Is it valid to feel not good enough since my boyfriend has so many female friends?

Is it valid to feel not good enough since my boyfriend has so many female friends?
He has quite a past with many girls and also female friends of every type. So no matter which type I am, I dont feel unique if that makes sense?
Despite him being a good guy and loyal, it makes me feel not as special to him compared to if he had limited female interaction. Ive given it time, but it still bothers me and I dont know if I should end things with him.

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That is what you get for dating a manwhore. Unless you have superhuman self-esteem, you will always feel unsure because he is constantly surrounded by women he likes and is close with - if they really are his friends and not some random colleagues. And you know of his past and subconsciously know that a person who has had many partners before you isn't very likely to settle for you. Either accept the fact that you'll always feel a bit inferior and unsure or break up. Don't count on him dropping his friends though.

maybe talk to him about it? he's the only one that can validate that you're special to him. if you break up with him because "I don't think I'm special to you compared to other girls you've been with, in my opinion," that will cement you as a permanent dumb bitch.

part of the appeal of him was he doesnt act or look like a manwhore. I dont know what drove him to date around so much. He has dropped one or two people but still. Im scared what will come after I break up with him. He seems like a rare catch besides that.
I have talked to him about it subtley. He said that they dont matter because hes with me. The problem is hes very careful with his words(prpbably why girls like him so much). I am still with him because I love him but because if I get upset he justifies everything.

>I consider ending this relationship with this loyal man I love becausr he has friends with vaginas
The absolute state of women.

The man probably wouldn't care anyway since it seems like he's attractive and can replace dumb cunts like OP easily.

I cant help feeling jealous he just lets them come over when im around and I worry when hes not home even though he says he doesnt do anything. Im considering moving out but im not sure if all guys are like this.

>all guys are like this
Every last single man on Earth is like this, you bet. You got it.

You have to be 18+ to post here. Yes, even on blue boards.

hes an alpha, if you make him to be something else you will stop liking him.

Women are so dumb

just think of it this way OP, the dude has had so many women and could pick any of them he wants and he picked you, that's gotta mean something.

Just break up so he finds himself a better human being. If I knew my girlfriend were as mentally handicapped as you I'd end it instantly. This is why I never date insecure bitches, you're literally insecure cuz of how shit your personalities are. Dear God how disgusting modern females are.

I'm sure you would be okay with dating a chick who rode a cock carousel like crazy and then entered chummy friendships with a gaggle of men just waiting for an opportunity to fuck her. Cuck.

Shoo shoo white knight, take your maiden's hand and go elsewhere. I've only ever fucked virgins and have had long relationships with mentally healthy women who don't mind me having multiple female friends. If you legitimately defend attitude like OP's then I suggest you review the definition of the term "cuckold".

>Date around so much
Don't lie to yourself and call it by its name. He fucked many women.

you can't be subtle. he's probably Chad but guys are idiots and ignore / don't catch signals. be explicit

>Date a manwhore

Eh, men do it too
>dates a thot
>she thots the fuck out
gee pal i really wonder wonder who wrote the book on love there

OP here i feel like shit and really depressed I wasted time with him can some whiteknight please pretend to be my boyfriend so I dont feel like such shit please

OP he may have legitimately decided to leave his man who’re days behind. Ask him. If not and you like chicks, let him know you are up for some threesomes. If it don’t last, you will have had a blast too!

You're the special one he picked out of all of them. He chose you, not any of them. Chill.

aw were you waiting all day to grt your misogyny out of your system?

it's not about having female friends.
it's the fact he has only female friends and a ton of them and doesn't treat the gf any differently.

I see men call women whores for doing the exact same thing. they never wanna take responsibility or have any self awareness. you just want to shitpost online.

op is the one who can do better.
it doesn't even sound like they are dating.
it sounds like she is just one of the many friends.

He picked her for now, taking into consideration his past he will get bored with her soon enough and upgrade
Having so many female friends means keeping his options open, women do the same by having many male friends

Ignore the trolls, most of whom have never actually spoken to a real live girl.

Remember this - out of all of those, he chose you. You win.

Remember this OP, many many people are opportunists, and will happily leave you for someone better.

how is that mysoginy? Attractive men can and will replace women whenever they want. Women control who they have sex with, men control who they give commitment with

There's this thing called having respect for your significant other. If he's bringing home girls to hang out with him and such especially while you're there, he isn't respecting you. If a girlfriend was bringing home guys while the boyfriend was home, people would be flipping shit on this board and calling him a cuck.

Be direct at about it and confront him, maybe compromise with him. It's fine if he has female friends, but no bringing girls home or something.

lmao you love him for this. you know it makes him look like he's better than you

be honest with me, do you feel like he's higher value than you?

He's a manwhore. Dump ASAP, they're never loyal lmao.

Yeah, you win first price for "seemingly naive enough to fool".

Girls love manwhores though.