What presidents do you think are in hell?

What presidents do you think are in hell?

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Most if not all of them.

any single person that wants that much power to begin with has some fuckin issues.

All of them. Only Catholics can go to Heaven, so that rules out all but JFK. JFK is still going to Hell for all of his sins, though.

>Only Catholics can go to Heaven,
Yes those indulgences guarentee youll make it

Why do Christians love to talk about hell?
How is hell merciful or forgiving?
How does eternal punishment make sense if the purpose of punishment is to correct an undesirable behavior?

>Be God
>Make earth for humans
>"Lol come to heaven instead"

#1. FDR
#2. FDR
#3. FDR

Not really, some people see the world as being a complete mess, see that everyone around them is utterly hopeless and feel they're the only ones who can set things right, however misguided that may be.

I think Nixon is in heaven

In actuality, Christians don't go to heaven. They live on a restored paradise earth instead. But most Christians are so retarded they don't know this, even though it's inside of there bible that they like to pick and choose what verses they read.

>be god
>make satan
jej jej jej

Obviously Lyndon b

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It’s not meant to correct anything, it is to prevent the people with low impulse control from doing things that seems like a good idea in the short term, but are terrible in the long term by reframing things in terms of the relatively brief time of life vs the infinity of the afterlife.

Just like anyone who thinks Prison should be some form of Rehabilitation is a complete moron.

As your pic related implies, Abraham Lincoln most certainly is not in heaven. He is burning in a special ring of hell. He single-handedly destroyed the United States of America.
RIP USA 1776-1865

Attached: adolf hitler in heaven with jesus on stairway.jpg (800x800, 287K)

This on a normie level. And then if you wanna go even deeper: all leaders are puppets that were decided on long before they even ran. They're all baby eating satanists.

Spoiler alert: Trump was decided on long ago, he wasn't an upset like the media has led his gullible followers to believe, it's all part of a massive plan that's been playing out over centuries if not millenia. You idiots claim trump is playing 3d chess, but you don't realize his presidency itself is 3d chess that the powers that be are playing.

You're missing the part where none of those people strive for positions of power. And if they ever did, they're shutdown upon entry.

>Implying JWB isn’t in hell for killing Lincoln and preventing him from sending all the slaves back to their rightful home in Africa




Let's finish it

Teddy Roosevelt: Trust Busting
Woodrow Wilson: Federal Reserve
FDR: New Deal
LBJ: Great Society
Everyone afterwards except Trump are all kikes(even Reagan to an extent) as well so they should all be burning.

Pretty much pic related

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Lyndon Johnson
Lyndon Johnson
Lyndon Johnson

>Infinite punishment
>Finite crimes


why does everyone on the Internet think Ebonics is cool now? it's embarrassing

FDR left America in alright shape. The post-war years were a golden age. LBJ destroyed the inner cities with the welfare state, signed the Hart-Cellar Act, and bungled the Vietnam War leading to an incredible calamity for American pride and prestige.

Nixon was kicking ass and saving face for us in Vietnam, right before Watergate happened. He took us off the gold standard tho so fuck him too.

Lincoln was the guy who was about to deport all the niggers to Africa. If your dumbfuck ancestors didn't try to secede, there'd possibly still be slaves in the US. Lincoln's goal was necer to end slavery, but rather to prevent it from spreading. The war changed that, and gave him a reason to allow for the liberation of slaves.

This, OP is a nigger.

What about ba person who lives a sinless life by bible standards, but they simply don't believe in the bible?

The god of the bible is like a toddler burning ants. Utterly sadistic and unworthy of love

Jefferson Davis

>one man wanted to keep the slaves, one man wanted to free them and neither wanted to make nigs go away

>Only Catholics can go to Heaven,

Only if Heaven looks like this.

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Booth was a Jew you fucking kike

thats not ebonics

pleb list

Andrew Jackson probably volunteered to go to hell just to he could keep fucking up the limy brits and the savage red skins. I doubt he'd be content with everlasting peace, Jackson comes of as a restless guy
He also probably kills demons for fun as well, the doom slayer is probably based on Andrew Jackson

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Is coal burning a condemnation?

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None because hell doesn't exist just like heaven doesnt.


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Make a better one then, bitch