With all the #metoo and all the false rape claims made by women, e.g.
How can mean form relationship without fear of being called a rapist?
I've been single for ages now and I dare not approach woman.
How do you for a meaningful relationship?
Other urls found in this thread:
Pretty sure I’d the #metoo stuff didn’t happen, you’d *still* be single and too scared to approach women.
This was just a more palatable excuse/justification for it.
Your problems have got nothing to do with the .0001% of cases involving crazy people. Those fears are irrational and they stem from something else.
Stop finding self-justifications and deal with your issues.
#metoo can't happen to you
if u ask a girl out and she accepts. thats not a issue
if u ask her out and she declines and u keep harassing her. then you'll get #metoo'd
its simple
With all the Harvey Weinsteins and all the rapes commited by men, e.g.
How can womean form relationship without fear of being raped?
I've been single for ages now and I dare not approach man.
I think you drank the red pill koolaid a bit too eagerly there bud
>if u ask her out and she declines and u keep harassing her. then you'll get #metoo'd
Making unwanted advances (ex.: asking someone out) is sexual harassment. It doesn't matter how many times you do it. Even just one is enough.
>Making unwanted advances (ex.: asking someone out) is sexual harassment.
no its not.
Don't be fucking stupid. Politely asking someone out isn't harassment. If you're rude or inappropriate the first time, that's different. Stop being disingenuous.
This is the truth.
Making unwanted advanced is not harassment, I agree. Yet, this is not the mentality of women today. Woman automatically claim rape to get sympathy and support, to prevent them from being called a slut.
>Politely asking someone out isn't harassment.
Asking someone out who doesn't want to be is sexual harassment. You can be nice about it, and it will still count as harassment if it turns out to be unwanted. Doesn't matter, at all, how you do it. If it's unwanted, it's sexual harassment. Period.
that is not how modern woman thing. Almost anything and everything today could be seen as harassment.
If you think this is the truth, you need to reconsider how you are approaching women. You guys sound like literal neckbeards.
how something is considered sexual harassment comes down to if the person on the other end of it interprets it as such. even trying to talk to someone can be harassment (even when you're nice) if they consider it such.
sexual misconduct is not based on intent, and this is a misconception men always falter with. :/
Anyone who makes a "modern women" is almost guaranteed to be a misogynist who isn't very good at hiding it. Treat women like people buddy, you'll never have any issues unless you're a misanthrope.
Incorrect man. Please read
show me proof of somebody getting arrested or fired for asking somebody out
How sad are you to instantly jump to the neckbeard, incel, loser arguemnet.
Whoops, modern women comment rather
>you need to reconsider how you are approaching women
again this is something men always get wrong. it isn't *how* you do it. it's whether the other person wants to be interacted with. that's how sexual misconduct is qualified: their consent. if they don't want to be approached, it's not consent. i've had to press charges against various men for doing this. :/
you have a litany of #metoo reports of men being punished for making unwanted advances. :/
How sad you are to jump to the "Women make fake harassment claims at the first interaction" argument with no proof.
At least I have a decent statistical chance that you are a neckbeard.
I'm not a neckbeard as I have a testosterone issue and fail to grow any body/facial hair.
How is that evidence of a guy getting hit with harassment charge for asking a woman out, sorry? Can you please provide actual proof of this harassment claim instead of talking about irrelevant stuff?
Again, that's wrong. Sexual impropriety is based on whether the person is okay with it. It's not based on how you do it, if you're nice about it, if you're "respectful," if you meant well, if it's innocent, etc. It's based on whether she was okay with your advances. Pretty much it. It's not how you do it, it's not how often; it's just whether they take your advances as inappropriate (which is based on what they consider appropriate -- not what you think).
You didn't see the 'secena vally mean girls' story?
> a decent statistical chance
Nice response to anything of value said, btw
Proof please. Any proof at all. Please stop using how you feel as the basis of reality because as someone who actually helps people deal with these issues, facts don't care about your feelings.
If it has any relevance at all to my points then feel free to provide it as evidence.
5 girls made up false rape claims against 1 boy for the petty reason that they "didn't like him" and "would do anything to get rid of him". Also they didn't like the sound of his voice.
Let's be real dawg even without the metoo shit you'd still be single. Nobody believes that for a single second.
not the point.
the point is that the definition, and sole standard for sexual harassment is consent. i.e.: whether its wanted or not. literally all it is.
you can talk to them, but if they don't want to: its harassment. you can be nice, but if it can still be harassment. you can mean well, and have good intentions, but that doesn't count.
as long as its unwanted, its harassment.
and you're just one of those men who constantly harasses women. :/
>Proof please. Any proof at all.
#MeToo and various standards of sexual impropriety. If the person doesn't want anything to do with you, then you're harassing them.
So not a harassment claim because a guy asked out a woman and she didn't like it? Nah I'm good. Women can be cunts, no question about it, but so can dudes, so it's irrelevant to this particular discussion. If you have any evidence relevant to the discussion at hand, which is you can't ask a girl out without being #metoo'd, I would appreciate seeing it.
I recently had to report a guy like you for this kind of shit.
I want....
>If you have any evidence relevant to the discussion at hand, which is you can't ask a girl out without being #metoo'd,
Finding one who wants to be asked out, for starters.
My reality is....
that's not 'because he asked them out and they felt harassed'
1 crazy case =/= conspiracy against men that you need to rearrange your life around
You fucked up and you let others tell you a reality and you believed it, without deciding for yourself what it really is. Women aren't really like this. They're human beings and they want sex too, just like you do. Don't get it twisted. Use common sense and don't be creepy to women, but you gotta be confident enough to approach then. You lost the battle in your head already
>not the point
It's the entire point of the whole thread captain, try again. Also nah, I don't do that.
The whole Me Too movement is not proof of a man being hit with sexual harassment for simply asking a girl out, and the fact that you think it is says a lot about how you think about women, to be fair. Can I have actual evidence of a situation where what you're saying happens?
Meaningful relationships are history. From here on, all relationships are meaningless.
Says the 'Nu-Male' hoping to get laid by pretending to defend woman.
I can't feel all these holds.
Please stop pretending to be a woman, it's very obviously disingenuous and just poor bait really.
If you think everyone does stuff in hopes of getting laid, it says more about your mental state than anyone else bud
Hey OP isn't it stupid how some women say that all men are the same calling us stupid ugly rape pigs and shit?
Guess how you sound with your generalizations? Like a fucking woman, you stupid ugly rape pig. You sound like a fucking woman because you're too fucking stupid to use your little bird brain and pick up on red flags from these #metoo boogey women (probably because you've never talked to one) or to protect yourself by recording conversations. You dont see any way around it because you dont want to see any way around it.
If the metoo shit was as common in real life as the internet makes it seem men wouldn't have girlfriends and wives today, but they do. I say this to say stop lying on the internet about why you're single because that just makes you look even MORE pathetic.
It honestly is, though. The difference between sexual misconduct is simply if the person view it as misconduct. Sure, there's repetition. But that's an arbitrary and unreliable method; and putting too much focus on pedantry. It's also completely meaningless if you don't already have a definition of sexually inappropriate behavior; which again is if the they see it as such (or 'unwanted advances' if you prefer). Which can include benign actions like simply talking to them and trying to ask them out. How you do it never really matters -- since this is a case-by-case thing. There's generally no set rule for sexual misconduct; it has to be flexed depending on the situation. And if that situation defines your actions as misconduct -- even if your intentions say otherwise -- then it's automatically misconduct.
t. Title IX coordinator who repeatedly has to send students off to (potential) suspensions for this shit.
>It's the entire point of the whole thread captain, try again.
moving the goal posts.
>Also nah, I don't do that.
most sex abusers believe that.
>how you think about women
pretty easy since I am one :/
>Can I have actual evidence of a situation where what you're saying happens?
that's misunderstanding sexual harassment completely.
>t. Title IX coordinator who repeatedly has to send students off to (potential) suspensions for this shit.
so no proof again?
> Sure, there's repetition
You're being disingenuous. As someone who deals with this outside of the states, the repetition and lack of response to negative feedback is the most important thing by far above people's feelings. Nobody ever gets nailed after the first interaction unless they've been so inappropriate even a moron could tell.
It would be better if men like you stopped spreading false information about harassment.
>moving the goal posts
From the place they started in the thread? Come off it.
someone butthurt, did something his a nerve? venting much?
Please stop pretending you're a woman, it's disingenuous and just plain poor bait.
The only one butthurt around here is my 6th gf from ramming her so good and she'll be begging for it tomorrow too. Jelly, big belly?
Still waiting on the very first piece of evidence to back up what OP or anyone else has said about being able to be hit with harassment simply for asking a woman out politely or respectfully.
You'd be asking the wrong question.
>As someone who deals with this outside of the states, the repetition and lack of response to negative feedback is the most important thing by far above people's feelings.
Repetition is not a reliable standard -- since there's no magic number between normal interaction and inappropriate. You need a set definition where consistency is only second.
>Nobody ever gets nailed after the first interaction
I've been made to kick students out of my college for this.
>unless they've been so inappropriate even a moron could tell.
People often define inappropriate behavior by intention. Which is obviously not true.
>I've been made to kick students out of my college for this.
unless you can show proof of this. you're just another person larping to scare people of untrue thins.
>asking a woman out politely or respectfully
its doesn't matter if its polite or not. it only matters if she considers it harassment either way. and just because you were trying to polite and respectful, doesn't mean it is. if she still views them as impolite or disrespectful, then its impolite and disrespectful. :/
>show proof of records are contractually and federally required to be kept confidential
Either way, you're asking the completely wrong question.
I'm genuinely agreeable of repetition isn't a reliable standard but if you don't learn and you're a repeat offender, I'm going to stop giving people benefit of the doubt.
>I've been made to kick students out of my college for this.
Anecdotal.evidence is unfortunately not evidence.
>People often define inappropriate behavior by intention.
This is the most telling thing about you whole post because I don't know who "people" are but legal systems don't go off intent. It factors into things but if any claims were just made off intent, vast swathes of issues from people with mild cognitive problems (I.e autism) wouldn't be punished at all.
Look, stop larping. It's painfully obvious. This is your last (You).
okay so your college just happens to be one where this harassment happens and it never makes the news.
yeah okay buddy
>I'm genuinely agreeable of repetition isn't a reliable standard but if you don't learn and you're a repeat offender
You shouldn't be doing it in the first place. And if someone is going to report you for it: sorry.
>Anecdotal.evidence is unfortunately not evidence.
Tu quoque.
>This is the most telling thing about you whole post because I don't know who "people" are but legal systems don't go off intent.
a). Misread.
b). This is conduct and institutional policy. Not law.
Colleges have made the news for this when Obama was in office. His administration being the one to make Title IX policies mandatory.
>Tu quoque
In response to anecdotal evidence isn't evidence? Very interesting.
>This is conduct and institutional policy
Very fair. None of what you've supplied is actual evidence of your point unfortunately though, just fair arguments.
Still waiting on the very first piece of non-ancedotal evidence to back up what OP or anyone else has said about being able to be hit with harassment simply for asking a woman out politely or respectfully.
If you're sending students off to potential suspensions for asking another student out on a date or for a coffee then you are inappropriately applying title IX, and its scope and definition of sexual harassment, to the situation.
Did she want to be approached?
Then it's harassment.
>But I was polite and respectful.
Still harassment.
>Still waiting on the very first piece of non-ancedotal evidence
The scope and definition of discriminatory behavior (which sexual harassment is legally considered under TIX) depends on the school and institution; since they're the one making the policies in that regard. Most colleges have policies about reported inappropriate behavior (keyword: reported). And most cases I work with, students get reported for benign issues like asking someone out to coffee or a date.
Literally not the definition of harassment.
It's called simple logic. Also, argumentum ex silentio.
The definition of sexual harassment is unwanted behaviour. If it's unwanted: it's harassment. No exceptions.
Perhaps YOUR definition, but certainly not any state, province, or country's legal definition.
That is the legal definition and many regions. And it's most certainly the definition in various institutions, schools, and businesses these days. My university being one of them.
So if someone asks if I want a pizza, but I actually wanted Chinese food, that's harassment? Holy shit, I should get a lawyer.
It's harassment if you didn't want to be asked at all, and don't want this person contacting you.
>but I actually wanted Chinese food
that still implies consent.
That's not evidence.
i don't understand how that isn't the definition. the reason you would consider being groped as inappropriate is because you didn't want that happening to you. same would go for making any kind of move on them, even if it's just asking them out. you didn't want that. or else there wouldn't be a problem here. :/
Silentio fallacy.
Sexual misconduct rarely leaves tangible evidence behind. Even rape (most of the time) doesn't leave usable evidence. It's why they're so hard to prosecute.
okay so somebody asking you for directions in public is harassment?
Do you have specific examples of "any unwanted behaviours" being the sole requirement for harassment law or policy?
By your definition, a I could legitimately claim sexual harassment if another person were to look in my general direction. I don't like them looking in my direction, I interpret their facial expression to be of sexual nature, and I did not ask for them to look in my direction.
If you consider it.
>Do you have specific examples of "any unwanted behaviours" being the sole requirement for harassment law or policy?
Touching somebody without their consent, obviously.
>I could legitimately claim sexual harassment if another person were to look in my general direction.
You can certainly try.
>I interpret their facial expression to be of sexual nature
Some people, and cultures, do.
okay now i get it. yeah so basically you can't claim #metoo
online or in court.
Specific examples such as the 'Protections From Harassment Act', 'Title IX', or a link to an organization's harassment policy.
Harassment isn't just unwanted behaviour. It is specific unwanted behaviour that one ought to have reasonably known would cause offense or harm.
It sounds to me like the organization you work for has amplified what would be legally considered harassment into something that was not intended within the context of Title IX. At your organization the behaviours you've described as "harassment" (i.e. asking someone out for coffee) would not be considered as such by most reasonable and rational societies, and certainly not by any legal standard.
Out of curiosity, how often do harassment cases regarding things like asking someone out actually end up in people being penalized or disciplined? This is assuming the behaviour was not repeated or otherwise inappropriate.
>this loser claiming to work as a Title IX Coordinator
>saying they can kick students out for asking girls out
Nope, that's not under Title IX jurisdiction, retard. In fact, Title IX has very clear rules for how they operate and what they can and can't do, and my nigga, you are shooting in the dark thinking you know what they do. I worked with my college's old Title IX Coordinator directly and had even gone to her with a problem before. My college has one of the strongest backings for Title IX, but we still can't pull the bull you're spewing. Try again.
Not hitting on women at work is a good policy.
Also, just pick em better. First woman I crushed on at work was a total sweetheart about it. I'm far from a Chad. We just got along.
Don't date feminists it's that simple
It's literally what #ElevatorGate was about
>the only advice the Title IX faggot can give is "anything can be harrassment you're better off keeping your mouth shut at all times because consistency doesnt real which makes forecasting the outcomes of any actions you take blatantly impossible and you can be harassing someone with the very first word you ever say to them"
Yes. A man asked a feminist out at an atheistcon, she said no. He didn't harass get, but she blogged about it anyway and feminists took it as an example of how oppressive and misogynistic male atheists are
Don't ask out strangers. That's a thing of the past these days. No one asks out strangers anymore - even dating apps give at least a basic bio and a little early interaction before the date. If you get to know the person a little beforehand, you'll know if they're the type to go all #metoo on you or not, and you'll be able to avoid the situation.
...so he received no punishment (because he did nothing wrong). I'm not sure what your point was supposed to be as the guy wasn't hit with any harassment charges.
I was taught that that first panel is also sexual harrasment (depends on your tone of voice and gestures). If I relax I tend to have a really aggressive tone of voice and body language even I've never been in a fight. I just come from a household where the drama is nonstop.