So his presidency is halfway done. At this point it's crystal clear that he won't get a second term...

So his presidency is halfway done. At this point it's crystal clear that he won't get a second term. Now is a good time to start thinking about what kind of legacy he's going to leave behind. How is he going to be remembered?

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Trump is getting 3 terms.

How? With the help of 4d chess?

yeah okay nigger, you think we forgive? you think we forget? This fraud will not be re-elected.

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>being a leaf

Yes. And?

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>I understand America real good
God Emperor only seems like a meme

trust da plan goy, trump certainly didn't make empty promises for votes. Why would he ever do that?

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He will be known as the man who brought down the right-wing movement, right before the left claimed eternal power over this globe.

>Drumpf is finished! No chance!
Why does that have such a familiar ring to it?

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>look I can make a non-sequiter strawman
Checks out

the only president dumber than w

He is def getting a 2nd term
Dems can't win a term or they will destroy our nation.

>A Leaf.

We're not in 2021 yet.

stewpid kike-leaf you got 6 more years of the donald

the fuck he won't

>being this delusional

>How is he going to be remembered?

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Bernie is beating brown Hillary and a a straight white male is in the top spot. Trump will easily win in 2020. And I'm a leftist. It's just fact at this point.

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>non-sequiter strawman
kill yourself kike

He'll be remembered as the President who proved OP was wrong.

If you payed attention to actual politics instead of shitposting you'd know that Trump currently has very little competition. Bernie blew it by supporting Shillery, "I'm 0.2% indian!" blew it by lying about being native American. The only competition "Alehandrio Ocazio cortez" isn't old enough to run. Shillery is dead at the door.

Trumps political opponents have nothing to argue since the media literally blasted Anti-Trump biased for the last 4 years. If a democrat is going to beat Trump they'll need to do it through their politics instead of attacks on his character and so far Trump is pulling troops out of foreign areas, Fighting to make gay rights legal in countries where it's still punishable by death which is his most recent political push and he's fighting for more border security and it's the democrats preventing border security at this point. For the past month political news has been full of democrats fighting each other. The democratic party is a shitshow right now. It's not looking good considering Trump is liked more now than he was when he got elected while being completely immune to personal attacks.

I think you mean 25% done

Obama got re-elected


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The Democratic Party right now is that idiot in basketball who has a breakaway, rears up with a windmill jam, and gets stuffed by the rim.
>Harris and Warren are their choices

Why did they put pedo Joe in the poll he has not announced. And why isn't Andrew Yang in the poll? He has gotten more donations than half of those goons.

Op is a shit masticating faggot, who cuts his wristes with a butter knife then sits in his room and feels sorry for himself.
Trumps going to win in a landslide. Ppl are making tons of money with trumps booming economy and aren't keen on voting themselves back into socialist poverty.

Well he's obviously going to be re-elected.

Haha, RYS faggot.

He will be remembered as the next rung of the NWO. Nothing has changed. Same values within, same neocon psychopaths engineering plots of destruction without. All of the last five presidents are followers of the same Order, degeneracy within, death and destruction without.

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>How is he going to be remembered?
By living in his adversaries heads

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A thoughtful, trenchant and cogent political post. I thought I was in the wrong place for a second.
Yeah, if he would send the little girl and her ubiquitous husband back to NYC, and stops doing stupid stuff he's a lock.

Can’t find my pics of all the people saying Hillary had 90%+ chance of winning.

come on we all knew trump or Hillary would have been a one-term president because they were both fucking hated

The next 6 years are going to be difficult for you, leaf.

why? who cares?

I personally think you are on to something. Most folks don’t realize Trump won by a cunt hair and that is with many Dem voters not even showing up as they assumed Hillary was winning. There is no chance whatsoever the system will allow trump to win term 2. They will cheat on a massive scale if they have to. It won’t happen because even the republicans don’t want it to happen.