It is like listening to an intelligent person and a toddler

it is like listening to an intelligent person and a toddler.

Attached: FB_IMG_1550624966942.jpg (700x700, 77K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>If if if if if if if if if if if
>intelligent person

Absolutely, Obama constantly had his retarded stutter, while Trump can get the whole crowd cheering with his flowing prose

Yes, I agree Trump is magnificent and Obama had the charisma of a wet sock.

Show then the Trump economy and the Obama economy.

i believe that trump chooses to speak plainly in order to endear himself to average americans while speaking like an intellectual could serve to alienate you. Trudeau actually talks like a retard, but i assume thats because he's french

>they both sound like intelligent toddlers.


It's obvious. If you want to connect to the average person, then you need to communicate plainly and clearly. Sounding like a bog-standard politician is a death sentence for any populist

Aren't all but the SotU speeches without a teleprompter?

gargle with powdered glass

Came here to post this. Checked.

are you retarded or a bot? you just repeated what i said, and assume is out of context

yes i really enjoy being talked down to by lefties like i need to know something.

Take away the sockmonkey's teleprompter and get back to me.


Gee golly guess I better vote for the party who wants war with Russia, kills newborns and hates me for my skin color

Prove he went to Colombia.

I can't fucking remember a single thing Obama has ever said. Unlike with Trump.
All I remember is Obama had a lot of space in between things he said as if he was worried someone would attack him if he wasn't careful.

>if if if if if if if if if


"You didn't build that."

Beep boop

you can keep your doctor, or something.
Has $60,000 hotdog party and sucks his wife's cock.

checked and fpbp

if first if post if if if if best if if if if post

You didn't build that!

Tell me somethkng intelligent this stuttering nigger said
Not going full ghetto-nigger is only seen as an achievement in blacks because of low expectations

>That time the teleprompter broke

Attached: yupyup.gif (320x240, 2.97M)


You have a great point on the right you have a grown man with tons of business and real world experience vs a stuttering manchild that can't see the mountain for the bushes.

Attached: Obama_derp.jpg (399x251, 15K)

Obama was a pretty good orator, maybe better than Trump, but this meme is fucking retarded in so many ways.

>amerimutts are academically challanged, everyone knows this
>be a president who uses complicated words to show off his intelligent
>or be someone who loves his country and citizens enough to speak in a way they would understand

Uhhhhhhh okey doke

The left will suck the dick of any useless orator who engages in lexophanicism, whether or not they’ve made a single meaningful accomplishment in their life.
Then they’ll turn around and point to an actually intelligent nigger like Ben Carson, a world reknowned brain surgeon, and call him an idiot.
In the end, only intelligent people see the pattern.

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So I can become the president even if I don't go to school?

dont be so hard on Obama, I mean for a black guy he's really eloquent

I think Jow Forumsacks make asses out of themselves when they say Obama didn't make awesome speeches as King Nigger.Yes, he had a teleprompter and writers, but still. It wasn't until his second term that he started losing it, and by the time the last midterms rolled by, he was a fucking mess, and it was just embarrassing. Trump Derangement Syndrome is real.

You reversed it fucking libtard

Ever want your kids to know how important education is for results, show them a comparison of Obama 1st 3 years to Trump's...economy, unemployment, riots,,,etc

That's all folks

I agree OP, Obama was one dumb piece of shit. I guess that's why he sealed his school records. I can't believe people voted for this common core nigger:

Attached: obama acorn head.jpg (96x125, 2K)

>Obama was a pretty good orator
he was a pretty good teleprompter reader. So he'd be on the level as a local news person... His debates were shit compared to Trump's, mechanical and boring.

Even liberal college students thought Trump's persona was better in a debate when they set up a test to prove sexism via switching personalities and verbatim dialogue between Trump and HRC actors/impersonators. When the female actor started acting like Trump, they thought it was far better.

So what they're saying is education doesn't matter?

Attached: obamaspyhat.jpg (520x480, 58K)

True. Obama stuttered and jumbled his speech constantly like he had a dick in his mouth despite that he read everything off a telepromter. Trump just stands there and talks off the cuff and the crowd goes wild. If you can talk like Trump you can sell and make a ton of money. If you talk like Obama you can be a teacher and be broke.

>His debates were shit compared to Trump's, mechanical and boring.
Trump debates like a high school bully. If you think that's presidential then I don't know what to tell you. It was and is a fucking disgrace.

He literally won the presidency because he was black and McCain sucked. Obama was a fucking school teacher. He was supposed to be a lawyer but sucked at it so bad he had to get a teaching job

if if if if if if if if if

You’re a disgrace Mohammed. Go fuck a goat

>If you can talk like Trump you can sell and make a ton of money. If you talk like Obama you can be a teacher and be broke.
The Obamas went from $1.3M to $40M in net worth during the past decade.

Whiter than you, 56% mutt.

I bet you mulatto loving kike

Attached: If IF.jpg (845x441, 102K)

>King nigger's speeches were written by kikes
>read them off teleprompter

Yeah, takes a real genius to do that.

You do realize there are like no kikes in Finland, right? That's YOUR problem.

Hahahahahah you’re a fucking joke. They got paid for being black. He won the presidency for being black. If he was full white he would have been a high school history teacher

Oh so you’re the only one?

uhm obama was a lying snake

he's was friendly in the same way a drug dealer is friendly. He was selling poison to america with a smile.

>They got paid for being black.
In the words of King Nigger, okie doke.

>Judging politicians by speeches rather than policy

You're pretty easy to manipulate aren't you OP?

Attached: Obama's Nobel Prize Winning Drone Strike.jpg (768x768, 51K)

Acting doesn’t count.

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>uh uh uh um um uhhhh

Obama babbled incoherently whenever he didn't have a teleprompter to read off of

ahhhh...shoutout to the Corpseman...ifififif...ahhhhh....yano, we have some issues...

Attached: Obymer.jpg (752x339, 44K)

malevolence goes both ways; I'm honestly not sure which president you're referring to......

Attached: CartoonTrumpDerangementSyndrome.jpg (600x450, 147K)

try searching
pedestrian fence / border infrastructure

Barnard Construction Company Inc., Bozeman, Montana, was awarded a $324,422,299 firm-fixed-price contract for design and build of a pedestrian fence replacement project. Three bids were solicited via the internet with three bids received. Work will be performed in Yuma, Arizona, with an estimated completion date of April 1, 2020. Fiscal 2018 omnibus funds in the amount of $172,157,017 were obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth, Texas, is the contracting activity (W9126G-19-C-0007).

SLSCO, Galveston, Texas, was awarded a $167,460,000 firm-fixed-price contract for border infrastructure design and build. Three bids were solicited via the internet with three received. Work will be performed in Mission, Texas, with an estimated completion date of May 4, 2020. Fiscal 2018 omnibus funds in the amount of $167,460,000 were obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth, Texas, is the contracting activity (W9126G-19-C-0006).

Attached: 1550475719330.png (1045x788, 1.21M)

Video related. Inb4 "but he was tired no fair!"


Obama, BA in English Literature.

Trump, BSc in Economics

Not sure I see a huge advantage to Obama there.

I enjoy listening to Trump’s speeches.

Obama is America's ideal nigger. Too bad most fall far short.

You make me proud, user.

there it is

uh uh ah folks um ah uh *mic drop*

Obama also hasn’t an original thought in his skull as soon as his electronic screens go blank, it’s a bunch of Okeeedoke!!! Ifififififififififififfffffff...,,,,,,,,,,,,,...............ah...........

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Daily reminder, fartbongo is the son of a communist Jewess and an elite Kenyan drive by sperm donor. He has NO black american or slave ancestry. Zero.

Let me clarify this a little bit. Obama is what white people want to believe black people are like.

>Trump debates like a high school bully
What a terrible thing for a high quality orator. I'll just leave this here

Your cucked limp-wristed definition of "presidential" is irrelevant. People respect bullies, not weakling faggots. And again a study showed people preferred his style when it's coming from a woman too.

trump only appeals to retards tho

Its like listening to a white person and a nigger.

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That is one dumb fucked up mk ultra-ed mutherfucker!
No thought for himself, no mind.
You can see and hear that he doesn’t even Fucking know why he’s there!!!!!

Still hilarious listening to the faggot!

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okie doke

meant for Sorry, teleprompter error

Obongo is an intellectual
who appeals to other intellectuals
Trump is a common man
who appeals to common people
non of this is a sign of intelligence
you are comparing book "smart" to street "smart"

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>high education, double the debt
>low education, double the GDP
Gosh we need more retards in the whitehouse.

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Not fair, Trump has suffered strokes from years of cocaine abuse

One is a billionaire..the other one never made an honest dollar in his life.
Obama is great at reading a teleprompter.
Especially for a Kenyan CIA plant.

Obama was so edgy and cool. The late shows were so good.

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I'm sorry has the national debt gone down at all? You retard.

a simple google search will show that GEOTUS has attended university. op is a libtard.


God Damn he is plugged in, then he fking short circuits when he can’t hear or read the words they tell him.

Stupid motherfkr nigger!

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This is a great lesson to learn:

The nigger has to be trained to act his role as the puppet of the DNC which is funded by JP Morgan/Chase, Amazon, Wells Fargo, Rothschild, etc.

The self-made billionaire speaks plainly, directly, and with meaning, because when you're a billionaire, you don't need to fill your belly with the gallons of cum you inadvertently take down your throat via constant cock-sucking of banks and big Corp.

>soi ID
We wouldn't have such high national debt if king soinigger didn't put us there in the first place

Bush throwing that strike after 9/11 at Yankee Stadium was unironically an amazing moment.

Oh Yea Op, I much prefer a fuck that can't continue with his speech without constantly referring to a teleprompter. Trump is real and you can feel it every time he goes off the script to speak his mind. "if if if if if if if if" fuck yourself retard.

Obama off script and unrehearsed fed lines was a blithering knob saying stupids shit like how a known criminal and a miscreant could have been his sons.
I'd rather Trump read his words and avoid blunders than pretend to be an orator like Obama tried to and fuck up all the time.

>He literally won the presidency because he was black and McCain sucked.

don't forget Bush also sucked, looked half retarded and sent the US into was under false pretenses (muh WMDs).

I know A LOT of people who voted Obama out of spite for Bush's stupid wars.

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chew soap
chew soap
chew soap