Whats the earliest known psyop in history?

Whats the earliest known psyop in history?

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Getting a bunch of retarded anti-globalist, anti-Zionist, anti-interventionalist MAGAtards to support a neocon warhawk willing to throw away the country for Israel

It was orchestrated by the kikes.

Guarentee it

fpbp 110%

FPBP, he was actually a fucking Greek scholar

Babylon (ruined by jews)
Assyria (ruined by jews)
Egypt (ruined by jews)
Rom (ruined by jews)

No, the psyops didn't start until after Jesus ascended. pic related is the man who crossed that line.

Attached: st-paul.jpg (768x1024, 320K)

Arguably the Trojan horse

>Jews did this

Attached: big-bang-.jpg (471x257, 155K)

Nero false flag burning Rome

The Annunaki

OP did you change IP to post that

In modern times and not in wartime, getting women to smoke cigarettes in the 1920s, was a thing only whores did before

Convincing goyim to worship a jew as the most holy person ever and hold jewish culture and land as holy, but not feel entitled to it themselves and consider it for the jews. But still fight and die for it on behalf of the jews.

What's up with her nose?

/thread now

Lots and lots and lots of snorting cocaine.

Convincing the people of Greece that they were going to war for reasons other than their prince getting cucked by a Trojan


That's a really impressive psyop too. It's incredible how many christcucks defend any pro-Israel decision and say, "They're the chosen ones, we HAVE to protect them". It must seriously warm the heart of the jews to know that they've got an entire group of people that are willing to die for them because of Christ, the very same person that their ancestors killed and branded a heretic.

all domination is 'psyop'. anywhere there is government without consent (everywhere), it is established and sustained by psyop. you can't actually govern by force, only the threat of force.