I'm tired of being a dork. I want to be a cool, gruff bad boy who does whatever tf he wants

I'm tired of being a dork. I want to be a cool, gruff bad boy who does whatever tf he wants.

I asked my older brother how to change, and he said "You'll just embarrass yourself if you force yourself to be someone you're not. Find confidence in other ways and be assertive and confident in a way that's more true to who you are."

I don't know wtf that even means. He sounds like a fortune cookie lol. Retard.

Attached: bad boy.jpg (720x1080, 162K)

>that post
>that pic

shiggy diggy

by the way you sound, just go become a hipster or something and meet girls at art galleries or some shit. you aren't going to intimidate people talking like that

>I'm tired of being a dork. I want to be a cool, gruff bad boy who does whatever tf he wants.

Are you 13 years old who the fuck says "bad boy"

18 years of being a nerdy, bullied faggot piece of shit is too much. Han Solo is kinda my image of the perfect male, I wanna be like him.

thats just trading one brand of nerdiness for another. I wanna be cool.

>star wars

further cementing your best outcome as a hipster, start buying shit from thrift stores, start looking for art hoes, and start lurking /mu/, /fa/ and /lit/ to find your "new personality"

life doesn't need to be some hollywood-tier retribution arc, just move away from your hometown and find yourself

Sounds like your bro gave you pretty solid advice desu.

You could try hitting the gym though, getting ripped will boost your confidence in yourself when you start to notice girls talking/looking at you more.

hes right, and you are retarded

You weren’t raised by an alcoholic father that would beat the piss out of your and your mother nightly.

Start picking fights randomly, lose the fight.

Dude your brother sounds based as fuck ask if he wants to play fortnite with me

Im a nerd and so was one of my friends. He had similar complaints and tried to "man up". Now people make fun of him for playing up some absurd character that he doesn't embody.

He's still the same dorky guy underneath the wannabe bad boy facade and everyone can see it. Its a damm shame.

this is possible but costly. you have to destroy your old self completely, and then grow a new one in place. to kill your present personality you really have to genuinely hate him. its a conscious effort and will take some time

Guys, this is clearly bait.

Even if it isn't, OP's "brother" already gave the correct advice on this situation. If this isn't bait, then listen OP, you are the things you do, but most of the things you do are practically autonomic. You do them without thinking too much, in order to really be the person you're talking about, which sounds like the antithesis of yourself, you would have to act consciously all the time, which is mentally exhausting.

You're not gonna be a cool bad-boy, and besides, the expiration date on that kind of cool is 28 maybe 29 tops.

The type of cool that people will always respect is the cool guy who isn't dick, is fun to be around (because he isn't trying to hard), doesn't make people uncomfortable, and is just overall a nice dude.

Why can't people in their 30s be bad boys? I've mellowed a lot, but at 35 I still pride myself on having an edge to my personality that makes me feel like the soft, timid little boy from the 80s and 90s is gone.

There are some people who *can* pull that off, can even spend their whole lives like that... Hunter Thompson comes to mind as an example of a well-known person who maintained that edge is whole life. But you really have to be able to own it, its rare.

You can be a "bad-boy", but no one will think it's cool.

Your peers will have emotionally matured by point, so that they realize that "edge", disregarding rules, having a "fuck the world" attitude, is not fun to be around and is not interesting.

Bad-boys are cool to young people because they fly in the face of authority, but to actual adults, authority is something useful to them, because they're not as retarded as kids.

Take your brothers advice and also buy a motorcycle.

Attached: gixxer.jpg (620x407, 79K)

>Hunter Thompson
I really find it pathetic that he destroyed his mind and body with drugs and ended up killing himself.

>Why can't people in their 30s be bad boys?
Because they're irrelevant.

Most "bad boys" in their 30s I know are just miserable dead-ends who's wifes are getting fucked by 20yo chads.

but does it attract hot 18 year olds?

I mean that's the thing. Part of the reason you don't see it much with 30+ year olds is at that age it begins to be a sign of mental/emotional issues. I feel like on the one hand HST remained a great author until the end, but on the other hand his life spent a long time circling the drain.

Either this is bait or you know full well your brother blew you the fuck out and you're too dumb to admit to it openly.

You're not a bad, tough guy. You're asking Jow Forums how to get there... as a result, you never will.

As a 30 year old? Probably not

Hot 18 year-olds will for hot guys, regardless of age. Plenty of girls that age like older men, but they like them because of emotional maturity and financial stability