Generation Z is da best generation broo

yo dude. Generation Z is da best bros. fuck boomers, fuck generation x, fuck generation y (millenials).

we are actually the only generation that can fucking accept the changes of our current modern world while you old faggots keep crying "me no like change" and keep ruining our peaceful world by projecting your outdated nostalgia policy on us. fuck you all.

Generation Z rules and we will win.

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Generation Z accepts that we slowly are heading towards a digitalized and modernized world...

... while Boomers, Gen X, Millenials are still crying "muhhh jobs" like fucking crybabies and vote for dumb far-right politicans who screw you over.

Gen Z > Millenials every time.

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loooooooool. True af.

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Same fagging zoomers, holy fucking shit this generation is going to be worse than millennials.

>Gen Z
>Want to work
Kys child

They seem less retarded then millenials at the same age.

>in high school
>has an opinion about careers
It's easy to accept when you're in the bubble of adolescence and not having to deal with the economic reality of the world you think you live in. Come back when Pajeet and Paco royally fuck your generation's wages like they have been fucking everybody else's and you can't buy a house or start a family.
They probably are, but I'm sure if the edgy meme counterculture thing to do were to be right-wing in 2004 or 2008, we'd have done it too. Some of us were O.G. Paulfag Hitler Youth, the only difference is that the Left showed their ass since then so it became easier to be a cool kid by making fun of them.

pls have cancer idiot

Millenials got fucked the hardest. No useful knowledge passed down from our parents.

every gen z kid I've met is a piss poor loser who ends up whinging or crying when they lose at something

LMAO you are whining.

>stating an observation is whining

... g..guys what comes after gen z?

The difference between gen z and millennials (me included) is they will change society. We won't. We're to old, to jaded but instead of calling names, we should be facilitating the growth of gen z individuals with our ideas. We should be giving them a leg up because most of us didn't have one on the rest of society.

Everything but the optimism part. If anything gen z are the true optimists because they see the road ahead. All we see is the end of this road but not the start of another

What the fuck is this generational rivalry? Either way ya'll need to grow the fuck up.

> gen z buying house
> gen z starting family
wake the fuck up, this generation isn’t like yours boomer. no wetb*ck or curry fucker is going to take revenue away from white goddess patre*n thots

If I was born in 96, what generation do I belong to?

I'm a 20 yr old zoomer and proud

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I think you're right at the cutoff

Proud Boomer Bro here.

I see Gen Z as a generally based generation with a good chance to make their mark, be productive, and raise a redpilled family.

Millennials, on the other hand, are a wasted generation of useless effected cunts.

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Just cause your part of Gen-Z doesn't make it great stupid faggot. World doesn't give a shit about you, and how great you think you are. Your generation will live, and die like every other generation and be forgotten about like everyone else.