Jesus fuck why do Canadians have to bitch and whine about everything Trump on Jow Forums and twitter...

Jesus fuck why do Canadians have to bitch and whine about everything Trump on Jow Forums and twitter? Is it the paid shills?

Attached: canada.jpg (510x448, 39K)

Other urls found in this thread:

based fellow maganigger

Where is Obamaleaf

what's Obamaleaf? please explain to an ignorantfag

Fuck bush
Obama good
check out this chart

> young people use the internet
>young people in Canada are 50% niggers
>50% of pol posts are nigger posts
Its amazing americans can't understand this


Attached: 1550232662692.png (755x708, 31K)

Attached: 93_GORILLION_MRW.gif (377x372, 3.46M)

some guy that would always post the chart concerning employment

Attached: thxobama15.6millionjobs.jpg (1200x675, 96K)

Your continent is pathetic.

>Is it the paid shills?
No, they're just unpaid stupids
once in a year you'll find the post from the only based Canadian left.

fuck off shlomo

Attached: miga2.png (825x555, 460K)

Do you always fall for psyops on here or is it just when it comes to Canadian proxy shills?

Prime example

All these memeflaggots

Attached: 1546448629780.jpg (400x396, 25K)

It's a leafnigger who loves Obama, and will spam a thread for over 200 post with the same copy pasta arguments. This is actually him. He's so desperate for eceleb status that he used to post with proxies who'd kiss his ass, and since tripcodes are normally considered cringy here, he instead likes to identify himself with the same reaction pic, and filename every time, in the vain hope that someone will actually be moved by his inane ranting.

>Is it the paid shills?

>Jow Forums is primarily a right wing board
>non-right winger shills post here under Canadian flags
"Why are Canadians so fucking lame?"

You're dumb.

this is one of my butthurt victims

i don't use proxies and i don't even copy pasta anything, stop projecting your own shill tactics lmao

>I don't use proxies
Then you're just a nigger who doesn't belong here.

its not Canadians, it's Americans who moved to Canada when Trump won.

This is actually his twitter account btw. He literally caped his bots, and made them into a banner.

Attached: 1546552181874.gif (400x471, 282K)

those are all compliments that i received

i get compliments all the time when i btfo u retards and i save them

u pizzatards are such paranoid delusional autists

Attached: compli102.png (624x100, 9K)

And you're a shill. Case closed.

Trump has 100x more paid shills than anyone else. Go gag on a cock with the rest of the faggot Trump supporters.

exactly this

A serious display of ignorance

>Is it the paid shills?
Liberals can't stand to have anyone disagree with them. Only a fool would not realize the ones who come here are getting paid to do it.

ya i shill for higher taxes on the rich while u trumpshills shill for billionaire globalist elitism and tax cuts for the wealthy elites

oh and record immigration levels

Attached: wtf i love immigration now!.jpg (619x535, 79K)

Most Canadians here like Trump.

holy shit there is no way that is not a mental illness

Attached: 51691352_560540724355848_899564493372129280_n.jpg (1600x1309, 208K)

proxyflagging shills

Attached: sheiit.png (1056x311, 64K)

u still mad he fucked your first lady's brains out?

Attached: ivanka trudeau2.jpg (708x396, 64K)

You have a one track mind and are therefore (((obsessed)))

Especially right wingers

Exactly this

lmao they're traitors to canada then considering how much trump hates canada and went out of his way to fuck us over

fucking kek

Attached: aroundblacksneverrelax.webm (640x480, 2.27M)

lmao nice photoshop wow u fuckers are FAKE NEWS!

Attached: fake news right wing retard.png (1099x399, 88K)

NAFTA 2.0 is virtually identical to the first. We lost out on a few dairy monopolies and got some taxes slapped on some metals. We did incredibly well considering the fact that Trump actually puts the US first and did not allow NAFTA to continue screwing his country as it has since the 90's. The advice from top Canadian economists when they saw this deal was "sign it and run, you won't get this lucky again."

Attached: sheeiiit.png (1037x137, 19K)

Traitors to a country that sold Whites out long ago? You're IQ has gone stale.

Nvm you're a shill

lol u right wingers are and always have been pure fake news

trump puts israel first. not the US

smarten up

Attached: sheeeiitt.png (792x131, 17K)

That really has nothing to do with NAFTA and the subject of the post.

hi obamaleaf

Attached: 1550618341591.jpg (590x637, 38K)

wonder how many people were watching

Attached: sheeeeiitt.png (1176x171, 23K)

and there is nothing you can do to stop it.

fuck kikes niggers and jannies fellow polapede

i would never use that slur

nice try fake news

Attached: sheeeeeiit.png (733x272, 20K)