In 2024, the GOP will be a dead party

The democrats have transformed into the socialist party. What party will emerge from the R ashes to counter the democrat national communists?

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why would anyone kill an elephant?

this gif hurt my heart

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Probably a fascist, white nationalist one if I had to guess desu

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yea that's sad

fucking faggots, those guys should be hanged
what are they even doing? how is that considered hunting? fucking scumbags

That pic gets me so fucken mad fucken cunts

>why would anyone kill an elephant in front of his/her children?

White demonic subhumans?

Elephants are God's chosen animal.

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Probably will be sooner considering Trump wants to increase immigration.

>The democrats have transformed into the socialist party. What party will emerge from the R ashes to counter the democrat national communists?
Assuming the gulags aren't already in place, it'll look something in between Lega and PSL, potentially helmed by a rebooted Rubot or some other Hispanic puppet to try and export "la ola conservadora" north of the border into the Hispanic voting pool.

Mind you, the elites will still get what they want from it if it comes to pass, you'll just be so desperate for any relief that you'll settle for the scraps.

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don't care if white.
given the information at hand in gif..
those are 2 niggers.

They're magical beings. They shoot fire out their ass.

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If that was true why did he force them to live on either a continent full of niggers or a country filled with poo-in-loos?

gib sauce now

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Because bull elephants keep harems and kill young males that attempt to mate, every if the bull has gone sterile.
This means a herd can go without reproducing for 5+ years while the bull kills off all the other males.

These paid hunts cull sterile bulls.
Additionally, the meat goes to the local villages and the money from the hunt goes to stopping poachers.

What are they shooting it with? Those look like dinky guns, but if they're killing an elephant, it must be more powerful than it looks.


They only reason they still exist is because white people pay to conserve them and hunt a few. Otherwise the nigs would have killed them all long ago to sell to the Chinese for dick pills.

also want to point out that alpha bull elephant purposefully signaled the others to run other direction and purposefully drew the gunfire away from it's family..

I think you're being pretty optimistic thinking the US in its current form will exist in 2024.

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>In regards to elephants...

Niggers do it a lot, it is a redneck NPC fetish.

no, it didn't.
In fact, it ran into a female and gored her.

tbf there's a lot of black ppl who work to conserve them, they just dont have the funds needed

>In 2024, the GOP will be a dead party.
explain how that right wing guy from brazil got elected...

All I could see was pale ugly subhuman faces there though.

These men deserve death.


fuck that chad elephant

You think that's a good thing for democrats? AHAHAHAHAHAH they've halved their party. A lot of democrats are only there because they want to be gay and minority friendly and realize that socialism is death.

I imagine that the American empire will collapse under the weight of blacks, hispanics, and mutts and Australia will become a white homeland

Probably a Merkel double rifle in 9.3x74R.

>socialist party
>national communist party
truly, this is the intellect of/pol/

He ran on a campaign of anti-corruption and law and order when the local leftists ran the country into the ground and almost the entire government on all ends of the political spectrum was implicated in a massive corruption scandal.

Being stabbed by a deranged leftist while campaigning and having a failed Communist state just over the border to use as a foil and kludge against his opponent probably helped as well.

Does he thought? Did he just say it because that's what (((((they))))) want to hear?

He's gonna get wrecked soon too.

Every internet populism experiment so far has been demoralised. And things are fast.

Duterte, shit.
Brexit, destroyed.
Macri, cringe.
Trump, over.

The same is already happening in Brazil, Italy and in irrelevant eastern europe. And will so happen to others who follow the retarded trend.

The most interesting thing, if you pay attention, is that after the failed internet populism, people vote extreme left as a reaction.

The future will be Bernie president of the US, Corbyn in the UK. Mélenchon in France. Lula, who's supported by all three, will be freed and get elected in Brazil.

>The same is already happening in Brazil, Italy and in irrelevant eastern europe. And will so happen to others who follow the retarded trend.
I can't speak for Bolsonaro in Brazil, but you're dead wrong about Italy and Eastern Europe. In Poland and Hungary, the ruling populist-right parties are polling at or above their numbers in the last election and Italy's populist movement is becoming MORE right-wing with time as Lega cannibalizes M5S' votes.

It's almost as if populists who feel that something is being accomplished / their opponents are completely unpalatable alternatives are more likely to keep their movement rolling.

There's only 1 party, the kike party.

It will be dead in 2020. Trump is now on the same losing platform that McCain and Romney lost with.

I didnt know joe rogan visited Jow Forums

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By 2024 the US will either be in a Civil War or Balkanized.

Both parties are diverging and becoming more extreme by the day. Democrats think the current president is literally Hitler and most Republicans think Trump is far too centrist and soft. The Nation is divided. Neither side is willing to compromise any more and all it will take is a financial or political disaster to set off a civil conflict in the US. The 1850's is the only other time period comparable to the current political situation in the US and we all know how that ended.

I think the 2020's are going to be a massively turbulent decade for the West in general.

the Reich party

Yah thats where whitey comes in. Duh.

We get it, but there is definitely something wrong with anyone who enthusiastically volunteers to shoot one

Isn't that the nature of the pack? Sorta makes sense, these things live for decades. A five year hiatus isn't a big deal if the pack is protected.

I've been working with Constitution Party and America's Party.
I won't work with the GOP, they have betrayed everything that is conservative except some neo-con view of empire.

Trump already hijacked them, if you were smart you could see where it's going. The Dems will be brown socialists, and the gop will be white nationalists. Both much more populist than their previous incarnations.

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>Trump already hijacked them
No, it was the other way around.

No, what you're referring to is institutional sclerosis inherent in the american political system. Trump was the first of the new wave. That doesn't mean things change overnight. People like paul ryan and john mccain have to die out first. Preferably painfully.

>Trump was the first of the new wave
Objectively false.

First major instance of the new wave then, whatever. He grew out of the teapartyers sure, but he was the first president that represents the new direction of the GOP.

basically you saying the GOP will only have a chance when the country gets so shit, people will be saying oh shit we need to change.
But by then it will be too late. Honestly after the GOP is pronounced dead (its barely clinging unto life) people better be prepared to secede because if you think shit is nuts now. Imagine brazil and south africa with nukes my plan is to get out of mystery babylon

gop has to step their game up now trump was way way far fringe but he turned out the fucking vote

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import the lefty whites repeat the process in 50 years.,..sure, why dont you fuckers learn to fight back instead of running off

It'll take time but it'll happen.

Is this true

where is the assimilation that you magapedes say would happen?

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>First major instance of the new wave then
If this were true, we would have seen some in midterms, but we didn't. It was the same crew of losers as always, pitching the same loser conservative rhetoric as always. Same will be true in 2020. When Trump loses, that will be all the evidence they need to say that nationalism and populism are a failure and move on.

Even if what you are saying were true, which it isn't, only the rhetoric would change. The empty promises they dangle before the low IQ retards (you) to get them to the ballot boxes. Because the policies are set by the donors, and the donors aren't changing and will not change.

The Democrats will be a regional, or even only a local party by 2024 when folks demand they lead by example.

No more mammoths to hunt

How clumsy can you be to miss the head at that distance?

I told you the entrenched people have to die. Takes time. The last time this happened to the parties (it happens about every 80 years), it took about 10-12 years for the parties to reassemble in their new forms.

>I told you the entrenched people have to die.
But the new people are the same empty suits as always, so you're wrong.
>The last time this happened to the parties (it happens about every 80 years), it took about 10-12 years for the parties to reassemble in their new forms.
Last time it happened (which wasn't 80 years ago but whatever) there were fundamental changes in the power structure of the actual ruling class in the USA. That isn't happening now. You are dumb and don't understand American politics. I am actually almost certain that you are just repeating what you heard on shill podcast "fash the nation" or read at low IQ support forum MPC.

fucking cunts...

disgusting gif; i hope you are killed by a nigger

fuck I hope. let's do it before I'm too old to join and fight

taking down an adult elephant in two shots seems pretty impressive. i just feel like you cant even count on a double-tap

On the other hand, I can't wait until we receive the rolls of trumpsuckers, have them in the gulags, and can hunt them like this for the lulz!

>w-why would you s-shoot an animal

Okay, whatever you say user. No idea what mpc is but sure.

Hitler was a vegetarian.

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>Jow Forums having the same knee jerk anger reaction as facebook moms
hunting a trophy elephant may indeed be stupid but it only kills old elephants long past breeding age and the exorbitant tag costs go toward supporting wildlife parks in the fight against poachers

The solution is simple. We kill the redcaps.

Just shut the fuck up you god damned pansy faggot. I would love to wring your little pajama boy neck for fun

This guy gets it.

This. Most of this board is big talking soft faggots who would cry and piss their pants at the sight of real violence.

>populist-right parties are polling at or above their numbers in the last election

Yeah, from 3% to 4% faggot

fuck you nigger. there is nothing wrong with Elephants. Elephants make great noises and love being alive. Elephants would fuck your shit up like those rapeugees. Elephants are fucking your mom currently. faggot go fuck yourself

>If the pack is protected
Elephants don't have any predators except humans


Well, Duterte is continuing to slaughter druggies in record numbers and the people love him for it.

Brexit has been a total shitshow, but support for it is as strong as ever among the native people. The liberal elite are doing their best to strangle any nascent British nationalism and replace the natives with brown hordes.

Macron is a tool of globalism, it was his opponent who was the populist (though she was a zionist shill). Now the people of France are rising up and Yellow Jacketed protesters are naming the jew in the streets.

Trump has been sucking Israel's cock as of late and has softened his rhetoric, and enthusiasm in his base is eroding. Big surprise.

Brazil, Italy and Eastern Europe are going strong. The leaders of Russia, China and India are all strongly nationalist.

Your premise is bullshit, friendo.

oh fuck i remember that thread. someone post it

Whatever the corporate sponsored shills in the deep state create

>the democrats have transformed into the socialist party
This is why they are losing, an orange man is president, and why the republican will still be around but just way more conservative.

If you don't like it, pay $10,000 to relocate the aggressive males to other areas.

Oh, wait, nobody does that.
All you Eco-warriors are poor as fuck and will never put your money where your mouth is.

Meanwhile, Great White Hunter pays his $10,000 to kill the elephant and feeds the village for 4 months.

their wouldn't be a demand for ivory if it wasn't for capitalism

Isnt this just upsetting the natural order? It's not like humans caused the bull elephants to be this way

The merchant party

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I was telling a friend yesterday that there are no more arguments to be made. The polarization is irreversible at this point. In the 2020s, the parties will become proxies for race, they already are to an extent. There will come a point where Americans realize that the two sides are simply irreconcilable. Best case scenario is peaceful Balkanization, but I doubt the globalists and the left would let us go without a fight. Still, I was pleasantly surprised by how many Americans support secession, especially young people and the military. And these numbers are from 2014, imagine how much higher they are now after the 2016 election and everything that has happened.

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It’s not hunting - hey are killing them intentionally to thin the herd. It helps maintain the population of elephants, which seems counterintuitive, but if you care enough to be bothered you can educate yourself on why it works. It does work. If not for white people, there would be no elephants.

>active military
holy kek

Google it retard, but since you won’t, yes it is true.

The hunters pay large amounts to be granted the permission to kill selected elephants. The money goes to keeping these elephant havens maintained so the place doesn't fall into shambles and all the rights to these animals don't get sold off to the highest bidder, which is usually someone who is waiting to extract ivory

>In 2024 the jew will be dead
JQ redpill thread, get in HERE

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this is bait, but for the off chance it's not, people hunted elephants for ivory since woolly mammoths walked the Earth.