Make the word CIRCLE Hate speech

Start calling them circles

Kike is derived from the hebrew word for circle, which is the mark many jews made on their immigration papers coming into america (instead of an "x" for their signature). like many other racial slurs, it came from immigration officers who used it as short-hand for a population group entering the country.

It would be hilarious if jews started freaking out and whining about being called circles. People would also get the red pill of knowing where the word kike originated from

Attached: 22E453F7-4093-42EF-9CDD-D0B2CE5E3324.png (768x768, 17K)

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That's just the top view of the average american

They signed with a circle because of their hatrid for Jesus and Christianity as a whole

Please make this happen

Attached: D205B73E-F08B-43DB-8944-D95B933DB397.jpg (1111x887, 333K)

It can happen brah it just has to spread. It’s perfect it’s basically calling them kikes with such a benign word.

The Jews with their tight grip on the media control what speech is ok and what speech is not ok. They control people’s minds and shape culture

Not your personal army

Get in the oven, circle.

Shlomo is shook.

Good post, user.
Really contributing to nu/pol/'s continuous degradation like a good goy.