So.... women are now seeking my approval and doing shit for me... without doing anything

So.... women are now seeking my approval and doing shit for me... without doing anything.

I literally have the power to say to girls "pick that shit up" and they will. Even though I dropped it.


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wrong board for larping

Oh yeah, I guess my question would be - how can I keep myself in balance - fhis power is foreign to me and Im struggling not to abuse it.

I did say pick it up to a girl and she did, but I only said it in a quiet voice because I felt bad for it.

I dont care about any of them really, Id just wish the would stop bothering me.

just because it doesnr happen to you, doesnt make it larping.

Girls are generally like this

They say that power corrupts absolutely, I think it's maybe the opposite; that our weakness ultimately corrupts us.
To remain in control over the power you possess, rather than let that power possess you, that is the key!

Keep it up. Women are like cats, so you gotta act like you would around a cat to keep them gravitating towards you.

Congratulations, you will now experience what being a male is like. That's good for you, a couple extra years in inceldom and it would have been hormone therapy for you. Welcome to the club, buddy. What will you do now?

sorry but this board is for advice not larping. incel fantasies are for r9k

Well ive always been a dude,its just recently this happened.

It would be great though if I could get them to work for me for my business though.


what's the context ? why did this just recently happen? something about you changed ?

I guess I dont feel good about asking people to do stuff for me, but it seems that people wouldnt mind.

I think thats what it boils down to.

>Well ive always been a dude,its just recently this happened.
That's not what I meant. You may have technically been a man before, but you are finally being treated like an actual man. You know, men are supposed to lead and women to follow. A "man" that can't make women follow him is even less of a man than a girl. But you recovered and that's great.

>It would be great though if I could get them to work for me for my business though.
You can do it but not for free. You will be able to get away with paying them substantially less though.

Im also very relaxed about women as well. Not too concerned if they follow me or not.

Could that be it as well?

Also some men are being a bit like this too me as well.

The person you quoted already quoted that post. I gotta say I agree. This is an advice board not where you roleplay a fantasy world where women are your slaves or whatever.

Congrats on your new manager position at McDonalds

>tfw good with cat
>bad with women
I kind of came to this realization at the late age of 26.
So just torment them and ignore them until they come to you and then show affection until they get sick of you and repeat?
Can I also hold them by the scruff of their neck?

I'll take "things that never happened" for 400 please

Well, you’re on the right track.

A woman in love with a man behaves EXACTLY like a beta orbiter. With actual sex sometimes. Got my first job out of college because the HR girl had a crush on me over MUCH more qualified applicants.

When a woman’s brain is fogged by dick, it’s worse than a male brain fogged by pussy.

So you became a man? What happened - you picked yourself up and stopped basementdwelling?

Don’t think about it. Women love submitting to guys they like.

Not in a hurr durr “where’s mah dinner, woman?!” kinda way. But like a “employee meeting her boss’s boss” kinda way. He’s not gonna pound his chest about it. She just knows she cannot fuck up this huge opportunity.