classroom she works in, and posts them online for strangers to leer at.

100% not wife material.

also 100% not a QT. she's a 6/10 at best.

OP, you're an idiot.

I just had my first son with a half Irish half Italian. 4 days in and she appears to be a doting mommy so far. Did I fuck up senpai?

>also 100% not a QT. she's a 6/10 at best.
objectively a 9

I'm a brown eyed/haired guy, I'll stick with brunettes, I don't want to dilute the master race genes.

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Has she been fired yet?

probably. the account has been suspended (assuming it was the thots to begin with)