I want to have children with some who is half filipino and half white

Any pics of 1/4 filipino and 3/4 white kids?
I want to know if my kids will be white passing. I don't care about 1488, as long as my kids don't grow up looking like eurasian tiger. Cunt's fucked.

pic unrelated

Attached: Tolentino-Carly-Rae-Jepsen.jpg (727x485, 42K)

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>I want to have children
I’d start here it’s a long road for you.

>meme flag
>post pics
no post you and her, and then I'll tell you the chance of having a goblin

yeah but I'd like to prepare in case they grow up looking like mutants

"I want this, I want that"

Oh be quiet you spoilt millenial.

all i know is filipinas fuck good

that could work but I am not doxing myself

I am a real 90z kid you absolute ape

also fuck you dad

I a quadroon flip with german, british, and a ton of other european genes.
I look way passing white, nobody that's philipino recognizes me as one of them, only the most learned whites even ask if I could be something other than 100% white. I always tell them but they're always shocked, cause I sound white, I act white, I am white.
I just like lumpia and strong borders.

wow my m key didn't work. I know I can type.

How do you know?

thanks friendanon

well, idk nigger, cover your eyes and shit, otherwise ti doesn't matter if you have shit gense, it'll prob be shit, if you have good genes the chinces of it not being shit are better, but even if you're both 10/10 pure aryans n shiet, you can still get a goblin, so you just have to hope for the best

nah cunt my genes are 9/10 and hers are about 8/10

The children of hapas and unmixed whites or Asians are called "quapas." You can look up photos of white-hapa quapas online. They vary a lot in appearance.

Americans paid $523 Billion on Interest on the Debt in 2018. This is ~$1.43 Billion/day just for the interest alone, no principal. The Federal Reserve is the single largest holder of US Public Debt. Imagine what we could do if we abolished the Fed and issued our own currency.

Source: Treasury Direct

Attached: debt.png (986x854, 311K)

Here you go bro.

Attached: 8EE6C8AF-82AF-4E55-8AD4-5361B400428A.jpg (1803x1591, 666K)

Race mixing is good for you goyim, trust me (;

Based amerimutt, makes me want to racemix. NOT.

well, I guess you have a pretty good chance at decent looking kids, still if you're going to get her pregnant make sure that both of you do the healthiest shit ever like a month before that, do some fasting, get vitamins, go to the mountains and shit, your sperm and her eggs are shit that changes, so you'll get the best possible ones if you do healthy shit before, don;t make your kid a "happy little accident" is what I'm saying, and make sure you give him the best you can, still though, post wife now

good for you. nobody gives a shit. now show your flag.
>all fields
>hide thread

Attached: meme_flag_pir.png (906x900, 282K)

At this point it's better to raise a good family.

They don't have to be white user, maybe it's time we bring back the mongrel Huns of Antiquity.

fuck off mutt

whites are supposed to die out, its why the genes are so weak at being passed on