I fucking hate being a mutt man.
I’m not even part non-white, I’m of full European blood, but I still don’t feel like a have a culture or homeland I can lay claim to. I’m so many fucking ethnicities. Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Polish, Russian, fuck this shit man. Fuck America and fuck the melting pot.
Fuck this shit
>culture or homeland I can lay claim to
>wanting to lay claim to euroshit
>Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Polish, Russian
Whoa you're the same mix of ethnicities as me. I think we're what are referred go as "white people".
Checks out
fucking this minus the slav blood, but everybody has SOME genetic garbage.
As long as it's not nigger blood, you're doing alright.
>he fell for the Amerimutt meme
You sure there isn’t some Ashkenazi mixed in with all that bitching?
hey burt
whatever Korea. You're literally the shithole of Asia.
Shut the fuck up you whiny faggot, if this is actually a concern to you then you have no actual problems in life.
>I’m so many fucking ethnicities. Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Polish, Russian
No, you ain't. You're American. Fuck that shit and embrace your culture. Start a band like pic related, sign up to rodeo classes, hunt some Mexicans in the border and settle in a cotton plantation with a beautiful niggress wife.
Become a polyglot you faggot.
Well honked friend
America has its own history and culture, fuckwit. Read a book.
Spain has a point here.
Americans are basically "the scrape". We're all a ton of shit. Even American niggers are more than just 100% jungle savage blood (thanks for that roasties... ).
Who gives a shit. The easy litmus test is to hail a cab. If they don't stop for you, you're a nigger. If they do, you're human. Simple.
t. American
>jap rape babies
>talking shit about anyone
Starcraft servers must be down.
stay out
I will rip your fucking head off you kike. I may be pissed about not being a full blood of a European nation but the Irish in me dictates that when I’m drunk like right now I will fucking mutilate you and your stupid fucking spic family.
As long as you have blue eyes you're good
>Hitler didn't have blue eyes
mutts btfo
put me in screencap
>not being a full blood of a yuropoor nation
why be pissed about that?
America has a culture and an identity but there's two major problems that keep Americans from knowing so:
1. The context for most typically American things is completely absent from our modern society. In particular, there are no more frontiers to settle and our cities are not places of manufacturing anymore.
2. Any culture we output in our modern age is shot across the world to everyone. It's hard to consider something "uniquely American" if everyone in the world can easily partake in it.
At least you're not a nigger user, join us white man
American culture is the best culture, take away the niggers and kikes and its perfect.
America is a bullshit country. I hate it here. Our nation is a huge pack of cowards, idiots, faggots, trannies, commies, shit skins, kikes, and niggers.
I have no loyalty to this shithole, and neither should you.
All of the White Nationalist organizations in the USA are bullshit.
You're a low IQ faggot.
Nationalities are nothing, there is only race, white aryan nordic race. If you belong, who the hell cares about nationality.
The only thing you should worry about is your grandgrandchildren being fully white as well. This is your fail or success.
I’m Asian you dumb mick.
You're not white if you're Polish. I was taught this in like the first week of homeschooling, fucking braindead burgers.
when do you mutts go down to venezuela?
hahaha that pic
fuck off
Cope mutt, tradition and culture comes from your Nationality, I'm not giving away my heritage. "We're all white" bullshit is all another form of multiculturalism aimed to destroy culture and tradition.
Division of white race on nationalities was the beginning of it's demise. Tradition and culture are empty words, you have none, you are a son of whore and you will marry another non-virginal whore and make subpar kids, that will likely follow degenerate trends and make families of whores and degenerates, there is your actual culture.
We had wars over nationalities and faith, fads that cost us our best blood.
What did I miss??? What this meme is supposed to be?
Same idea with me. I'm English, Irish, Scottish, French, Italian, and Czech.
I feel bad for ya. My mom's side is pure American WASP from the Northeast plus pure French who'd live in 2 villages for hundreds of years. My dad's side is a little more mutt-y, but they've kept their German Bohemian heritage the whole time.
It's really great to have family lines you can trace back to the old country. There are literally castles in Europe with etchings of my ancestors.
Sorry, bro. At least you're white.