Why is Trump fighting this battle?

“The Trump administration has decided to combat discrimination against homosexuals worldwide, starting a campaign that would eradicate the criminalization of homosexuality, according to Trump administration officials who spoke with NBC News.“

I’m an American so obviously I preferred Trump over many others, but how come baby boomers are so weak on social issues? To preserve western civilization we need to go the other direction, right? I don’t believe that appealing to any degenerate talking points will extend his base.

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Glad to see the Republican Party become more accepting.

Homosexuality is a sin that cries out to heaven for vengeance

Don’t you troll me, sodomite memeflag

The same answer it always is: the jews

Because he needs fucking votes. Really, are you Americunts that dumb?

Trump knows himself that he has really bad chances in winning the election in 2020. And that's a fact. Currently Democrats and many others are all on the "No Trump" train, so they don't even care what fucking Democrat candidate they would vote for. It's all going to be about "No Trump".

This is Trump's attempt to fish some of the left. But I doubt this is gonna work out to be honest.

It seems the Log Cabin Republican wing of the party has taken over. If there were betting odds I'd put it all on Richard Grenell for next UN Ambassador

You don't know shit about US politics, kraut. The current crop of Democratic candidates are hyper-poltical and have weak appeal outside their states

>Trump administration and Trump are the same thing

>Why is jewmerica trying to interfere with every country in the world, and force ((their)) will and democracyhaha everywhere?
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is everyone stupid? being gay would no longer give you a reason to be a refugee to the united states, they wouldnt need to leave their godforsakenshithole to come to your godforsakenshithole

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>I don’t believe that appealing to any degenerate talking points will extend his base.

Can you even read?

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No. Trump has actually no idea what his own administration is doing.

He is in charge of nothing but his TV remote control.

This post right here is why he's doing it
To win in democracy you need the vote of your enemy

Does this mean the "tranny discord" line can be retired now? Since Trump is pro-LGBT?

The best way to defeat your enemies is to cuck to them.

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This is a position that places the US on a collision course with traditional Russia. Our values against their values. Obama started this rift at the Sochi winter Olympics. Perhaps we all know how it will one day end.

Found the dune coon

The goal is to lower third world birth rates. He wishes to spread gay to the subhumans just as the Hebrew spread it to us.

Because his base voters

I voted for Donald Trump because he would have been more compatible with my moral values than Hillary Clinton, yet on this issue, he is no different.


you serious? it's called a fucking election. the more he can divide democratic stronghold bases, the greater his reelection chances. blacks, gays, women, etc.

>to defeat your enemy you must become your enemy
>then you kill your enemies who are the enemies of your enemy because now you're that enemy
>then you've won because you killed you enemies
That's some chess you got going on there. At least 9000D.

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Homosexuality in America is bad for America. Homosexuality in Asia and Africa and South America is great for America.
Why shouldn't we want there to be more homosexuals worldwide? The only cultures we care about preserving are Europe and North America and part of Oceania. Gay friendly Africa means our descendants will be less likely to curse us for not glassing the continent when we had the chance.

At least he's not building the wall or doing mass deportations.

OP here
You make a lot of sense, wise user

"We vow not to impose our values on others..." Trump National Security speech a year ago.


For two reasons.

One kill the gay vote and any anti gay nonsense the dems may throw at him.

Two show hes tough on terrorists and Putin.

He's doing it at the behest of the Israelis to create a new talking point against Iran. Thanks, Jews.

Do you have any idea what big tent politics is? Going pure 1488 will only gain him support among Jow Forumstards and stormweenies who are too busy looking for Masonic imagery in pizza ads to bother voting. Trump is maneuvering to cut into traditional democratic voters as the Democrats veer towards unironically socialism. Prison reform? Say hi to black republicans. The Venezuela policy? Earning Hispanic voters, at least South American and Caribbean descended Americans (Mexicans are a lost cause anyways). This move? More gay Republicans. It’s big tent politics. It may not be perfect but if it gets us 4 more years and keeps literal marxists out of power than I don’t give a shit.

People, even when they aren't really pro-gay, don't necessarily support imprisoning, torturing or killing people because they're gay.
Some psychopaths may get angry when fewer people are made to suffer for no reason but for many people this is not one of the reasons why they might be unhappy with Trump.

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>1488 vs. globohomo false dichotomy
I can't tell if this is satire.

Because Trump is a neocon and this will be another thing that he can use against Iran.


This must be 26D chess right user?

I thought you guys were supposed to be smart
Gtfo our politics you faggot ass merkle merkin

Telling Saudi wahhabists Quran is wrong is going to end well.

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