>Unlimited immigration
There are people on this board who will defend this.
>Unlimited immigration
There are people on this board who will defend this.
All that matters it that it's "legal"
im sure he said that..
there is no reason to argue against a valid immigration policy, and to continue such an endeavor indefinitely would be the ideal. now, if you would like to talk about the potential abuse of such policy, im all ears. otherwise suck a dick OP.
/give XxIsraelXx Diamond 64
As long as that means "no non whites"
to all boomers and MagaFags here..
Thanks for supporting Non white inmigration and open borders I'm ready to fly to the US the next year and I'll be voting Democrat. Soon, your nation will be lost and Brazil will be whiter and safer than the US in comparision.
You allowed this for being Cucks and cowards.
thanks in advance.
>fug I guess I shoulda just voted for hilrod
Kill yourself
of course you would feel that way. i would too if i was watching the minority classes destroy every value my country holds dear right before my eyes. unfortunately, i have to defend myself here and say that there is a portion of us who recognize the same shared history and values who are willing to fight it almost more than you are. isolated, ignored by the media, we have personal stock in the fight because its to save our own. if you ever realize we're on the same side, there would be no stopping us.
We're fucked
This is what it boils down to, it's not like the alternative was more appealing. At this point I'm full accelerationism, if Bernie doesn't cuck and beats his own party down this time I'm voting for his ass, let's just blow it all up.
Memes aside, I would be supportive of a fashy black nationalist movement. We should both be proud of our heritages and fight to protect them. I still think each having our own country would be best for everyone, I'm perfectly fine waiting to worry about that later why we kill every last Marxist.
I empathize with the frustration you must feel with your fellow blacks. I imagine is similar to that which I feel with normie white conservative types.
I suspect that we'll get the violent firey collapse with a "right wing" president, I picture the collapse with a left one too slow
she was more anti israel than Trump. Obama was also more anti Israel and the Iraeli pm bitched about when Romney lost. Trump has been a bigger success for the Jews than anyone else in years.
I recognize that someone like you is on our side. Unfortunately I don't see race relations getting better in this country. The way that history has been taught, along with the trajectory of culture and demographics pretty much makes it impossible. To the extent that different races share a culture nowadays, it's trash culture like sharing memes about depression and listening to Cardi B and Drake.
I was hoping for that with Trump, but I've been left disappointed. He's a pampered Jew York billionaire at heart, he just doesn't have it in him to be ruthless beyond being a catty bitch on twitter. Which while incredibly amusing, isn't going to cut it. I'd have to agree a right wing natsoc would be more efficient though, but I don't see anyone waiting in the wings that can achieve that.
Did he make a new speech and say "unlimited immigration" or is this referring to the SOTU?
>Memes aside, I would be supportive of a fashy American nationalist movement. We should both be proud of our American heritage and fight to protect it.
>I still think having our country back would be best for everyone, I'm perfectly fine waiting to worry about nigger shit later while we kill every last Marxist.
>I empathize with the frustration you must feel with your fellow Americans. I imagine is similar to that which I feel with normie white conservative types.
come home, white man...
id take a fighting chance with Trump over a slow submission to a socialist bernite any day.
>anti israel
Trump never hid that he was pro Israel, but the more immediate issue is the southern border. Both Clinton and Obama would have liked to make a super highway from Mexico right to the voting booths
there is no racism...
he tricked us both.
the devil got us.
Why aren't we starting local nationalist movements? Not some natsoc honey pot club, but no shit nationalists?
at this point you might as well have
IT's merit-based immigration
and merit is a proxy for IQ
so you know where it goes...
There definitely is racism it's just not as bad as people think nowadays. It's amazing how many people really believe that before Martin Luther Kang a negro basically couldn't walk down the street in America without being lynched.
Chinks and Indians. We already have a lot of those people. They still complain about how racist we are and how marginalized they are despite being relatively wealthy. They vote Democrat and see working class whites as beneath them. At least the blacks actually have ancestors who were really oppressed. Asians treat being asked where they're from like modern day slavery.
"merit based immigration" is getting replaced by pajeets with 'college degrees' from places on the same educational level as middle schools and chinks who are nothing more than notorious cheaters.
cause its just retards larping in the woods.
we don't need it. we don't need movement or slogan or motto or chant. we don't need anything.
in memes we bant.
in God we trust.
its all a lie. calling what you are thinking of as racism is being cucked by a word. "racism" is just being cucked by hatred. hatred is just being cucked by evil. what does it matter to defeat another man if you can't defeat yourself?
She would have refused to even buckel down on illegal immigrants
>cause its just retards larping in the woods.
>we don't need it. we don't need movement or slogan or motto or chant. we don't need anything.
>in memes we bant.
>in God we trust.
This sounds a lot like
>don't do anything, trust the plan goy
trump is toast.
>larp in the woods
go ahead.
>muh white lives matter too!
>THIS- actually, sir, IS WHAT democracy, ..does in fact look like, contrary to your belief, phillip.
>whose streets!? -actually they belong to the public and are in fact ours. ..mr.antifa, sir.
>jews will not replace us! (..they will just make us look like complete assholes but-) jews will not-..
>blood ..and soil! (of which my ancestors blood was surely a part of though my culture is basically "video games and shit")
>b-blue lives tho? (wo is a good boy? im a good boy.)
>disrespects our thing.
>disrespects our God.
you were saying?
its not about doing nothing, its about knowing what you are doing. have "smirking" block parties. promote family life and natural American living. show people how blind they are, and how easily they turned traitor. im saying: men on the street, but take to the streets as the realistic people we are.. wake people up like its 2016+. give it 1776%. ...and remember what they took from you: a life of liberty and the pursuit of happiness. ever tried to redpill someone in anger and despair? why do you fail? because they can't see the light in you. you redpill with righteousness and with basedness. never in anger. dont waste yourself, know yourself, and chase God. the ways we walk are of man, walk with Jesus and he'll break open every door open.
>>larp in the woods
>go ahead
I didn't read the rest of your post. I'm not talking about that. I mean a politically active group that speaks at city council meetings, hands out flyers, gives talks, etc.
Has anyone ever been to /ptg/ and noticed how none of the posts seem organic? Like most of them make random comments that seem weird and not even on topic. Idk it just got me thinking and contemplating some stuff.
checked. go ahead. stream it.
>stream it.
OK I will
ok 'cept when we're done,.. we're even,.. deal?
>somehow your American dream hangs on this question.
Not sure I follow
black vs. white is gay. blacks are dumb, so are many whites. smart vs. dumb is better.