The fuck???

Read the Breitbart article. The cope is strong as fuck.
>Hur hur, as long as they keep it in the bedroom I don’t care!
>muh 400D chess
>Trump was always socially liberal! It’s Pence that hates gays!

I’m starting to seriously question this fucker. What’s his fucking endgame? This will win literally no one over to his side because the battle lines were drawn long ago, and it makes his original supporters (like me) scratch our heads. That and the “I want more immigration than ever before!” Boomer globalist zio fuckery from the SOTU.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Trust the plan, goy.

He's still pissed off at Iran for whatever reason and this is a transparent yet probably effective way to get some of the libs on board.

Trump legitimately was pro-fag marriage before it was ruled legal.

Don't know, don't really care. I'm just sad we're missing out on seeing Ellen Page's face when she hears this.
Wasn't he pro-tranny too? Something about their right to compete in beauty pageants alongside of women.

>What’s his fucking endgame?
He's not an actual chessplayer, so he has no endgame.

Donald Trump has pretty much always been okay with fags.

57.8D chess. The fags will be easier to globally round up if they think they are safe and show themselves

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You've opened my eyes fellow stormfags. Trump is a kike. I'm a bernie bro now. Just donated 27 dollars. Who is matching me?

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Bernie is a Jew, are you retarded?

Good to see his second lake home is coming along nicely-

>for whatever (((reason)))

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Why do you keep changing your memeflag when you are the only faggot on this board who uses the term "stormfags"?

>Knows Trump is a kike
>hey let's go just elect another kike

It's hopeless with you anons.

I'm okay with fags. Just not the T and once P is added. We will physically remove the T and the P.

okay holy fuck trump didn't make this choice. it was someone in his administration as you can see they said the trump administration not trump himself

It's that stormfags guy

This had been enlightening you fags and shills. Seems like a good idea to gather up.some literal fag points inb4 muh Dems love teh gays 2020

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Will Hilldawg run again?

lel. drumph is a powerless shithead

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Wtf is this bullshit? Next thing you know they'll be making all the rest of us recognise gay marriges. You don't get to do this type of shit. Fuck you, JewSA.

Why does Vladimir Putin like to fuck dogs?

It shouldn't be criminal for men to love men and women to love women. However it should be criminal for trannies to encourage kids to transition and become drag queens. Avert your attention to where it matters retard.

>random ambassador doing something independently

>>Trump was always socially liberal! It’s Pence that hates gays!
This part is literally true. You can find old interviews of 80s and 90s Trump saying there's nothing wrong with the gays, when at the same time Hillary was saying marriage was between man and woman only. Trump is a New York multimillionaire celebrity, of course he's alright with gays. He spent his life in the second most metropolitan lefty cuck part of the country.

Trump spouts maybe one evangelical sentence every 3 or 4 speeches to keep the most retarded members of his base happy. Hell I think the entire reason he picked Pence as VP was to get more Christian/Catholic/retard votes without even having to work for any of it.

I swear if Yellowstone volcano turns this fucking shithole into an ashtray the world will throw the biggest party in the human history


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literally globohomo

>Pol thinks gay rights are bad

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Or because as much as they don't want trump, if he had an ""accident"" Pence would be much worse.

Doesn't Croatia already recognize gay marriage due to pressure from Mutter Merkel? Sure, you don't call it marriage, but legally speaking it's the same thing.

>being personally okay with gays
Using the power of the government to spreading it to the rest of the world is a whole different level of faggotry.

Trump is literally a Zionist rat.

Looks like we're going to need more extreme methods of the dealing with the kikes.

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>cherry picking
>slippery slope fallacy
try again nigger

Problem is when you allow sodomites to do as they please, every other group of degenerates is going to start demanding rights, too. It’s not a coincidence that after gay marriage became legal the tranny shit got out of hand. The slippery slope is real.

>What’s his fucking endgame?

He wants to get reelected and he knows the Dems are going to try and paint him as a bigot.

Attached: Trump and Grimace.webm (640x480, 1.36M)

>The slippery slope is real.
your single digit iq is showing

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kill yourself disgusting degenerate.

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It’s obviously real, no matter how much you fudgepackers try to call it a fallacy.

>cherry picking again
I see the same 10 images over and over. it proves nothing
btw saying degenerate isn't an argument

i don't argue with disgusting degenerates.

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it's cool user, let me take care of this one for you...

*rake* *rake* *rake*

thats the joke you dumb faggot

it's not real. it's a logical fallacy. you're just a fucking retard.
I've seen that photo a 20 times before. it proves nothing expect the fact you're cherry picking

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Honestly, I wouldn't care about gays if their pride parades consisted of normal boring people as opposed to a bunch of sexual deviants in BDSM gear as well as perpetuating a hedonistic lifestyle.

Day of the Rake can’t arrive soon enough.

You’ve had too much pozzed nigger cum shot into your brain to think straight anymore. Off yourself, leaf.

Yeah. Keep trying to make the Right's platform synonymous with evangelical Christian retardation. That worked so well for us in the past.

13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.


America truly is the Great Satan. Osama was right all along.

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I fucking hate Canadians so God damn much

>he can't argue anymore
it's okay sweetie.

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Jesus christ. The internet was a mistake.
Fallacies are only fallacies when they don't follow.

Calling someone a hypocrite for example, is not an "appeal to hypocrisy" if you are simply calling them a hypocrite and implying they should get off their sanctimonious horse
Until you are justifying a particular claim using hypocrisy, you aren't making a fallacious "appeal to hypocrisy"

similarly here, when you can clearly observe an agenda that has been advanced after several decades culminating in child abuse, as we've seen here, THE GODDAMNED SLOPE HAS SLIPPED

Jesus.. you stupid fuck.

Opposing faggotry doesn’t have to be —and shouldn’t be — based on religious arguments anymore, though. Any healthy society should reject this shit.

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it proves that you're a bunch of degenerates perverts, no sane person would do shit like this in front of children.
face it you're just a piece of shit that just want to kill himself, or abuse children because nobody want to fuck with you, you're a whimpy faggot with a small dick, and no girl want to fuck you.
80% of faggots are child molesters, many such cases, many commit suicide too, and so should you.
take a lot of drugs and die, i'm sure you do drugs too as you're a good degenerate.

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>it makes his original supporters (like me)


Literally your only “argument” has been “the slippery slope isn’t real because I said so.”

There are no more arguments. Only death.

Slipper slope isnt a fallacy on its face you idiot leaf. If there is no reason to believe the slope is slippery then it becomes a fallacy.

I.E. If you let cows eat chicken feed then they will never stop eating it


If you keep giving out pain meds everyone is going to be addicted.

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It's a logical fallacy retard
The fallacies haven't followed. Cherry picking random photos doesn't mean there is a slippery slope. pic related

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Shill harder, shill.

uhh not letting iran force gay dudes to transition is pretty transphobic

Q did not predict this

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The poofters are pedophiles. The new york faggots are literally making 10yo boys dance for money like strippers

Kill yourself you pedo faggot

> The problem with this reasoning is that it avoids engaging with the issue at hand, and instead shifts attention to extreme hypotheticals. Because no proof is presented to show that such extreme hypotheticals will in fact occur, this fallacy has the form of an appeal to emotion fallacy by leveraging fear. In effect the argument at hand is unfairly tainted by unsubstantiatedconjecture

>You're unironically a redditor.
Go the fuck back you fucking faggot. Where the fuck do you think you are?

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>if I leave my bicycle unlocked in the center of amsterdam, it will get stolen.
>therefore i will lock my bike so it will never come to that point

Haha yes, the slippery slope is totally not a purposely ambiguous fallacy designed specifically to be used as a fallacy in itself.

>this one example means it's true for everyone

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Except we know now its not an extreme hypothetical

>a redditor made a post therefore slipslope doesn't real
>what is cherry picking
delete yourself

Jews going all out,

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Not an argument. I just knew that was stickied on Jow ForumsLGBT

>Hur hur, as long as they keep it in the bedroom I don’t care
the only correct answer though
gay men. not fags, have always been a part of american culture
everything was fine until they stopped being ashamed

Just so long as to tie pedos around a bundle of sticks and set it ablaze

These truly are the end times.

You have no evidence that they will accept pedophiles. They have not accepted pedophiles
You don't know. Now you're being dishonest and making shit up


whoever wrote that is actually a retard. Does the argument. "If you give out pain meds for free more people will get addicted" seem like a fallacy to you? Use your head.

The key to arguing by slipper slope fallacy is that there is no reason to believe the slope is slipper then it becomes arguing by fear or arguing by likelihood which is a fallacy. If there is good reason to believe the slope is slippery or better yet proof positive that it is or was in this particular case then it is not a fallacy.

You have no proof that there will be pedophile acceptance. Also your analogy is garbage

This might be controversial, but I don't think homosexuality should be illegal.
Does anyone actually support cops breaking down doors to bust two women scissoring?
Could you get any more submissive to the power of the state?

Fags voted for trump

now this is a real slipslope, take notes leaf.

Who the hell cares.
>Build the wall
>Limit immigration/refugees
>Cut taxes
>Get us out of wars
>Fix our trade deficit
>Stop wasting money on "climate change"
>Appoint conservative judges
>Make anime real
That's what I signed up for. I don't see "bash the fags". "Stop pandering to their whining" would be nice. But as long as they keep their heads down and their faggotry in the closet, I don't give a fuck.

nothing wrong with P. little girls are God’s gift to men. utterly perfect in body, mind and spirit. nothing better.

but instead none of those things happened and worldwide fagotry is encouraged......

The orange abomination's obsession with Iran is borderline pathological kek

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>probably effective way to get some of the libs on board.
In what Universe?
You think Liberals are going to switch sides because Trump starts championing gays?
I've seen this argument about Trump legalizing weed federally, and its bullshit both ways.

Activate order 66

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making it legal doesn't mean it's incentivized or encouraged retard

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>in the bedroom
So retarded.
That isn't equal.
Straight people can show affection to each other in public. Equality would be that gays get to as well.
Obviously fucking in public and public nudity is still illegal or a fineable offense in any state or local government code.

This. Trump could literally suck a pozzed dick on camera and the (((LGBT crowd))) would still hate him. I’m not saying he needs to start advocating for throwing fags off roofs or anything, but public support of faggotry isn’t going to win him any more votes and could potentially alienate some of his supporters.


Reading through your replies I couldn't help but imagining you as pic related.

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That picture was taken during the campaign you retards
Trump had the gay vote. The wall funds have been secured, and now he's following through on other promises while it's built.
Yes, he is quite liberal.

>could potentially alienate some of his supporters.
It's pretty much certain to.
People underestimate how many people thought Trump was going to be their far right savior.
It's why he tried to not condemn the Charlottesville rally until his staff started threatening to resign over it.
In the end Trump simply does not have the balls to stay the course when his staff starts pressuring him.

I am actually agnostic but thank you

What the fuck